He is here

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There were no people in thehallway in the studie. Am i to early? I was thinking to myself.. There's always people her. I kept walking towards the canteen, and suddently i could see a whole bunch of people gathered around a table. Everyone was there, Ryan, Kathy, Sarah, Angela, Evan and Emma. Suddently Sarah spotted me, and ran against me. She grabbed my arm, and quietly puched me aside. She didnt say a word, she was just holding my hand and flicked me into our dressing room. "What the fuck was that, Sarah??" I screamd at her. "Be quite" she said slapping my hand. "Its Danny! Danny is out there in the canteen!!" She said concerned . "WHAT!!!??" I yelled. "Is he here allreaddy?" I continued. "Yeah! I just talked to him, and he said he wanted to "rehears" alot, so he decided to come a little early" (he wasen't suppos to arrive before two more weeks) Sarah said while looking straight into my eyes. But, that cant be true i was thinking to myself. All of Danny's scenes are with me. Why does he want to reahers? I was thinking....Sarah continued "all of his scenes are with you, you know?". I didnt even bother to say anything, i just made an angry expression. "I think he is here because he still loves you!! He broke up with that bitch Olga you know..." Sarah said with a huge smile on her face. "Well if he ever loved me, he wouldent leave me in the first place" i said while raising my voice. "and i have no feelings for him anymore....! I don't even wanna look at him. He is discusting!" I said angry. We kept on talking for a while when Sarah suddently said that we shoulders probably get out there, so it wouldent be to awkward for me...

I didnt wanted to talk to Danny. So i just went out to the canteen and acted normal. I met Kathy and Angala, so we talked for a while. I didnt really knew what we were talking about because i was always looking over my shoulder, in case Danny was there. But he was no where to be seen.... After lunsh, and after i had rehearsed some of the signing parts.... I was finish..... and i went down the hallway...

"JESSICA!!" I could hear a deep voice behind me. oh shit i was thinking to myself.. I knew exactly who that was. I pretended as if i did not hear him... so i just kept on walking. "JESS" he screamd again. Fuck now i had to turn around i was thinking. So that was what i did... And there he was standing, and he started to to run against me.... I acted a little suprised when i turend around. "Oh Danny! Hi!" I said kind of rudely. "Well hello there" he said with his sexy charming voice, with a big smile on his face. I couldnt do anything else than smile back at him. "It's really nice to see you again, Jess!" He said while he was walking even closer to me. "Heh, yes, really" i said unconvincing, while i turned around and started walking away from him. He followed me and he said "well i'm sure you know that we get to work alot together again". "I sure do" i answerd him. "Well i just wanted you to know that i am really looking forward to work with you again, i had such a great time the last time!" He said with exaitment is his eyes. "Yeah...." i murmured.

He stopped talking for a while, and he was just walking besides me.. It was really uncomfortable so i felt i had to say something. "so how's your fionce doing? Olga is that her name? I said well aware that they had broken up. He just looked down on me with his big puppy eyes.. "Well, we are not together anymore, i made a mistake, getting engaged to her....... I never really loved her....i ended it a couple of mounths ago" he said. "Well, thats to bad" i said acting like i didnt care. He just smiled at me.

"Mhm this was a great chat Danny, but i really have to go!" I said while i started to walk away from him. He ran after me while he said "But, Jess? Do you wanna eat dinner with me to night. Have a little chat.. You know so we can talk about the Storyline of our carachters. There has been a long time since i saw you the last time" he said with a seductive smile.

I stopped and looked at him for a second, and i started laughing. I couldnt believe what he just asked me... I could see that he was suprised by my reaction. But now it was my turn being a bitch. "No, thank you" i said kind of angry. I kept walking, and eventhough i had my back turned against him, i could still see the sadness and the suprise in his eyes.. And that made me smile a little...

"W..what? Why not?" he said suprised. I turned around and started walking fast towards him. I could feel the anger building up inside me. And I really wanted to slapp him, but i managed to controle myself. "WHY??!! Really Danny? You don't know WHY?" i said furious. He stopped talking for a couple of seconds.. "Oh, Jessica, I'm sorry... I really am. I guess i was just afraid. Pleace let me make it up to you again, let me take you out for dinner?" He said really sad. I just shook my head while i was laughing, and started walking towards my trailer....

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