What if i can't do it!

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"ARE YOU OKAY?" Danny asked stressed standing there like a statue. "Yes... I think..." I didnt finished the sentence before i felt a contraction coming. "DANNY hold me!!" I screamed afraid. Danny moved closer to me, and he guided my armer around his neck.... And i pushed my head hard into his chest... While he carefully rubbed my back. "Ho.....ho.....ho.....ho" i breathed heavely through the contraction... And Danny did the same......,and i couldnt do anything else than laugh, when i heard Danny breathing with me.

When the contraction was over i slightly pulled away..... And pulled on some black yoga pants and a sweater. Danny held tight around my body, when we walked down the stairs. When we were halfway through.... A knew contraction came. "DANNY STOP" I screamed in pain while i bent down.... holdning tight to both Danny and the railings. "OHH GOD IT HURTS!!" I cried. "Breath baby.... Breath...." Danny said without really knowing what to do. When the contraction was over i had to sit down in the stairs catching my breath.... And i suddently started to think about the fact that i was actually going to give birth very soon. I quickly turned around to Danny, who were sitting besides me. "Danny what if i cant do it.....!" I whispered with a shaky voice, while i was crying. "Jessica.... Don't say that..... You will be fine... You are so strong!" Danny said while he stood up. "Dan...Danny?" I said with a low voice while i was looking up at him.... And my curly hair was all over my face. Danny slowly moved my hair away from my face and put it behind my ears, while he asked "What baby?". I looked up at him while tears were flowing down my face. "I.....I'm afraid!!" I said with a low unsecure voice. Danny slowly sat down beside me again and wraped his armes around me, and huged me tight. "Don't be afraid honey......... I'll be right by your side holding you're hand!!" he said before he kissed my cheek. "....... But we better get going so you don't give birth to our little girl in the stairways!" He said with a smile before he stood up. I slightly smiled at him, before i stretched out my arms... So he could help me up.

We eventuelly got out, and into the car. Danny drove very fast... And i could see on his face that he was nervouse. "Danny please slow down??" I said frustrated. "We have to get you to the hospital!!" He said with a shaky voice. "Yeah.... If you don't get us killed first!!" I said angry at him. Danny eventuelly slowed down....and gave me a little smile.

We hadnt been on the road for more than a couple of minuts when i got a new contraction. I pulled myself hard against the car seat, while i looked up in the ceiling. "Ahh" i moaned quite. Danny looked over at me with nervouse eyes "are you okay honey??" He asked while he rubbed my knee with one of his hands. "Ahh hhaa noo!!!" I said in pain. I quickly looked over at Danny with angry eyes. "IM NEVER GOING TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU AGAIN!!!!.........OH GOD!!!!!! Ahhh!!" I screamed while my whole body was hurting.

After 10 minuts we came to the hospital. Danny ran out of the car, and he opend the door for me. I held my breath when Danny carefully wraped his armes around me, and helped me out of the car. "Thank you!" I said in pain while i slowly started so waddel towards the entrance. Danny looked at me with big eyes "No, no don't walk!!!! I'll get you a wheelchair!!" He said while he almost forgot to breath. I laughed up at him while i said "calm down honey...... I'm fine.... I can walk inside!!".

When we got inside Danny pulled over one of the doctors while he were holding his armes around me. "...she....she....she is having our baby!!!" He said stressed. "Okay, whats you're name?" the doctor asked while he was looking down at his computer. "That doesent FUCKING matter..... Just give her a room...... She is in labor!!!!" Danny screamed so all the people in the waitingroom heard him. I quickly grabbed Danny's shirt and pulled him back, and walked closer to the doctor while i was holding my stomach. "Jessica Lange and Danny Huston?!" I said with a soft calm voice, before i turned around and gave Danny a "You're an idiot" look. The doctor smiled up at us before he said "yes, i found you....... If you come with me..... I'm going to show you your room!" While he rolled over a wheelchair that i carefully sat down in.

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