Boy or a girl?

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Time jump (22 weeks pregnant):

"DANNY CAN YOU COME OVER HERE?!" I screamed at Danny. I could hear him jump out of the sofa.. And running towards the bathroom were i was. "What honey!!?? Is something wrong??!" He asked concerned. "No no, its just I'm 22 weeks today" i said with a huge smile on my face. His face light up... and he moved closer to me and took his hands on my belly. "Ohh, thats amazing!! I can't wait for our little one to come!" He smiled at me while he was rubbing my belly. " Me neither" i said with a soft voice before i took my hands on top of his... when i suddently could feel the baby kicking. Danny shied and looked excited at me. "Did you feel that Danny??" I asked. "YES I DID!! The baby is kicking?" He asked smiling like a little child. "Yes!!...... Thats the first time!" I said while a tear came down my cheek. "Oh, babydoll!!.... Its awazing!!... And I'm so happy i got the oppartunity to experiance the first kick with you!!". He said pulling me softly in for a hug. I wraped my armes around his neck... and my belly was pushed close to the botton of Danny's...... suddently i could feel more movement in my belly... And i looked suprised up at Danny. "Ohhhh, i can feel that too!!" He said really excited. "The baby is kicking like crazy..... " I said before i gave him a kiss............... Before i knew it my pregnacy hormonens took over... And i couldnt help it.... So i just started to cry, because i was so happy. Danny looked at my suprised and he bent down so he could look straight into my eyes. "Whats wrong honey" he asked concerned before he pulled me closer to him. "I don't know... I don't know why I'm crying.... And i can't stop it either" i cried.... I'm just happy. "ohh, thats totaly normal honey.... Its not weird to became a little emotional when our baby is kicking for the first time.... There are alot of things happening with your body right now!" He smiled at me. He wiped my tears away with his thumb.. And he gave me a soft kiss. "I love you, Jessica!". "I love you too Danny" i said making a pout with my lips.

"And by the way Danny we have an ultrasound opaintmant at ten o'clock tomorrow" i said really excited because i knew that if we wanted we could get to know the sex. "Oh, i cant wait...... " He said really happy.


Next morning:

I woke up to Dannys muscled armes being wraped around my belly. He softly started rubbing my little babybelly, while he kissed my neck. I was lying with my back turned towards him..I made a soft moan... because i loved when Danny touched my pregnant belly... "You like that don't you" he said with a low sexy voice. "Mhh" i answerd moving my back closer to him. In a quick movement he pulled me around so i was lying on my back... He slowly started to move on top of me.... and gave me a seductive smile. he looked down at my belly... and i could see he had problems to positionate himself because of my growing belly. He made a little laugh. "What?" I said concerned. "Heh, its just... I dont wanna make to much pressure on the baby.... And your belly has started to get a little bigger... So its kind of hard not to!!"he smiled at me. "Are you calling me fat?" I teased him.. He got an nervous expression on his face. "No no, of course not!!! You look stunning honey!!..... But you're belly has gotten bigger!!! But thats the only part of you that have gotten bigger through!" He said looking more and more nervouse. "I'm just teasing you honey!.... But thank you!" I laughed at him.

With all my power i turned him around so i was lying on top of him. "Damn you are stronge Jessica" Danny said really suprised. I purcked my lips for him. "God this is turning me on!!!!!" He said while i could feel him getting hard underneath me. He moved his hands all over my body..... And grabbed me hard around my hips. "Fuck me Danny" i said with a low sexy voice while i pulled his boxers of.... He slowly brought his hands up under my nightgown....."ohhh" he laught in excitement. i just gave him a look. "no underwear??!" He smiled, and i just smiled sexy at him. "I like it!!" He continuated in excitement.. I took his hardone and helped him came inside me. He slowly came inside. "Ahhhhh god Danny!" I moand. He slight in and out...."JESSICA.... YOU ARE SO GOD DAMN SEXY..!!!!" He screamed.

10 minuts later:
"DANNY GET OFF OF ME!!" I laughed. "Ohh, with that attitude thats a little hard" he laughed while pulling me closer giving me a hard passionate kiss. I pushed him off of me.... and got out of bed. "What are you doing honey?? Don't you wanna coudle a little more?" Danny said smiling while he gave me a look before he was refering down to his hard one. "Round number 2 alreaddy??? Jesus Danny, its 9 o'clock in the morning!! And we have to get ready for the ultrasound oppointment!........ Remember??" I said getting a little serious. "Oh right!!!!..... I can't wait!!!" He said excited.

We were waiting outside our doctors office... When Danny suddently put his hand on my leg. "Honey?" "Mhhm?" I answerd. "Are we going to know if its a boy or girl today? He asked sounding like a little boy asking his mother for candy. I laughed at him before i said "do you wanna know?" With a cute little smile on my mouth. "...well you're the boss! I think you should decide that honey..... After all you are the one doing all the hard work" he smiled at me while he was rubbing the inside of my leg. "Oh Danny...... Thats kind of you... But we are in this togather!!!!!" I smiled at him. "But I really wanna know the sex of the baby though.... But if you don't i will be more than happy to wait!!" I smiled at him again. "YES!!!!!! I really wanna know if its a boy or girl too" he said while his face were glowing of excitement.

"Ms. Lange and Mr. Huston?" The doctor said coming out of his office. We stood up and we walked into the examination room. I layed down on the bed... "So how have you been feeling Ms. Lange?" My doctor asked while he gently pressed my stomach. "I have been great.... A little moody sometimes" i said smiling over at Danny. "I can assure you that!" Danny said with no hesitation while he was laughing. "Haha, well thats completly normal....... You're body is getting used to having a baby inside of you... And it takes alot of energy getting you're body ready for you're baby.... Who is growing alot" he said smiling down at me. "Well everything seems good here" he said while he pressed my belly one last time.

He took some icecold gelly on my belly before he took the ultrasound extinguisher at the bottom of my stomach. I looked over at Danny, and i could see that he was getting really excited. So i grabbed his hand, and held on to it. Suddently we could here a really strong heartbeat. "Oh my god, thats our baby Danny!!" I said with a really cute soft voice. "What a beautiful sound" Danny responded while i could see a tear coming down his cheek. "If you look over at the screen here, you can see your little baby" our doctor said pointing over at the screen standing beside me. I looked over at Danny giving him a really excited look. "Thats amazing" Danny said without taking his eyes of the screen. "Can you tell of its a boy or girl?" I asked excited. "if i just move this around a little... I'm pretty sure i can" the doctor said refering to the ultrasoundthing. After some seconds he said "well I'm 95% sure what the sex is". Danny and i looked excited at eachother... Before the doctor said " its a little girl". "A LITTLE GIRL!" I screamed really happy. Danny jumed out of the chair and gave me a long kiss. "I can't believe we are having a little girl" Danny said with tears in his eyes.

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