"I can't take my eyes of you"

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I slammed the door when i got to my trailer, and leaned against the door... I couldnt take it anymore, i couldnt hold back my tears any longer... I could slowly feel tears roll down my cheek. I svipped them away with my shaky hand, while i was still resting my back against the black door. I couldnt believe Danny, i couldnt believe that he really thought i wanted to go out to dinner with him.. After what he did to me. Does he believe that i still want him, and that when it didnt worked out with his girlfriend, or that child, he could come back to me... And use me like a doormat?

I tried to calm down, and svipped the tears away, before i went into my bathroom to check out my makeup. It didnt looked like i had been crying, so i thought i looked find enough, and headed back to the set. But then i came to think about the scene i was going to do next, that was one of the scenes with Danny... So i ran back to the bathroom and sprayed some perfume on my neck, my wrist and behind my ears.. I wanted to be mean, i wanted him to want me. I wanted him to want me like i wanted him when he left me last year.


When my makeup was done, and costume on, i looked in the mirror.... and i thought to myself that i looked really great. I was wearing a white curly wig, red lipstick and a blue tightning dress...that really showed my curves.

I was a little late, because it wasen't easy to get into the costume... so when i arrived at the shoting location everybody was allreaddy there. We were going to shot some scenes from Elsa and Danny's character Massimo's time back i Germany... and i didnt really knew before i arrived at the location that we were going to shot the sex scene alreaddy..... when Ryan told me i started cold sweating, and i really started to get nervous.. I never get nervous before a scene anymore i was thinking to myself...

I was complitly trapped in my own world when i suddently could feel that somebody was stearing at me. I raised my head, and there he was right in front of me. He was wearing a grey suit, with some old-fashioned glasses.. but he still looked great, i shall admitt to that. When he discovered that i was looking at him too, he gave out a smile, and started moving towards me... My heart started pumping even faster, and before i knew it he was leaning towards me giving me a hug. I frozed, and was unable to move... I felt that the hug never ended.... And before i knew it i wispered "What are you doing?" With uncertainty in my voice. He backed of, and suddently said "well, hello to you to babydoll" with a seductive smile. What a jerk i was thinking to myself.....I just looked at him defensivt. "Oh, you are still angry?" He said with a sad expression. "Can you blame me?" I said almost getting a little angry now. "Jesus, Jess....i said i was sorry". I lifted my arm and punched him hard in his chest while i said "You're son of a bitch".... I could tell he was a little suprised by my action, because he made a little "oh" before he was rubbing his chest out of pain.

"Jessica, pleace just let us make the best out of the situation.... Because after all we are going to shot a sex scene in a few minutts... and i am really looking forward to it" Danny said with exaitment in his eyes, while he moved his hands over to my shoulders.... "Well i'm not" i said angry while i took a couple of steps back, so he couldnt touch my shoulders anymore.

"JESSICA!!!! DANNY!!!!! COME TO TENT 4" one of the producers were screaming in an microphone. "Well ladies first" Danny said while he directed me infront of him. I didnt even bother to look at him, so i just started to walk really fast....

On the way to the tent i could feel his eyes on me...so i turned around, and his eyes were directed towards my bum area. I stopped walking and i looked hard at him.... He stopped walking aswell and suddently lifted his arms defending him self. "CAN YOU STOP!!! I CAN WORK WITH YOU IF YOU ARE GOING TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS!" I screamed, while i was becoming more and more angry. "I am sorry, i am sorry... But you are so god damn sexy Jessica... I cant take my eyes of you" he said while he was seaching my body with his eyes, and smiling like a child in a candystore. I couldnt do anything else than laughing because of his stupidness. "Haha, you... Hahha you should have thought about that before you left me for that seventheen year old" i said laughing even harder, looking stupid at him. "Babydoll that was a mistake!! Please give me a chance?!" He screamed frutrated.

When we arrived at the tent... Ryan was alreaddy there waiting for us..."Well that took you long" he said crossing his arms. "Its not easy being around such a beautiful lady as Jessica, you know Ryan" Danny said while he lifted his arm, and started holding it around me, pushing me even closer to him. "Hah" i moand suprised because of his action... While i tried to get away from him.. "Oh, i love your chemistry !!!........... Yeah, and because of that... We decided that we wanted you guys to just improvise the sex scene..... Feel free to do whatever you wants!!" Ryan said with at happy smile. "That will be no problem" Danny said smiling at me, knowing that i just hated the thought of it...

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