My lady wasn't in bed anymore!

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When we got back to the Four Seasons Hotel, Danny supported me, while I tried to walk in my heels. We slowly walked over to the elevator while he had his big muscular arms wrapped securely around my waist. Danny unlocked the door with the keycard he had in his pocket, before he slowly helped me inside.

Before I knew it, Danny helped me lay down on the bed. He slowly took of my Jimmy Choos, before he unzipped my dress, leaving me there all naked, before he covered me up with the white silk sheets. He started to walk away, before I quickly grabbed his arms. I just wanted to feel him more than anything right at that moment. "Danny... don't go... lay with me... please!" I whispered in my drunken state. Danny chuckled before he took of his shoes, his dress pants, and then his white shirt. "...Where did you thought I was going.... Getting my own room?" Danny laughed before he pulled down his boxers. I laughed before Danny placed a quick kiss on my lips. "I'm just getting you a bottle of water. I think you need it!" Danny chuckled with his signature smirk referring to all the alcohol I had in my system, before he walked over to the kitchen, who had a great view of the city.

After a couple of minutes I could see his tall frame approach me, before he handed me a cold bottle he had got from the fridge. "Thank you honey!" I said with a soft voice, before I took a big sip from the water, feeling the headache that slowly had been building up left.

I felt his body, when he laid down in the bed, and he carefully pulled my body close to his strong chest, spooning up behind me, before he moved the sheets over our naked bodies..... I slowly turned around facing Danny before I placed a soft kiss on his lips, while I ran my hands through his silver hair. "Mhmm" I mumbled, before I quickly pushed him back so he was laying on his back, and I quickly climbed on top of him, straddling him, while he placed his big hands on my hips. I started moving against his crotch making him close his eyes in pleasure. "Oh, baby... you are doing things to me!" Danny whispered with a deep voice. I bit my lip before I rubbed his chest with my hands "Danny I need you" I whispered while I started moving faster against him, and I could feel him growing underneath me. I needed him more and more. More than ever. It had been too long, I was ready for him. Danny smiled like never before "I need you more baby!" He said with his deep seductive voice.... and before I knew I slowly lowered myself onto his shaft.. "Oh god!" I moaned, without moving at all, afraid I was going to hurt myself. Danny looked up at me with concerned eyes. "Are you okay baby?" He asked with a soft voice. I quickly nodded before I slowly started moving against him, making Danny match my rhythm. "Tell me when to stop, and I'll stop!" Danny said while he moved his hips, making me nod yet again, before he quickly flipped us around so he was on top, having all the control..

He started trusting deeper inside me, always keeping his eyes on me, making sure I was okay. "Ahhh, mhhm. Come on Danny!" I moaned, while I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pushed him closer to me, while he started pumping harder into me. "Shit Jessie, I have missed you so much... so fucking much!" He moaned, before he placed soft kisses all over my face, and then moved down to my breasts full of milk. A little smile appeared on his lips while he looked at by breasts, before he moved his gaze up at me, and then down at my breasts again with a hungry look...before he slowly placed one of my nipples in his mouth, making me moan I pleasure. I ran my hands through his hair, while he sucked. I slowly looked down at him and gasped when I saw milk escaping my nipples, while Danny licked my breasts and stomach to clean all the mess... "So delicious!!" Danny said with a sexy smile on his face before he licked his lips.

He then trusted into me one more time, and I could feel his throbbing hard one screaming for a release inside me. I felt that the inside of my thighs and abdomen was on fire, and before I knew it, I felt Danny's warm release inside of me. It didn't take long before I came too, and I came hard. Danny trusted into me one last time to draw out the orgasm. "Oh Danny....!" I moaned before I kissed his soft lips, while Danny moaned "Jessie" into my mouth, and he collapsed on top of me while I still had his hard one inside of me, and both of us were breathing heavy.

We were laying like that for a while before Danny carefully pulled out of me, making me flinch because I was so sensitive after our love session, when he left my body. "You okay baby?" Danny asked with a soft voice, while he placed his body down beside me, while he gently rubbed my thigh. I looked into his brown eyes with passion, while I nodded "I'm great....!" I whispered with a little smile. In a slow movement I pulled my tired body closer to Danny, and carefully placed my head on his chest before he wrapped his arm around me, and we cuddled like that before both of us fell asleep.

I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night being thirsty. So I slowly pulled on Danny's shirt from the night before whom he had left on the floor. I then tip toed over to the kitchen where I found a unopened bottle of water from the fridge. When I was placing it back inside, I suddenly felt a warm hand on my back, making me gasp in fear before I quickly turned around to a smirking Danny. "Danny!!!" I whispered harshly. Danny chuckled before he placed his big hands on my hips, and pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry I didn't meant to scare you!" He said with a sleepy voice. I just gave him a little smile before slowly tracing my thumb over his chin. "Why are you awake honey?" I whispered even tough Louisa wasn't here, so I didn't needed to be careful not to wake her, it had just become a habit. "My lady wasn't in bed anymore!" He whispered seductively. I placed a soft kiss on his lips before I grabbed his hand and started moving towards the big king-size bed. Before I got the opportunity to lay down, Danny quickly pulled my body hard into his, before I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist while I was giggling.

Danny started kissing me passionately, while he carefully lowered me down into the bed, before he crawled on all four on top of me. He suddenly stopped and looked straight down at me. "You are so beautiful!" he said with a soft voice, making me blush. "I have to say... I have had my moments where I have wished I was Louisa just to get some attention!" He said with a little smile. I pretended to make a pout. "Have you been missing mommy?" I asked with a high-pitched seductive voice, while I carefully massaged his neck. Danny nodded before he lowered his body, resting his weight on his elbows he placed on both sides of my head. A little laugh escaped my lips, looking at Danny who looked like a little child. "I'm sorry Danny. But our little girl needs me more that you right now!" I said with a little smile thinking about my baby girl. Danny slowly placed a soft kiss on my lips, before I surprised him when he was pulling back, and I bit his lip and tried to pull him back to me. "A little teas that's what you are!" He said with a deep voice. I just giggled before he pulled his big body on top of mine, pushing me down into the bed, while I wrapped my arms around his body and squeezed him tight. "I love you Danny!". He kissed my neck before he whispered, "I love you more!" Into my ear. "And thank you for not just being a mommy today... you don't know how much I have missed my beautiful fiancé!" Danny said with a soft voice, with a little laugh at the end. I pulled away, and looked straight into his eyes. "Oh, I really needed some time with you too, where we're just Danny and Jessica!" I whispered before I started thinking about my little baby girl, and I suddenly started thinking about if she had been eating, and if Anjelica got her to sleep. Danny obviously saw the sudden change on my face. "We'll see her in less than 5 hours baby!" Danny said with a little smile, making me smile too. "I just hate to be away from her... I love her so much!" I said with a sleepy voice, following up with a yawn. "I know, I hate it too! She's our little princess! And I love her so much. My two girls!" He said before he kissed my cheek, and laid down beside me, hugging me tight from behind. "Now, get some sleep!" He said with a soft voice, before he kissed my neck, and I fell asleep with my little angel in my thoughts, and Danny's strong arms wrapped around me.

Please check out my new story "She is back". It's an AHS story, and It's kind of an alternativ ending for Fiona, where the axeman also will be involved!😏

And thank you so much you guys who read, vot and comment my stories, you honestly don't know how much it means to me! So thank you very much!!

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