Going out

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Some weeks later (Louisa is now 3 weeks old):

I was sitting outside on the porch, with Louisa is in my arms...wrapped in a pink blanket. "Oh, are you Mommy's little girl... yeah??" I said while I carefully kissed her head, and just looked at her. She was so beautiful, I couldn't believe how I was so lucky to be the mother of the most perfect little girl. And it made it even more special that she was a result of the love between Danny and I.

I placed a little bow in her dark hair, because she had so much of it, so I had to get it away from her little face. She kept her eyes more open now too, always looking around. Her beautiful brown eyes, almost chestnut colored, it was impossible not to look at them. I thought it was a mix between Dannys and my eye color. I just kept looking at her with a big smile, when I suddenly heard a knock on the glass door behind me. I slowly turned my head to the side, and I saw Danny in the doorway. "Hey honey!" I said with a soft voice. Danny slowly walked over to me, and placed his hand on my back, looking down at Louisa. "How has my two girls been doing today?" He asked with a soft voice. I slowly stood up, and I placed Louisa in his arms with a little smile. "....It was great, I love spending time with her... !" I said with a broad smile, while I stood close to Danny. Both of us looked down at Louisa. "What about you... how was work?" I asked while I could see that Louisa started to get a little fussy, so I quickly grabbed her pink pacifier, and placed it in her mouth, which made her calm down. Danny just smiled before he said "It was great... we started filming today...." He said with a little smile, before he continued "But I missed my two girls!" He said placing a soft kiss on my lips. "I missed you too baby!" I said while I placed my palm on his cheek, and he slowly placed his on top of mine.

We went inside and we cuddled up on the couch, before Louisa started crying. "I'll take her!" Danny said while he tried to stand up, but I pulled him back down. "No, she is hungry!" I said with a soft voice, while I stood up. "How do you know?" Danny asked with a little smile on his mouth. I slowly turned around and looked at him before I raised my shoulders "I.... I just know... her crying!" I said with a soft voice, before I walked over to her bassinet, and picked her up. "Are you hungry my little girl?" I asked with a baby voice, while I took her over to the couch, and sat down beside Danny. I quickly took my boob out, and she started eating immediately as usual. "She loves food so much!" I said while I was laughing. Danny just looked at her, and then up at me. "You are such a great mother Jessica... you knew that she was hungry because of the way she was crying!" He said amazed. I just giggled before I said "Thank you!". "I don't know how you can do that?" Danny continued while he gave me a passionate look. I smiled back at him "Well... she came out of me though!" I said with a little laugh, just when Louisa slightly pulled away, and started moving her arms and legs around. "Finished already? Huh? That was quick!" I said while I took my bra back on, and lifted her further up, so she had her head close to my chest, and I started rubbing her back, trying to make her burp. It didn't took long before a little burp escaped her mouth, and she just looked at me with big eyes, while Danny was laughing. "Ohh, did it scared you. Haha!" I laughed while I placed her back in the bassinet. Danny slowly walked over to me, and we both looked at her for a while, and she started to get more and more heavy eyes, and she eventually fell asleep...

I started to get thirsty, so I went into the kitchen, and I took a bottle of water from the fridge. "Jessie?" Danny asked while he walked up behind me. I slowly turned around while I took a sip from the water. "I wanna take you out tonight....!" He said with a little smile. I quickly shook my head, while I was swallowing. "No, no we can't do that!" I said out of breath. "Jessie... Angelica said she could babysit, and then you get out of the house... I think that can be good for you!.... you haven't been out of here after you gave birth" He said with a soft voice, while he placed his hands on my hips. "But Danny... I can't leave her!" I said with a concerned voice. While I looked over at her bassinet. "Jessica, it's only for a couple of hours!" Danny said while he kissed my forehead. "It will be fun?!" he continued. I slowly looked up at him with a little smile before I nodded and said "...Okay, okay!" with an unsecure voice.

A couple of hours went by, and I was getting ready in the bathroom when I could hear Angelica coming, and she was talking to Danny. I curled my hair, and put on some black eyeliner, and a black tight dress. I had lost some of the baby weight around my stomach because of the breastfeeding, so I was able to wear my old dresses..... The last thing I did was to put on some nude lipstick, and then my black Louis Vuitton heels.

I had a hard grip around the railings in the stairs, when I walked down, because of the high heels. "Well hot damn!" Danny said with a sexy voice, while I was halfway through. I slowly looked down at him, with a shy little smile, before Angelica came around the corner with Louisa in her arms. "Jessie!!" Angelica said with an excited voice. "Oh my god Anjelica!!" I said while I went down and hugged her, while I looked down at Louisa. "You look amazing!! You shouldn't believe you just gave birth!" she said while she scanned by body. "Hahh, well thank you.. but I still have some to lose!" I said while I looked down on the floor "Stop that Jessica... you look perfect!" Danny said while he placed his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah you look great Jessica!!" Anjelica said again. "Thank you!" I said while I was blushing.

"Well we better get going!" Danny said with a soft voice. I just looked at Danny with big eyes, before I looked at Louisa. Anjelica saw the look I was giving her, and she handed Louisa over to me. I hugged her tight before I kissed her cheek. "I just fed her, and I have pumped so there is milk in the fridge! You just need to run the bottle under some hot water!" I said with a soft voice, while I placed another kiss on Louisas cheek. Anjelica just nodded with a smile, before Danny carefully pulled my arm, signaling that we had to get going because of the reservation. "I know Danny... I just need to say goodbye to her!" I said getting a little frustrated, which made Anjelica laugh. "Jessica it's only for a little while, we will be home soon!" He said with a little smile. I looked at Louisa with passion in my eyes "Yeah, I know.... And Anjelica... Call us... Call us if anything happens!!!" I said with a strict voice, while I kissed Louisa again and handed her over to her aunt. "I will!" she answered.

Danny took my hand, and directed me towards the door, before I quickly turned around "Her diapers.......!" I started before Anjelica cut me off "In the second drawer in the changing table!!" I just smiled at her, before Danny started to laugh "I've told her everything.... but now we have to get going, or we're going to miss or reservation!!" Danny said pulling me away. "Okay, okay... and thank you Anjelica!" I said with a soft voice. "Ohh that's my pleasure.. just look at this sweet little girl!" She said smiling down at Louisa. "Okay bye kiddy!" Danny said with a soft voice, while he rubbed her little hand.

We walked outside, and Anjelica walked over to the door. And took Louisa's hand, and made it look like she was waving. "Ohh, bye my little girl!" I said with a soft voice, while Danny opened the door, and sat in. "But call us!!!" I said when I got inside. "I will Jessie... go have fun you two!" Anjelica said before I carefully slammed the door behind me....

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