Please let go of me!

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32 weeks pregnant:
I sat in a chair in the corner of our bedroom... When i suddently felt a sticking pain in my side. "Oh, gooood" i moaned in pain. I could hear Danny running up the stairs. "What is it honey? Are you okay!" He asked really stressed. "Im fine.... It just hurts sometimes in my side" i said with a sad face. "Are you sure you're okay??" He asked concerned. "I just said i was fine didnt i?" I said getting annoyed by him.

A couple of hours later:

I came home from a little walk... Because i had to get a brake from Danny..... The only thing we were doing was fighting... And i knew it wasen't his fault.... But i just couldnt control myself when i was around him....

I walked up to the bedroom... Suprised seeing Danny asleep in the bed. I walked quite over to the closet, while i pulled of my t-shirt and took on a tight black sweather.

When i turned around i saw Danny laying on his side giving me a sexy smile. "Oh I'm sorry i didnt mean to wake you!" I said while i walked into the bathroom and did my makeup. "I'm just glad you did honey.......!......... You look amazing today!!!" He said with his low sexy voice. "Danny i do not...., i look huge...... Like a whale" i said angry.

Danny slowly got out of bed, and moved towards me. I looked up at him while i was putting some clothes in the laundry basket. And he just stood there stearing at me! "What is it now Danny?" I said angry. He didnt responded, he just moved even closer. I gave him an angry look... But this time he grabbed his hands around my waist and pulled me hard against him "YOURE SO SEXY JESSIE??" He said while i could feel him getting hard. "Oh, Danny" i laughed for a change. "Do you wanna take a quick one??.... We haven't done it in weeks!!?" He said seductive. "Danny I'm sorry.... But i just don't feel up to it now!" I said with a sad voice, before i moved away from him.

In a quick movement he pulled me back into his armes. And started kissing me hard. "GOD DAMN IT DANNY!.......... I SAID NOO!!! I screamed pushing him away from me. He was a little suprised by my reaction, and i could tell he was disappointed. Both of us knew that something was different after i got pregnant...... At first i wanted to do it all the time... But lately i didnt even wanted to look at at Danny. I wasen't doing it on purpuse. I just wasen't able to control myself. "SOMETIMES YOU ARE TO MUCH DANNY, TO MUCH!.......... I'm pregnant!!........... I'm tired.......... And you want sex all the time!!" I screamed angry at him. I could see the anger in his eyes. "WELL CAN YOU BLAME ME??! SOMETIMES THE ONLY THING YOU WANT IS SEX.... AND OTHER TIMES YOU BECOME ABSOLUTLEY CRAZY IF I TRY! YOU BEHAVE LIKE A TOTAL BITCH!!" He screamed back at me. "Did you just called the mother of your unborn child a bitch??" I asked him angry while i was shooking my head. "YOU ARE AN IDIOT DANNY, DO YOU KNOW THAT?". I didnt had the opportunity to finish my sentence, before he gave me a little push so i lost my balance. He quickly grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. "GOD DAMN IT DANNY!!!!!! YOURE SON OF A BITCH!!!" I screamed while i tried to losen his hard grip. "DONT YOU EVER DISRESPECT ME AGAIN!!! I DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU!!!! I LOVE YOU!! AND THE ONLY THING YOU DO TO ME IS YELLING. I DONT EVEN GET TO TOUCH YOU!!"He screamed angry at me. I tried to turn my head around so i didnt needed to look straight into his eyes.... And i started to cry. I had never seen Danny like that, not so angry. And he had never held me so tight and hard before....... And it made me really sceared. He pushed me harder against the wall, and he hugged harder around my wrists. He pushed his body hard against my belly too......And it was really uncomfortable.

"Please let go of me!!.... You're hurting me!" I said tearful almost without breath. He losend the crip... And i collapsed on to the floor, and started crying.....

"Jessica please!!....... I don't know what to do anymore?" Danny said with a sad voice. He bent down and wraped his armes around me.... And lifted me up.... while my eyes were full of tears. When i was standing again, he pulled me close for a hug.... But i was really discusted by him.... So i tried to push him away.... But he was much stronger than me so i didnt had a chance. He tried to kiss me.... And i could feel anger building up inside me... So i quickly slapper his cheek.... And moved a couple of steps away from him, afraid of what his reaction was going to be.....

He gave me an angry look... So i gave him one too. "You bitch..." He said with a low voice. " tears old boy" i responded angry of what he had just done to me and i to him. I quickly turned away, and i headed of to the bathroom to check how i was looking after all the crying and our "Little" fight. When i came into the bathroom i looked at myselfe in the mirror, and i felt that i saw a completly different women.... A woman that was completly depended on her man..... I have always been thinking that i didnt wanted to be that woman.... But now i am.

I kept stearing into the reflection of myself in the mirror, when i suddently felt two warm hands stroking over my shoulders. My shoulders jumped a bit..... And i turned around.........There he was standing looking angry at me...... Suddently he took a hard grip around my chin... And pushed me hard against the sink. "OH GOD... DANNY.... STOP IT PLEASE!!" I screamed. He moved his face closer to mine. "You shouldnt have slaped me you bitch!!" He screamed angry. "WELL YOU SHOUDNT TREAT A PREGNANT WOMEN LIKE THIS..........." I screamed almost without breath. It was painfull having the sink sticking into my back, and Danny pulled tight and close to my belly. "DANNY YOU HAVE TO STOP..... You're hurting the baby your FUCKING idiot!" I screamed. He let go of me... But he quickly slaped me........ I took my hand on my cheek and looked suprised at him. "YOURE CRAZY FUCKER!!" I screamed while i walked fast away from him. "I'm sorry Jess i didnt mean too!!" He said with a regretting voice.

He followed me.... And suddently i felt a really hard pain stickig into my side. This was much more painfull than earlier that day...... I bent down and held my hand on my side. "Ohhhh" i moaned in a really painfull way. Danny ran close to me. "WHATS HAPPENING JESS!!!........IM SO SORRY!!" He screamed really afraid. I cryed because of the pain. "... Dan..." I didnt got the oportunity to say his name before i could feel the pain again. "AHHH.... " I screamed. Danny started rubbing my back in panic. "... Dan... Danny??............. You... You... Have .... To ... Ta... Take me to the hospital!!!" I said without breath.

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