I think i'm pregnant

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For the next days i didnt spoked to Danny... I didnt felt any better either... So it was then i understood that there was something wrong. Morning sickness, sore boops and i had been a real bitch i was thinking to myselfe. Oh god, maby I'm pregnant.

I took of my sweather and then my bra..... and i started looking at myselfe in the mirror. "Shit" i said to myself... My boops are bigger, arent they? I started to panic, and i really didnt knew what to do! If i was pregnent, Danny was the father, and we werent even in a relationship... Actually we didnt even talked at all. After our little fight, we haddent spoked in 5 days. I didnt knew anybody other that Sarah to call... so i called her, and told her to hurry and get over to my trailer.

After 10 minuts someone was knocking on the door. I ran over to the door and opend it. "Are you okay?" Sarah said concerned while she walked inside. "No" i cried. "Whats a matter?" She asked pulling me in for a hug. I wasen't able to say the words so i just cried even harder. "Jess you are really freaking me out right know..... Please tell me whats wrong??!!" She said while holding her hands on my cheeks. I took my hands over her's and i lowly wispered "I...... I think i am ... Pregnant".

"WHAT?? Pregant?" Sarah screamed really excited. "Yes" i was sobbing. "That gre..." She didnt compleded her sentence. "But.. Who is the father??.." She asked looking concerned at me. "You know who it is" i said wipping away some tears from my face. "Ohh, yeah... Danny.. right?" She said while i nodded at her. "But you guys fits perfect togather.... You will be perfect parents... And i have seen the way he is looking at you... And i can tell that he really loves you ..... And you don't even know for sure if you are pregnant?" She asked me while smiling. "No, i don't... Can you take me to the doctor?" I asked looking over at her. "Of course i can" Sarah smiled at me.

Two hours later:

"Jessica Lange?" The doctor said.....I stood up, and i walked across the room. "So why are you here today? The doctor asked me. I looked over at Sarah.. Who gave me a smile before i answerd. "Well... I... I.. Think i am pregnant" i said with a shaky voice.

I took a blod test, and i had to pee in a glas. "Just make yourselfe comfortable... And i will be back in 10 minuts" the doctor said while he walked out the door. I grabbed Sarahs hand, and looked at her while my eyes were filled with tears. "I don't know what i am going to do if I'm pregnant............. And Danny and i had a huge fight.... And we havent spoked for days" i said crying. "Oh i am sorry Jess..... But IF you are pregnant... Am sure Danny is going to be really happy about it..... And maybe you guys will sort i out if you just talk togather... If you guys are waiting to long... Its only going to get really uncomfortable and awkward " Sarah smiled at me. "Yeah you're rig..." I didnt get to finish the sentence before the doctor came in. I straighted up and i looked over at him. " I have got the results!!".... " And you are........ Pregant" he said smiling at me. "OH GOD" i said tearful. "Thats great Jessica!! A baby!!!" Sarah said really excited while she was jumping up and down. I just looked up at her, and i wanted to kill her. "Oh... Well... If you want we can do a quick ultrasound? The doctor said suprised by my reaction. Oh god, pregnant??!! I cant believe it!! How am i going to tell Danny?? I was thinking to myself before i suprisely said YES to the doctor.

I layd down in the chair, and i pulled my sweather up. My doctor put some cold jelly on my stomach. "Ohh" i made a sound because it was so cold. "Oh I'm sorry" he said smiling down at me. Suddently we could hear a little but strong heartbeat. "Oh my god, Sarah... Listen to that" i said really happy. "Ohhh, thats amazing" she answerd with a big smile on her face. After looking at the little baby on the screen for a while... I became really happy... I had a little baby inside of me... And i couldnt stop smiling. " It seems like you're about 8 weeks pregnant" the doctor said measuring my stomach. I talked for a while with my doctor.. Because i needed some vitamines... and we planned my next ultrasound.

When we got out in the car i was still smiling. "Ahh, i am so happy for you Jess" Sarah said while she was almost jumping up and down in the car seat. "Thank you!!" I said rubbing my belly and laughing at her. I couldnt believe that i was going to have a baby... I was really happy.. Until i came to think about how i was going to tell Danny.....

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