I'm so sorry!

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When we arrived at our house.... I was so tired that Danny had to help me out of the car. He slowly put his armes around my waist... and carefully supported me out of the car. "You okay honey?" He asked with a concerned voice, because he could see how tired i was. "Yeah!" I murmured. I waddled towards the house, and i could feel Danny's eyes on my back. I turned around and said "What is it Danny?" With an irritated and tired voice. He didnt said anything... He just walked fast after me, and carefully lifted me up in his armes. "Wha.... Danny!!!?" I said suprised. "Ill gonne carry you upstairs honey, It's been a long day!" He said with a smil, pulling me close to him.

He slowly laid me down in our bed.....and gave me a loving look. I looked up at him, and smiled at him. "Thank you...., but that wasen't necessary !!" I said tired. He smirked a little, before he leaned forward giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Yeah it was, if i didnt helped you upstairs.... I'm afraid you had fallen asleep outside!" Danny laughed. I looked at him with tired eyes, before i gave him and icecold shoulder and turned around in the bed, laying with my back towards him.

In a slow movement Danny carefully sat down in the bed beside me. He put his hands on my side, and slowly stroked my belly. ".......please Danny!!" I said while i could feel tears coming back. When Danny touched me, it felt like getting an electro shock..... I became sceared.... And he made me feel unsafe.... And That had never happend before....... "Jessica can we please talk?" He said with a soft sad voice, when he noticed i was crying. I pulled the pillow close to me, and huged it tight towards my body.... Danny understood i was sceared so he pulled his legs up in the bed, and pulled himself close to me... While he was wraping his arms around my waist. I started breathing heavely when he came close to me. I didnt wanted him to touch me..... Feeling his warm skin against mine made me wanting to hit him. "Jessie......... I'm so so sorry!!" He said again with sadness in his voice. Just as he said that i couldnt hold my emotions back anymore, so i started crying and sobbing. "......... Danny you don't now how much you sceared me, when you pushed me against the wall.......!!!!" I wispered tearful. "I know and I'm sorry..... Please forgive me honey!!" He cried. "...... I.... I.... Don't believe how you could do that to me??!! I pregnant Danny.... I'm carrying your child!!" I cried while i had to catch my breath. "I know.... I know.... I'm so sorry.... I just..... Just miss you so much Jessie... Things are so different... It feels like i have lost you....... And you have been so short on me lately... And the only thing we do is fighting!!..." He said with a sad voice. I swallowed hard, before i turned around so i could see straight into his eyes. "...... You havent lost me Danny.... Things are just a little different right now..... You know its just a lot happening with my body!" I said while tears came down my cheek. "And I'm sorry i have been short on you lately.... But i can't control it Danny.... I really cant!!!.... I know i have been a total bitch.... But it doesent give you the god damn right to slap me and treat me like that!!!" I continued while i was crying and rasing my voice. "I know Jessie!!!....... I'm an idiot!!! He cried.

We became quite for a while.... And suddently i fell asleep......

Some minuts later i woke up... And Danny was still holding around me. "Danny can you please??" I said irritated and sad. ".... You don't know how much i regret it Jessica!!" He cried. Seeing him so sad made me cry again too...... "Please foregive me Jessica!" He continued while he was crying. I looked at him with teary eyes. ".... I feel that i don't know you anymore...... I tought you were different!!" I sobbed. He started crying even more. "Do... Do.... You feel... You don't know me anymore??!!" He asked tearful. "..... Yes" i slowly answerd while looking at him, seeing him break apart. I felt bad seeing him like that, but it wasen't okay what he did to me. I slowly grabbed his face with my hands, and looked serious into his eyes. ".... If you ever lay hand on me again... I'm gonna leave you..... And you're never gonna see you daughter!!" I said while i tried not to cry. "I'm never going to do anything like that again Jessie!!......" He cried, while he was rubbing my belly. "Good!" I smiled at him, before i wiped my tears away. "Thank you babydoll........ I love you more than the world!!!" He continued before giving me a soft kiss on the lips. I pulled myself closer to him.... "I love you to honey!!" I said with tears in my eyes.

Danny wraped his armes around me... and soon after we fell asleep....

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