We have named her...

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Danny slowly walked in again, with a big smile on his mouth.... "Haha, they are all so excited.... They'll be here in an hour... so we have some time by ourselves first!".... I just smiled up at him, while he moved closer to me. "You want to hold her?" I said with a soft voice.. Danny just looked down at me with big eyes, before a smile got formed on his face "Of course!" He said with a low voice, while I carefully handed her over to him. Danny slowly sat down in the chair beside the bed, and he looked up at me with a huge smile on his face from time to time, but he couldn't really take his eyes from the baby.. "She is so beautiful! Just like her Momma!" Danny said with a soft voice, while he looked over at me... I just smiled at him, before I rested my head on the pillow behind me, while I took a sharp breath, and closed my eyes.... Even with my eyes shut, it could feel Danny's eyes on me... "Are you okay honey?" He asked concerned.... I slowly opened my eyes, and smiled at him "Yeah, yeah, I'm just tired... I'm so glad it over... and that she is here!" I said with a tired voice. "You were amazing Jessica, I still can't believe it.... That you pushed a human being out of you!" He said with a little laugh, while he took my hand, and grabbed it tight.. "Me neither.." I said with a little smile, before I tried to sit up in the bed, but I was still really sore from giving birth, that I didn't managed to do it by myself... Danny saw that I was struggling, and he carefully laid the baby down in her crib, and moved closer to me.... I just looked up at him with an embarrassed smile on my mouth... "I'm sorry, I'm just so sore..... I can't get up on my own!"... Danny just gave me passionate look, before he took my arms and helped me up, and placed a pillow behind my back... "Thank you!" I said with a shy voice "Oh, honey you don't need to thank me! If there are anyone that should thank someone it's me... for giving birth to this angel!!" Danny said while we glanced over at the baby, who was lying in the crib with big eyes... "Oh god....haha...look at her, she is so alert....!" I said with a baby voice....."I know, she can't stop looking around!" Danny said while I could see that he was looking at me, I slowly turned my head, and looked straight into his dark brown beautiful eyes, and he gave me a soft kiss...... Just as he kissed me, we could hear a soft knock on the door, I slowly looked around and I could see Sarah, Ryan, Kathy and our closest family standing in the doorway... "Well hello there!" I said with a soft voice, just as the baby started to cry.... "Oh.... Danny bring her over to me!" I said with a low and tired voice... While Danny took her up, I looked over at our family and friends while I said "Ohhh, don't just stand there... come in!!" I said with excitement in my voice.... Danny carefully handed me the baby, and I placed her close to my body, so she could rest her head on my boob.... Sarah was the first one to come in, and she slowly walked over to with a huge smile on her mouth.. "Oh my god!!!! She is so beautiful!!" She said while a tear came down the cheek... "Thank you!" Both Danny and I said.... While rest of them walked in, and everybody said that she was the most beautiful baby they had ever seen. After a while, my sister Jane asked "So do you have a name yet!" With excitement in her voice... I slowly looked over at Danny with a huge smile on my mouth, and he gave me a nod.. "Yes...yes we have!" I said with a baby voice, while I looked down at the baby... I slowly looked up at everybody again before I said "We have named her Louisa Francesca Huston!!" with a soft voice, while I kissed Louisa's head.. "Ohh, that's the sweetest name!!!" Kathy said with tears in her eyes.... "That's so pretty......Francesca after our grandmother??!!" Danny's brother John said with a cute smile, while he looked down at Louisa... Danny smiled over at him, with tears in his eyes too "Yeah!!" Danny said while he sat down in the bed beside me... "She would have been so proud of you Danny!" John said while he walked over to Danny and gave him a hug..."Thank you brother!!" Danny with a soft voice.....

Our families and friends stayed for a couple of hours, and everybody got to hold her....After a while, I got really tired, and the only thing I wanted to do was to sleep.. "Okay, I think we should go now!!!" Sarah said, while she was laughing, because I almost fell asleep, with Louisa in my arms... "Someone is a little tired!" She said with a soft voice, while she placed her hand on Louisa's head, and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek "I'm so proud of you Jessie.....congratulation!!!" She said with excitement in her voice... I just smiled up at her before I said "Thank you so much!!"......Everybody said goodbye to us, and to our little princess, before they all walked out...

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