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The pain was so intense that it was hard breathing. And i wasen't even able to support myself. Danny quickly wraped his armes around me and helped me out to the car.

When we were standing in the stairs outside our frontdoor, i could feel the pain slowly coming back, and it felt like someone was sticking a knif into my side. "OHHHH.... DANNY... HELP ME....!!!" I screamed while Danny tried to lock the door. I supported myself on the railings... Trying to get through the pain. Danny ran over to me.... and started rubbing my back.... until i got my breath back. "I'm so sorry honey!!" He said in panic.... I gave him a look, telling i wanted to kill him. "Danny if something is wrong with the baby.... Its your fault!!" I screamed while i was crying in pain. "I'm so sorry Jessica!! I didnt mean too!!" He said while he stared to cry. He helped me down the stairs and into the car.

"Are you okay, Jessie!!" He asked when we drove out the driveway. I didnt responded........ I just looked out the window... Still angry at him. I couldnt believe that Danny did that to me... He pushed me hard against the wall.... And he slaped me.....He slaped the mother of his unborn child. I had never seen him like that before, not so angry.

"Jessica are you okay??" He asked again really concerned. "Mhhm....." I lied while tears came down my cheek. Danny quickly looked over at me, before he moved his eyes looking at the road again. In a slow movement he put his hand on my left knee. . My body jumped, and i tried to move further away from him... so Danny couldnt touch me. I could tell that he was disappoint because he started to cry too. "Jessica, its going to be okay!" He said with a soft voice. I turned my head towards him, and looked at him with teary eyes. "Danny you don't know that!!" I cried. "Shuueee, try to relaxe!" He said while he was looking over at me, giving me a nervous expression.

"Its to early for her to come now!!!" I wispered almost without breath. Soon after i said that..... the chrampes were coming back. "AHHHHHHH............ GOD ITS HUU...HURTING!!" I screamed. "Breath honey..... Breath..... We're at the hospital in a minut!!" Danny said with a soft but stressfull voice trying to calm me down.

Danny stoped the car... ran over to the passanger side and slammed the door open. He took his hands under my armes, while i supported myself on his shoulders. "STOP DANNY" I said in pain... While i moved my hands from his shoulders and down to my side. "OHhh, the pain is coming again!!" I said breathing heavely. "DANNY... I think it is contractions..... What if the baby is coming now!!!" I continued while i was crying.

Danny had a really nervous expression on his face.... And he quickly ran over to the hospital entrance and got a wheelchair. He helped me out of the car.... and into the wheelchair.......before he rolled me inside.

After some minutts we got to see my doctor... And they brought us in to the examination room. Danny helped me getting into the bed, while the doctor asked. "So Ms. Lange why are you here today??". "I keep getting this sticking pain in my back and side!!" I said with a sad and tired voice.

"Okay Ms. Lange put your legs in the sirrups please" the doctor said. He checked to see if i was dilated. After a couple of minuts he looked up at me. "It looks good... You are not dilated" he smiled at me. I gave Danny a little smile of relief. The doctor also checked my belly, to see if everything was like normal.. And it was.

"Just to be on the safe side, i think we are going to listen to the heartbeat!" The doctor said while putting a doppler on my belly........ We could hear strong heartbeats, and i couldnt do anything else than to give Danny a smile... Eventhough i was really mad at him.

"It sounds like your little girl is perfectly healthy!! The doctor said smiling. "Oh, thank god!" I said revealed. "Are you a 100% sure??" Danny asked concerned standing up from his chair. The doctor smiled over at me because of how nervous Danny was, and i couldnt to anything else that to laugh. "Yes, your daughter is perfectly healthy!!". He said again. "But why do i get all this chrampes!" I asked concerned while rubbing my belly. "The pain you're feeling are Braxton hicks...... Its your bodys way of getting ready for laber.. And It's absolutely normal, and nothing to worry about" the doctor said giving us some brochures about the Braxton hicks. Danny let out a sigh of relief... And put his hands on my belly. "Well thank you so much!!" I smiled at the doctor. I started getting up from the bed.. When the doctor stoped me. "But its not normal getting them as oftes as you have described you have!!" He said concerned. "You can also get symptoms like this if you are very stressed. And you look a little tired Ms.Lange!!" The doctor continued. I gave Danny an angry sight before i looked over at the doctor again. "Well... Ehh... It has just been alot lately!" i said guilty. "So the only thing you have to do now is to rest alot... And just take it easy.. To prevent premature birth!" He smiled at us. Danny helped me down from the bed... And said "Well i'll make her rest alot Doctor!........ Thank you so much!". He smiled.

When we got out in the hallway, and we were walking towards the parking lot... Danny pulled his arme around my neck... And tried to give me a kiss. I turned my head around so he kissed my cheek, and then slightly pushed him away from me. I didnt looked at him, i just kept walking. Suddently Danny stoped walking, and he grabbed my hand.........I turned around with a tired expression on my face.... I knew we had to talk about what happend earlier that day....but i didnt wanted to have that conversation at the hospital out in public. I was to tired and to angry...... "I'm so sorry Jessica.... I really am!! I don't know what came over me earlier today!!" Danny said with tears in his eyes. I gave him an empty look before i said ".......Danny can you just take me home.... I just wanna sleep......!!" I said with anger in my voice while i started walking away from him.

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