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5 days later:
When I woke up Danny wasn't laying beside me anymore, so I slowly went out of bed, and pulled on my black silk robe, before I walked downstairs.

"God morning beautiful!" Danny said while he held the baby with his left arm, and used his other one while he was reading the newspaper. I smiled at him, before I slowly walked over to them, and signaled with my arms, that I wanted Louisa. Danny made a little laugh before he carefully lifted her up, and I placed her close to my chest, while I stroked my palm over her back "Well aren't you my gorgeous little girl? Huh?........ my sleepy baby girl" I said with a baby voice, before I slowly sat down around the table with Danny. Danny took a sip from his coffee, before he gave me a little smile and looked down at an article in the paper again....

I quickly pulled out my boob, and placed my nipple in Louisa's mouth..... And I couldn't take my eyes of off her, she was making all this cute noises, which made me just smile more. I wasn't holding her comfortably, so I carefully moved a little to get a better angel on her,  when suddenly her beautiful brown eyes shot opened and she looked at me with tears dwelling in her eyes.... "......Ohhh don't cry... mommy was only moving a little.....!" I said with a soft voice, while I carefully patted her back, and she quickly calmed down and continued eating.......When I looked up, Danny's eyes cached mine, and I smiled at him, before my eyes moved down to Louisa again, and I let my hand run though her beautiful brown tick hair.

".....Soooo it's almost Friday, we have to leave for LA!" Danny said while he looked up from the paper. I sighed, and brushed my hair away from my face. "....I know I know!" I said with a whisper. "We can ask if your sister can babysit? Can't we?" Danny said before he took another sip from his coffee. I gave him a sad look ".....I don't wanna leave her Danny!" I whispered almost on the edge of crying, because it always made me so sad even the thought of not being with her, and making sure she was safe. I was so attached to my little baby girl. "......Jessica I know it's hard for you, it's hard for me too!" Danny said with a soft voice. "It's just..... I don't know if it's such a god idea to take Louisa with us to LA, you know how the paparazzi reacts to baby's....... And we haven't been out of the house with the baby, so there is no pictures of her yet...... Which make them go crazy!" Danny said with a serious voice. I looked up at him with big eyes "......I don't want any pictures taken of her!" I said with a stern voice, before I looked down at Louisa, and she was slowly pulling away from my breast.

I covered my body with the robe, and I lifted Louisa up, and started patting her back, before Danny stood up, and I slowly handed her over to him, and he tried to burp her while she was resting her little head close to his muscular chest....

While Danny was patting the baby's back, he looked over at me with big eyes. I was sitting in the chair, looking down at the floor, while I was playing nervously with my hands. "....Eyy Jessie!?" Danny said with an excited voice. I slowly looked up at him, and he had a big grin on his face "....Listen to this..... Anjelica lives in LA now, I'm sure she can have her for a night!!!..... Before we go to the hotel, we drive by her apartment downtown??..... Jesus I had forgot she just moved down there......" Danny said with a smile, being very proud of himself..... I slowly got a little smile on my face "....But there's still going to be paparazzi on the airport!" I said with a nervous voice.

The baby suddenly burped, and Danny carefully laid her down in her bassinet, before he walked over to me and sat down on his knees in front of me. He carefully placed his hands on my knees, and I stroked my hands over his hands"....Yeah, I know.... But we can just place her in the carseat, and we cover her with ..... you know the blanket we use to keep the sun away from her.... and then we drive straight down to Anjelica!" Danny said while he looked up at me, with a big smile. I slowly moved my hand up to his head, and ran it through his salt and pepper hair, while I was giggling "...That's actually a great idea honey!" I said with a cute smile. Danny just shook his head, while he was laughing before he looked up at me again "Well don't act surprised baby!" He said while he started tickling me.... I quickly tried to push his hands away from me while I was laughing "...Dan....Danny stop it......please stop!" I laughed, while I tried to get away from him. But before I knew it, Danny quickly lifted me up in his arms, and placed me down on the floor, while he moved his hands inside my robe, still tickling me ".....Please haha, Danny..... I'm gonna pee myself" I laughed almost without breath, before I suddenly felt Danny's hands grabbing my breasts, and started massaging them. "You feel so god baby!" Danny said with a sexy deep voice, before he slowly placed a soft kiss on my lips "Mhmm.....!" I moaned into the kiss. Danny slowly untied my robe, exposing my naked body underneath it. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, and placed a wet kiss on his lips, before Danny's lips traced down to my cleavage, and he slowly started sucking on my nipple, which made my body jump....."Ochh!" I said while my body froze. Danny looked up at me with concerned eyes ".....You have to be careful honey..... I'm sore!" I said with an embarrassed face. Danny got a reviled smile on his face before he placed his forehead against mine "....I'm sorry baby.... I just can't control myself when I'm around you.....!" Danny said with a sexy smile. I quickly pushed my hips closer to him, and I could feel him getting more and more excited. Danny moved his hands further down my body, and I could feel his warm hands  tracing down my tight, and up behind grabbing my ass, and he pushed my body closer to his ".......Ahhhhh...Ohh Danny!" I moaned when I felt his hard member rubbing against my womanhood. In a quick movement just when Danny tried to slid inside of me, we heard screams from Louisa's bassinet.

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