Get away from my woman

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Two days later:

«Honey I can take that!" Danny said with a sexy smile, while he pulled the bag out of my hands. I gave him a little smile, before I walked over to Louisa's crib, and carefully picked her up. ".....Are you ready to fly little girl..... !" I said to her with a baby voice, before I turned toward Danny with tears in my eyes "......Awww Danny!.... it's going to be her first time on a plane.....!" I said with an almost sad voice. Danny laughed before he placed the bag down on the floor, and walked over to me, and placed his hands on my hips, while I had the baby close to my chest. "....It will be okay honey!" Danny said before he kissed my cheek. I looked up at him with teary eyes "....She is getting so big.....she is six weeks tomorrow already!" I said with tears in my eyes, before I placed a soft kiss on her head. Danny looked at me and the baby, like nothing else in the whole world was important. ".....I know.... I still remember the day you told me you were pregnant like it was yesterday... I will never forget!" Danny said with a soft voice, while I placed a soft kiss on Louisa's chubby cheek. I looked at Danny with a big smile, while I had a safe grip around the baby "....I remember I was so nervous telling you..... !" I said with a low voice while I was giggling. Danny just laughed before he kissed my lips, and pulled away, but I quickly grabbed his arm with my free hand and pulled him back with a pout, and Danny slowly bent down and placed a long kiss on my lips, and slowly pulled away. "I wouldn't have changed anything!" I said with a soft voice, while I looked straight into Danny's dark brown eyes. Danny eyes went down to the baby, and he carefully placed his hand on her back, and then bent down and kissed her little head. "....Me neither.... She is perfect..... you are perfect!" He said with so much love in his voice that it almost made me cry...

When we got to the airport we were going to take a private yet with the rest of the cast, because everybody was still in New Orleans since they had to change some of the scenes in the last two episodes...

I was wearing a black dress, that was showing of some of my cleavage, and my milkful breast looked really good in it if I was going to be honest. "....Well hot damn.... You look great baby!" Danny said with big eyes, when I walked down the stairs, and made myself ready before we headed of to the AirPort. "Mhmm.... Thank you Daniel!" I said with a sexy voice, before I stood on my tippy toes and carefully bit his lower lip.....

Danny carefully carried Louisa in her car seat, and we covered her up with a blanket so the paparazzi didn't get to take any pictures of her. Danny walked in front of me... carring the baby, while he was holding my hand with the other one. "Congratulation with your little princess!!" "What is her name!", "Are you planning on getting another one?" "Please let us take some pictures of her" we could hear the paparazzi screaming around us. More and more paparazzi started to gather around us, some fans also, and they pulled pens and papers in front of my face trying to get me to sign them. In a quick movement Danny quickly turned around, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder instead, and we hurried inside.

As soon as we got inside, Danny looked down at me with worried eyes "Are you okay baby!" He asked while he rubbed my back. I looked up at him with a little smile "....Yes... they're just too much sometimes... !" I said while I carefully pulled the blanket away from Louisa, and pulled it down in my purse, and our driver came up behind us with our luggage.

We were a little late, and when we got into the plane I was holding Louisa close to my chest, while I was rubbing her back, and Danny was carrying my purse. When we got inside, everybody was already there. ".... Give me my little princess!!" Sarah said with a baby voice, while she jumped out of her seat and walked over to me, and I carefully handed the baby over to her while I was laughing. "Well hello to you too you little bitch!" I said with a laugh, while Sarah completely ignored me. "Well you certainly look amazing today Jessica!" Kathy said while she stood up and kissed my cheek. "Well I don't know about that honey...but thank you, that's very kind of you!" I said with a little smile, before I looked at everybody. "God I feel like I haven't seen you guys for weeks!" I said with a sad voice. ".....That's true Jessie... you two have completely forgotten about us!!" Evan said with a little smile, while he sat down beside Sarah and looked at the baby with big eyes. "You ass!" I said with a laugh, before I gave Emma, Ryan, Angela, Dennis, Naomi a hug. "We have just had so much to do with this little angel!" I said with a baby voice, before I slowly walked over to Sarah who was sitting in her seat with Louisa laying on her thigh. She started to get a little fuzzy, and she was sucking on her thumb. A little laugh escaped from Sarah mouth, and she looked up at me with a smile "Well I think someone is hungry!" She said while she carefully lifted the baby up, and gave her over to me. I slowly walked over to Danny and sat down in the seat beside him. "....Danny find the blanket in my purse, so I can cover myself up!" I said while I pointed towards my purse. Danny quickly pulled it out and handed it over to me. Before I pulled out my boob, I looked up, and everybody was staring at me. "....I'm sorry... I hope you don't mind?" I asked with an embarrassed voice. Everybody snapped out of their thoughts ".....Of course do what you have to do... I don't mind!" Evan said with a little wink, which made Danny playfully walk over to him and slapped the top of his head, which made everybody laugh ".... Get away from my woman!" He said while he rubbed his head afterward as if he was a little kid. "Eyy man I'm just kidding!!" Evan said with a laugh, while he quickly wrapped his arm around Emma. "...No you don't!!" Emma said pretending to be angry, while she looked at me and carefully shook her head, which made me laugh too.

I carefully pulled out my boob, and placed it in Louisa's mouth, before Danny quickly covered me up. "Ohhh, my little girl is hungry.... Huh..." I said to Louisa with a baby voice, before I  placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Danny slowly sat down in the seat beside me, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and looked down at our beautiful daughter. I made myself more comfortable in my seat, before I slowly looked up at Danny with a little smile on my mouth, and he then placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Ohhh look at her... is it always this easy to get her to eat?" Angela asked. I slowly looked up at her "Yes... she loves food... and she becomes so angry if I pull away.. it's crazy!" I said with a little giggle before I looked down at the baby again. "..... Well then you're lucky, let me tell you about it when my twins where babies... and I fed them with bottles.... it was so hard to get them eat was a nightmare !" Angela said with a frustrated voice, before she laughed. "Well if she is just like her father, it's not a surprise that she like breastfeeding!!" Sarah said trying not to laugh. I gave her a death stare, and Danny started to laugh too "That's true.......!!!" He laughed while he kissed my cheek. "AMEN!" Kathy suddenly yelled, and everybody cracked up in laughter. "....Jesus Christ... you guys are behaving like children!" I laughed before I continued "Especially you two!" and pointed at both Sarah and Danny, which made everybody laugh even more.  

When the baby was full I burped her, and I put her to sleep in the car seat we brought with us. I took a deep breath before I carefully walked over to Danny and sat down beside him. A yawned escaped my mouth, and I closed my eyes for a second, before I suddenly felt Danny's arm around me again. And he pulled my head down to his shoulder. "Just sleep baby... try to get some rest... it's going to be a long day!" Danny whispered, while he kissed my forehead........ And it didn't take long before both of us fell asleep...

I'm sorry this is boring, but I just needed a filler... And I think things are going to get much more interesting from now on.... I have some ideas... and there will be some conflicts at the premiere. Which I will write about in the next chaper!

Thank you for reading I really appreciate it!!

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