Auntie Sarah

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Two days later:

"Where's my little girl?" Sarah almost screamed while she walked in the frontdoor. I was breastfeeding Louisa in the kitchen, and Sarah just looked at me with big eyes when she saw me. "...Oh my god, I'm sorry!" She said while she quickly turned around. Both Danny and I laughed. "...It's okay Sarah... I mean I don't really care anymore!" I said with a little laugh, before Sarah slowly turned around with an embarrassed smile on her face...

"She is getting so big!" Sarah sad with a baby voice, just when I was done feeding the baby. So I quickly handed her over to Danny, while Sarah could see my boob. "Oh my god Jess!" She said again while she tried to cover her face with her hands. "Calm down Sarah, it's just a boob!" I said with a laugh, before I put everything back in place again. Danny burped the baby, and she suddenly started to cry. "What is it sweetie?" Danny said while he looked down at her while he was rubber her back. "I think you need to change her diaper!" I said with a laugh. Danny just gave me a little smile, before he smelled at her, and got an expression on his face "You are right Jessie!!" He said with a little laugh.

He started to walk towards her bedroom while he talked to Louisa "I can't believe how such a cute little doll like you can smell so bad? Huh?". I just laughed, and looked at them with love in my eyes, before I slowly turned my attention over to Sarah again...... "What?" I said with a concerned expression, when I could see the look she was giving me. "......Oh... it's just you are glowing when you're with her!" Sarah said with smile. I smiled back at her, while I could hear Danny blowing on Louisa's tummy, which made her made small noises. "Well... hahh.... I just love it so much.... I can't get enough of  her... Some days we're literally fighting about who's going to hold her!" I said with a laugh. "You're such a great mom Jessie!" Sarah said, while she walked over to me, and sat down beside me. "Thank you!" I said with a soft voice, just when Danny came back with Louisa in his arms. "Well this little one is all clean now!" Danny said with a smile. "Give it over to me!" Sarah said with an excited smile on her mouth, while she took out her arms. Danny carefully placed her in her arms. And Sarah lifted her up from her lap, holding her under her arms, while Louisa looked at her with big eyes. "...I'm your auntie Sarah...., and when you become older we're going to have so much fun...... When you become five.... I'm going to teach you how to swear, and when you're 16 its just to ask me if you need someone to buy you alcohol!!" Sarah said with a laugh, which made me stand up from my chair "SARAH!!" I said while I shook my head. Sarah just smiled over at Danny who was laughing his ass off. "It's not funny!!" I said trying to hold my laugher back. ".....I'm just kidding Jessie..... I know you would have killed me..... Hahah, but I'm going to take her to Disney land... Huh do you wanna do that? See all the princesses?" Sarah said with a baby voice, while she moved Louisa close to her, and let her head rest on her chest. I just shook my head in laughed, before Danny quickly pulled me down onto his lap "Huuh god!!" I said surprised, before I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself.

I placed a soft kiss on Danny's lips, before I looked over at Sarah, who was looking at me with big eyes. "....What's that on your finger?" she asked while she carefully placed Louisa in her bassinet. I looked at Danny  with love in my eyes, before I looked up at Sarah. "Well.... we are engaged!" I said with a happy voice, before I stood up, and let my hand run though Danny's silver hair. "WHAT!!!!!!" Sarah screamed in a high-pitched voice. "Oh my god!!!! I'm so happy for you! Congratulation!!" Sarah said while she gave me a long hug, before she pulled away and grabbed my hand. "Ohhh it's so beautiful..... You did really great Danny!" She said with a soft voice, while she looked over at Danny. Danny had a proud expression on his face "Well It's my grandmothers....! only the best for my Jessie" Danny said while he carefully stoked his hand over my ass, which made me jump. "....It's really beautiful.... I love it !" I said with a soft voice, before I bent down and placed a small kiss on Danny's soft lips.

Danny went of to work, leaving me and Sarah all alone with the baby. "Sooooooo.... tell me all about the proposal!!" Sarah said with an excited voice, while she bent forward and looked at me with a big smile. "Haha, well.. actually... he proposed twice...!" I said with a little laugh. ".....Did you said no the first time?" Sarah asked surprised. I just laughed before I said "No, no... but he proposed to me when I was in labor... and yesterday when we were out having a romantic dinner!!" I said with a cute little laughter. "When you were in labor??!!" Sarah said with a laugh. I just nodded before I covered my face with my hands. "And it was kind of spontaneous the first time, so he didn't had a ring! Or anything" I said. Sarah sat back in the chair, and raised an eyebrow.. "Well I want details!!" She said with a soft smile. "....Well.... I was bent towards the wall and had a contractions... and when it was over he just sat down in front of me..... and he said the sweetest things.... and just when he asked me I got another big contraction!!" I said with a laugh. "Oh my god... that is so cute..... I'm really happy for you!!" Sarah said while she gave me another hug.

"Well I better get going! Thanks for was really great to see all of you today... and especially you!" Sarah said with a cute voice, while she kissed Louisa's cheek.

"Okay bye!" Sarah said just when she walked out the door. "Sarah wait!" I said while I quickly walked after her with Louisa in my arms. "I know.... we don't have a date or anything yet.... but.... but.... would you be my maid of honor?" I asked with a low voice. Sarah looked at me with big eyes, and gave me a hug with Louisa between us. "Of course I want!!!.........Thank you!" She said with tears in her eyes. "Ohh no thank you Sarah!" I said with a cute voice. "I couldn't imagine having anybody else than you" I said with tears in my eyes too.

I stood and watched Sarah pull out of the driveway, before I looked down at Louisa who started to get a little fuzzy. "Well.....It's just you and me now my little girl!" I said while I felt a cold breeze, and I slowly closed the door.

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