You're such a mess Jess

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When I woke up, I had Danny's strong arms around me, while my face was close to his hairy chest. I carefully pulled myself up so I was closer to his face, before I bit his earlobe, and then kissed his cheek. I got no reaction so I slowly started placing small kisses down his neck. "... I thought you would be more tired... You drank a lot last night!" Danny suddenly said before he let out a sleepy chuckle, and then opened his beautiful eyes, that made me fall more and more in love with him every time I saw them.  I slowly crawled on top of him, while my eyes were glued to his dark eyes. "..I had a great time last night!" I whispered before I placed a soft kiss on his lips. Danny slowly wrapped his strong arms around me, before he kissed the tip of my nose, making a small giggle escape my lips. " was amazing.... You don't know how much I have missed my Jessie!" Danny said with a soft voice. A little smile grew on my lips "Well.... I haven't really....!" I said with a low voice, teasing Danny with a sly little grin, before Danny quickly turned me around so he was on top. I gasped before Danny started tickling me. "Oh, hah, Danny stop it.... Please haha, oh god Danny!!!" I laughed, while I tried to get his hands of off me. "....Why are you such a teas, huh?" Danny laughed while he tickled me so much it was hard for me to breath. "Stop it Danny!!" I screamed in laughter. "I'll stop as soon as you tell me the truth princess!" Danny said with a deep voice. I tried to get his hands away again, but yet again, I failed. "But.... I... have already told you the truth!" I laughed mockingly. Danny suddenly stopped tickling me, and looked straight into my eyes, before I felt his big hand cup my sex. I drew a deep breath. "You haven't missed me baby? Huh?" Danny smirked, because of the power he had over my body, the control he had. After seeing the reaction in my eyes.

He started touching me in circular motions, making me grab the sheets around me, while I nodded. Danny had a big grin on his face, and to be honest I had never seen him that sexy before. "Use you words sweetheart!" He said with a low voice. I closed my eyes tightly, before Danny slowly moved his hand away from me, making me look at him with angry eyes. I already missed his touch. "...I...I have missed you daddy!!" I whispered while my clit was throbbing. Danny sat up as if he was leaving the bed, before I wrapped my arms around him, so he fell down on top of me, while I squeezed him tight. "So much Danny.... You know that!" I said before I frantically kissed his cheeks and then his lips. I slowly pulled away and Danny looked at me with passion in his eyes. "I know that baby, you proved that to me last night!" He said with a smirk, before he kissed me one more time, and crawled on top of me. He had a huge smile on his face, while he quickly pinned my hands over my head with one of his hands, and he used the other one to touch me everywhere from my cheeks, and down to between my legs, before he moved his hand away, making me gasp. "DANNY don't teas me!" I said with a desperate voice. He chuckled before he quickly moved one finger inside of me, making me gasp after air, before he injected another finger. "...Ahh Danny, Ah Ah fuck!" I panted. Danny started kissing me between my breasts, before he sucked on one of my nipples and slightly started biting them, and the pain turned over to unbelievable pleasure. "Come on Danny, I need you!" I whispered breathless. Before I knew it Danny took his rock hard one in his hands, and placed it before my wet entrance. I tried to move my hips close to his tip, before he slowly trusted inside of me. I took a deep breath, and let it out when he stopped moving, and we just enjoyed being connected, being one.

He continued trusting slowly in and out of me, and I could feel every inch of his body. "You're so perfect Jessie! So so perfect!" He whispered almost moaned. I looked straight into his eyes, while I let my hand through his beautiful hair, and just observed him. Danny placed his hands on each side of my head as well, before he started kissing me slowly, as slow as our lovemaking....


"Okay, we have everything now?" Danny said while his eyes moved around the room to see if we had forgot anything. "Yes, let's go now Danny, I want my baby!" I said with a soft voice while I was pulling his arm, making Danny laugh, before he quickly wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked over to the elevator.

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