Caught in the moment!

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"CAMERAS ARE ON IN THREE" Ryan screamed. Danny slowly started moving towards me... and i couldnt do anything else than to turn of my emotions....... I waited for him, while i was giving him a seductive smile, that made him walk even faster. He grabbed my waist, and pulled me closer to him. His face started coming closer and closer to mine, and i could feel his hot breath against my face......

Oh, i cant do this i was thinking to myself! This is not right.... Suddently he moved closer and our lips got pressed against eachother... I could feel his tongue coming inside my mouth while he was holding his hands on my hips. His hands slowly started moving towards my ass, and i stopped breathing for a second, before he started massaging my ass with his big hands....i wrapped my hands around his neck, and pulled him even closer now.... I could tell he was suprised, that i was the one pushing him closer to me.... I moved my face down to his neck, and placed a soft kiss on him...

I quickly undid the buttons on his shirt... And took it of him.... and moved towards his face with my lips.... He pushed me closer to him, so our lips met again. I was thinking to myself that this was wrong, but i kind of liked it. I like having his strong arms around me, i liked having his hands on my ass, i liked having his tongue in my mouth. I was caught in the moment, when i suddently led out a moan... "Ohh, come inside me Massimo?" I said with a sexy voice... While i took a couple of steps back towards the bed... He followed me closly and pushed me on to the bed.... While i was lying on the bed, he stod in front of me, seaching my body with his eyes while he was giving me a smile.... After s couple of seconds he moved closer to me and craweld on top of me...and started kissing me passionately ..."you're amazing Elsa" he said out of breath. He moved closer to me, and he was now lying on top of me.... Suddently i could feel something hard on my stomach... What the hell i was thinking to myself. I thought one of our microphones had gotten loose, and fallen down.. But when i gave a sight down and i could see that his penis was fully erect thoughout his pants... "Ohh Jesus" i said suprised... But it just sounded like it was part of the scene... So Danny just kept going. He pulled down his pants... And he helped me taking of my dress. We kept kissing for a while, when i suddently could feel his hands all over my body! What the hell i was thinking, he is really excited, he wants me right now!

He pushed his body closer to mine, when i suddently could feel my bra losning, and he took it of and throw it across the room...... I was shocked, and i couldnt move for a second. This was not part of the deal.

I was still shocked when i could feel his hands moving towards my hips and then down between my legs.... What is he doing? I was thinking.......I started getting wet, and i didnt knew what to do... I hated that i liked what he did to me.... But this was not ok. This was not part of the deal. We had come to an agreement with the producers that i didnt need to show my breasts and that it shouldnt be alot of touching..... It started to get really uncomfortable, and when i thought it couldnt get any wors, he presses his face against my breasts and started kissing them, while he still had his hand between my legs. I was unable to move because he had all his weight on top of me. Oh my god, he is taking advantage of me! I was thinking to myself.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, YOURE HORNY BASTARD?!!!!" I screamed pushing him away while i covered my breasts with the sheets. He slovly moved away from me, and he seemed suprised by what i called him.

"CUT, CUT, CUT" Ryan screamed. "Wha.. What...Well..Jessica Damny take a brake!" He screamed in frustration. I was still lying in the bed, when i could feel that Danny was moving closer to me. I didnt even wanted to look at him, i was so angry so embarrassed... Suddently he placed his hand on my shoulder... "don't touch me you idot" i vispered so no one could hear us, while i punched him at his chest. "I'm sorry Jess, i thought you wouldent mine, it seamed like you wanted me to"... "oh! I cant believe you Danny!!!...This is acting, i am an actress.. This is what i do for a living.. And you!... You are just a pice of shit" i said while i pulled the dress over my head, so i didnt needed to sit there without any clothes."i'am sorry Jess... I really didnt wanted to hurt you, i was just caught in the moment!" He said with tears in his eyes. I just shoked my head, while i got up from the bed, put my shoes on and went out of the tent....

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