I have to leave in two days

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I directed him to my bedroom. And when we came into the dark room, Danny pushed me down in the bed. He was standing watching me for some seconds, looking down on my body. "God you're so sexy" he said with his deep voice. Before he craweld on top of me, looking straight into my eyes. His skinn felt warm against mine, and i suddently felt safe... Something i have wanted for a long time. Danny started kissing me again, first on my neck, and he slovly got down to my throat and then down to my cleavage.

I started playing with his beautiful black silver hair while i pulled him closer to me. I placed my hands on his cheeks and directed his lips closer to mine again... and i gently kissed his smooth lips... and then i slightly pulled away... I wanted to teas him... He tried to kiss me again.. But i just laughed and turned my head the other way. He started to get a little angry, and i could feel that he didnt liked that i was the dominant one...

I could feel his hard one against my body... and i started kissing him again...while i said "Heh.... Some... One.. is ... Excited..". "I am always excited when i am around you Jessica" he said with his sexy voice. He pulled down his pants, and slovly pulled my dress off... "Take my bra of" i said while he pressed himself agains me. "No need to ask me twice" he said smiling like a child. He rippet my bra of, and started to massage one of my breasts with one hand, as he is sucking on my nipple with his mouth.

I could feel Danny getting really hard underneath me. "I NEED YOU NOW JESSICA!!" He screamed. I started kissing him hard and he was slowly slipping inside me. Danny led out a moan, that sent me over the edge, and made me moan too. "FUCK DANNY!" I said without breath. "You're amazing Jessica!!" He said while my insides tightened around him. After 15 minuts Danny got off of me... and falled down beside me... as both of us were breathing heavely.

"I love you babydoll" he said sleepy. "I love you too Danny" i said without heisitation. He pulled me closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around me... And we fell a sleep.

Next morning:

When i woke up the next day, i knew it was going to be a shitty day... My head was hurtig like hell, and i was becoming really nauseous. "ahh, shit" i led out without thinking about Danny. "You're ok baby" i could hear his voice behind me while we were lying in bed. I froze. Oh my god he is still here... And then i came to think about what we did last night. Oh my god i slept with him i was thinking. I started regretting it, because i knew that that gave him kind of power over me, and i didnt wanted him to have that. "Yeah" i said quite, before i had to jump out of the bed and into the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet, and i started to vomit. I could hear Danny coming from behind, and he lifted my hair away from my face, and he was softly rubbing my back. "Fuck" i said with a dark voice. "Had a little to much to drink last night?" Danny said almost laughing. "Mhh" i grunted giving him a little smile....

After getting all out of my body... I brushed my teeths... and i went back to the bed.. Where Danny was sleeping, well that was what i thought. I laid down in the bed, with my back turned towards Danny. Slowly i could feel his warm hands coming up underneath my arms, and on to my boops. He started sqeesing them... I didnt moved a finger, i just laid there pretending to be a sleep... He pulled my body around so i was lying on my back. He craweld on top of me, and pushed me further down in the bed... Laying all of his weight on top of me. He placed a soft kiss on my lips, but i didnt returned it. I could feel that he was anoid that i didnt wanted to do anything, so he pulled away. I was teasing him, so i pulled him back so he way lying on top of me again. "Oh baby i thought you were sleeping... Or where you just teasing me" he said with his sexy deep voice. "MHh" i smirked at him. He slowly leand in for a kiss, that i returend this time. "Dan... Danny! I'm going to take a shower!" I said while we were still kissing. "You wanna join me?" I continued smiling up at him. "You don't even need at ask, baby" he said with a big smile on his face. He got off of me, and held around my waist and pulled me of the bed.. And slowly directed me towards the bathroom.

When we were done "showering", i pulled out some yogapants from my closer... While Danny pulled on his clothes from yesterday. Suddently he became really quite.... And he sat down in my bed. I turned around and i looked straight into his eyes... And i could see, that there was something that was bothering him. I slowly moved closer to him, when i came close enough he put his hands on my hips, and moved them down to my ass, og held them there. I bent down and i gave him a kiss. He pulled me down on his lap. "Oh" i said suprised... He just made a little laugh.

"Honey?" He said with a concerned voice. "Yeah" i answerd really afraid of what was coming next. He became quite for some second before he continued. "I'm going to do a movie in England, and i have to leave in two days...". Oh my god, i was thinking, is he going to leave me alreaddy. I didnt respond to him, i just took my eyes of him... And looked another direction. "Say something Jessica!.... Please?". He said a little afraid. "Well, its non of my business. We arent exactly together or anything" i said while i pulled my self out of his lapp, and moved away from him, and i went into the bathroom and leaned over the sink in disepointment. Danny were still sitting in the bed... But he kept talking to me. "Jessica!... I know you don't mean that... I want a relationship with you... I love you....!!! Don't you want a relationship too?" I didnt answerd. I just stood in the bathroom all alone. I heard he got up from the bed, and moved across the room and into the bathrroom. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me on my neck... While i slowly started smiling. I turned around so i was turned against him. He kept kissing me on my neck, when he suddently broke it of, still holding his hands around me and said "i have to be away for 6 weeks". I Felt a huge disepointment running throug my body, and i became really angry at Danny. I pushed him away from me, but he tried to get closer again. "GET OF ME!!!!....... DONT TOUCH ME" I screamed while i was pushing him away from me. "Babydoll... I love you!!!!! Nothing is going to change!! I'm coming back as soon as i am done shoting!!" He screamed back at me, while he pulled me into his arms. He had a hard grip around me.... "I love you Danny" i said in low voice while a tear came down my cheek. "Don't cry baby doll... I love you more than the world!!... I can't wait to come home to you!!". I wipped my tears away and kissed him softly on his lips...

(By the way... i am writing as if Jessica and Danny are in their 40s. But everything is the same despite that 😊😊)

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