We have to wait at least 6 weeks!

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Some weeks later: 30 weeks pregnant:

I woke up in the middel of the night because i had to go pee, that was the fift time that night. My body was hurting like hell, and i haddent been sleeping a whole night since at least 4 weeks ago. I was constantly sweating, and i didnt found any comfortable positions to sleep because of my big pregnant belly.

When i came back from the bathroom..... i slowly layed down in the bed again, trying not to wake Danny. But since my belly had gotten so big, i bumped into him. He slowly moved around and opend his eyes. "You're okay baby?" He said with a sleepy voice. I just gave him an angry look. "NO, DANNY I'M NOT OKAY!!" I said really angry and tired. "Oh, I'm sorry honey!! Do you want me to do anything for you??" He said with a soft sympathetic voice. "NO, You have alreaddy done enough!" I murmured. "Done enough.. What have i done?" He said with a concerned voice. "God Danny, can you be more stupid" i said sitting up in the bed. "I don't understand Jessie?". "YOU HAVE DONE THIS TO ME!!!" I screamed pointing down at my huge belly while i started crying. "I'm sorry Jessie, but its going to be worth it in the end.... When you get to hold our precious little daughter!" Danny said while he were sitting up as well. He moved his hands and layed them in my lap, i moved my hands down to his hands, and played with his fingers..... Until it made him laugh. "I know this is really hard Jessie, but you are really doing good, and I'm so proud of you!!" He said before he gave me a kiss. "Thank you honey" i smiled back at him, whiping my tears away.

"Oh fuck it!" I shouted. "What!!" Danny asked really suprised. "I have to FUCKING pee again" i screamed. "Hah, I'm sorry babe!" He laughed. "She's definitely playing with your bladder!!" He continuated. "Yeah, and my ribs, lungs and kidneys!!!" I said angry with a little laugh while i walked into the bathroom.

When i came back Danny was alreaddy sleeping... so i layed down beside him and tried to sleep. Soon after i figured out that there were impossible for me to sleep...... I looked over at Danny... And he was still sleeping. His tann skinn and muscular body made me want him.... So i moved closer to him... Stroking my hands over his body.. While i was kissing his neck. Danny opend his eyes with a smile on his face. I slowly moved on top of him... trying to fint a comfortable position... But it was kind of hard with my big belly. Danny sat up, so he was resting his back against the wall... While i was sitting on his lap, with my legs on each side of his. He slowly pulled me in for a hard passionate kiss... and i could feel his hard one against my leg. Danny quickly tried to get inside me....

"Stop it Danny!!" I said almost without breath. "What?" He said suprised. "I can't!" I said with a tired voice while i moved away from his lap, and layed down in the bed with my back turned towards him. He moved close to me and took his hand on my back. My body was full of crazy hormonens and i started crying again. "Don't cry baby!!" Danny said with a said expression on his face. "I'm sorry Danny but i just can't!" I cried. "What do you mean....don't you wanna have sex with me?" He said serious. I kept crying. "Of course i want, but when we are doing it....... i just cant!!". "I don't understand Jessie?" He said while he was rubbing my back. "I'm to tired, and it doesent feel good anymore Danny....... " I said while he pushed his body close to mine, and wraped his arm around me. "I'm sorry Danny" i kept crying. "Shuuuu stop Jessie, its nothing to be sorry about...... you're pregnant!" He said while he gave me a smile.

"Danny??" I said with an unsicure voice. "Yeah babydoll?". He said while i turned around and looked straight into his eyes. "I'm not going to have sex with you anymore.... Not for the rest of the pregnancy!!" I said afraid of his reaction. "What!!??" He said disepointed. "Is it so bad??" He continuated. "In matter affact it is!" I said a little angry at him. "Shit, Jessie...... Just looking at you peeing turnes me on!!!!" He said giving me a kiss. I broke the kiss of because i was laughing. "You are sick you know that Danny?". "You are just so sexy Jessie..... And i didnt thought you could get anymore sexyer than before you got pregnant....... But shit i was wrong........ With that cute belly and your gigantic breasts i just want you all the time...!!!" He said while i could feel him getting hard. "Oh Danny.... Control yourselfe!!" I said pretending to be angry!"......"Theres going to be mounths without sex!" I said lying down trying to sleep. "Mounths?" He repeated me. I looked stupid at him, because i through he was aware of that. "Yeah Danny!! After i give birth we have to wait at least 6 weeks, mabey even longer.... You know until i get comfortable!". "YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING WITH ME NOW!!!" Danny screamed angry. "No I'm not!" I said looking serious at him. "I can't do that!!" He said determinded. "Well you have to!!" I laughed at him.

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