Just a little nauseous

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A week later:
The sun was shining through the window into my bedroom, the clock was showing 9, so i figured out it was time to get out of bed.

When i stood up from the bed i could feel a weird pain in my stomach.... and i started getting really nauseous.... Oh noo, if was thinking to myself. I cant handle a flue right now. We are doing a lot of shoting next week, and Danny is coming home in 6 days.

Suddently i felt that something was coming up... And i had to run to the bathroom... I leaned over the toilet and started to throw up. "Ohh" i made out a sound. After s while I brushed my teeths and got ready... Because i had alot of work a head of me, eventhough i felt really bad. I didnt wanted to disappoint Ryan and the rest of the cast, because i was going to be in many of the scenes today... And if i didnt showed up... They would probably not be able to shot much.

When i arrived at set i could see Sarah walking towards me from the other side of the costume room. I looked down to the ground, because i really started to get nauseous again. "Jess!! Are you okay? You really don't look good?" Sarah said concerned. "Oh.. I am fine.... I'm just a little nauseous" i said almost throwing up. "Mabey you should cancel today.... I don't think its such a good idea to be shoting all day if you don't feel good.... At least you will not get any better" Sarah said leaning her hands on my shoulders while looking straight into my eyes. "DO YOU THINK YOU ARE A DOCTOR OR WHAT???!!! i snapped at her. "Oh... No...no, i just don't think its such a good idea to work when you don't feel a 100 percent good" Sarah said with a low confused voice. We became quite for some seconds before i realised what a bitch i was. "Sarah!!!... I'm sorry!!! I didnt meant to say that..... I just don't feel good!.... I'm sorry!" I said with a sad voice. "Haha, don't think about it Jessica!" Sarah smiled giving me a hug. "Oh, you should probably not do that.... I don't wanna give you the flue... Or what the hell i have" i said while i was laughing. "Im willing to take the chance" Sarah responded smiling at me.

I got through the day..... And i felt better later on. I started getting really hungry when i arrived at my trailer... So i found a choclate in the kitchen.... And after some minuts i realised i had eaten the whole thing. Oh my god, what am i doing? I was thinking to myself.

My whole body felt so weird so different, and i had felt weird for at least 3 weeks now. For a week i had felt nauseous almost everyday too .......It cant be menopaus can it, i started thinking. I am not that old!!!?

I took a shower... And i started thinking about Danny... What we would do if he was here. "Hahah" i giggled to myself. I pulled on a oversized t-shirt and went to bed, and shortly fell a sleep.


In the middel of the night i suddently could hear weird sounds outside my trailer. What the hell is that i was thinking. At first i thought it was Sarah and Even or something. Because they alway head out to the bars in New Orleans... And then they come back in the midle of the night. I tried to sleep again... When someone was knocking on my door. I started getting really nearvous and afraid... And i didnt knew what to do! I started wishing that Danny was there... I always felt safe when he was around. I curled myself together.. And didnt made a sound. Suddently someone was knocking on the door again. I started coldsweathing...And got out of bed.... I had pulled of my t-shirt when i was sleeping, because it was so hot in my bedroom... So i was complitly naked when i stood up from the bed... I moved over to the chair at the otherside of the room, and pulled on my black morning gown.... I flopped my blond curles away from my face... When i headed towards the door... I was breathing heavely... And someone was knocking again. I slammed the door open while i was saying "what the fuck". "Well hello to you to babydoll" Danny said with his sexy seductive voice smiling at me, his arms were open.. and it loked like he wanted me to jump into his arms...... I was spechless.. And i didnt knew what to say. I just stood staring at him for some seconds before i walked down the stairs, and pulled myself into his arms.... I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing his soft lips. I pulled away. "DANNY! WHY are you here know?" I said confused. "I wanted to get back to you my love" he said with his low voice pulling me closer to him again. I just smiled at him... "I cant believe you are here!! I have misser you so much" i said, following up with a bunch in his chest....." And WHY didnt you call me first... You really scared me... Showing up here... Knocking on the door at the middel of the night!!!???" I said really angry. "Oh, I'm sorry i didnt wanted to scare you" he said while laughing. "And i really missed you too" he continued. I just gave him a angry face, because i was still a little shaky. "By the way honey..... You are really turning me on right now.... When you are angre!.. It just makes me want you even more... And i didnt knew that was possible" he said smiling at me, while his hands were moving over my body. I couldnt do anything else than to smile. He pulled me closer... And i could smell his beautiful smells, and i could feel his hot skinn towards mine. He kissed me softly, and his lips were staying on mine. I turned around and started walking.."Shall we continuate inside?" I said while i turned around and gave him a seductive smile. He just smiled back at me... ...when i moved up the stairs i was suprised when Danny huged me from behind.. And started to kiss me on my neck... I felt goodebumps all over my body, and i made a quite "ahhh". His hands moved inside of my gown, and he stroked my body... He almost started undressing me outside in the stairways. "Danny stop it, we cant do it here.... I don't want anybody to see us" i wispered while i took his hands and directed him inside, and into the bedroom.

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