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"Hello, its Jessica!" I said answering the phone. "YO!!... Its me!!" Sarah laughed. "Haha, whats going on??" I laughed back at her. "Well, i guess the queston is whats going on over at you're place?? Have you talked to Danny??" She asked concered. "YES......yes i have... It was just an missunderstanding..... But thank you for letting me know!!" I said with a soft calm voice. "oh, thats good!!" Sarah said realifed. "But the reason why i called.... Is because i was wondering if Danny and you wanted to come to dinner at my place tonight... Rest of the Freak show cast is coming!!" She asked really excited. "Of course! ..... that would be lovly". I said with a cute voice. " I'll text you!!??". "Thats sounds great.....!!!.... I can't wait to get out of the house...!!" I laughed. "Hahah, well see you later momma!! She said with a baby voice. "Hahah, see you later hon!" I laughed at her.

Just as i hung up i could feel Dannys warm fingers ran down my body. I quickly turned around and smiled at him. "Who was that?" He asked with a sexy voice. I smirked at him before i answerd "it was Sarah... She invited us for dinner, and all the ahs cast is going to be there!!" I said excited. "Oh that sounds great" Danny answerd with a soft smile on his face, while he pulled me close to him. "But are you sure thats such a good idea??" He continued while he was looking down at my belly. I laughed at him. "Of course.... I have to get out of the house... And our little girl will probably not come before a couple of weeks!" I said confidence. "Well okay" he answerd before he softly pushed his tongue inside my mouth. I moand slightly... While my hands drifted down towards his mid section, i softly strok him at the outside of his pants.... And i could quickly feel him growing inside his pants. I pulled away... Breathing excitly. "Don't stop now honey!!" Danny said dissepointed. I looked at him with puppi eyes "I'm sorry.... But I'm just not in the mood!!" I said with a cute little voice. "Well... Since you're pregnant.. I'm going to let you go!" He laughed. "How nice of you!!" I giggled.

When my makeup was done i walked over to my closet, and tried to find something to wear. First i tried a dress, but it was just really uncomfortable wearing, because it was to tight around my belly. "Oh fuck!!" I said to myself, just as Danny walked in. I looked over at him with a sad face. "What is it?" He asked concerned. "Non of my clothes fits me anymore... " I said angry while i threw a dress down on the floor. "Honey... I'm sure there is something that fits you...... This closet is enormous!!!" He laughed.

I found a black longe dress that fit me.... and it really made my pregnant belly pop out. "Jesus women!!.... Do you try to kill me???....... YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!" Danny said while he searched my body up and down with his eyes, before he gave me a soft kiss. "Thank you honey" i said blushing.

"Jessica.... You have to come now!!!" Danny screamed while he was looking up the stairs, and checked his watch... "Shit Jessie... We're alreaddy to late!!" He yelled again. While i came around the corner, and walked fast down the stairs. "Stop Jessie!" He screamed. I quenched and i got an terrafied expression on my face. "What??" I asked concerned. "Don't run down the stairs.... You're almost 9 mounths pregnant?" He said with a strickt voice. "9 mounth pregnant.... Oh i didnt know!" I said sarcastic. "And you are the one nagging" i continued. "Haha, just come down here... Slowly..." Danny said while he took my hand and directed me down the stairs.

Sarahs house:

The door was opend and we could hear that the party had alreaddy started. "God damn it Danny... Were really late.... Everybody is here!"...... I said while we walked inside......

OH MY GOD JESSICA... DANNY!!" Sarah screamed while she ran over to us giving me a loving hug. Rest of the cast stood up from the sofa and ran over to us aswell. "You look amazing Jessica!" Kathy said while she carefully touched my belly. "Well thank you!" I smiled shy before i pulled Danny close to me, and he wraped one of his armes around my waist. "Thats the cutest belly i have ever seen!!!..... And you look so sexy!!" Ryan said before he gave me a passionate kiss on the cheek. I slightly giggled. "hey Hey Hey stay a away from my wife!" Danny teased Ryan. "Wife?" I looked up at Danny while i was smiling in suprise. "...hah, you know what i mean??" He said embarrassed. "No i don't?" I laughed because of how cute he was. "I mean..... You're not just my girlfriend anymore.... You're the mother of my child......and i love you!" He said while he pulled me close to him... and gave me a kiss. "You two are the cutest!!" Sarah said with a huge smile on her face. I looked up at Danny and smiled softly, while i carefully stroked his back.... That made him smile.

After we were finish eating, we talked for a while, catching up. "So you're having a little girl right??" Lilly asked with a really excited smile. I smiled up at Danny. "We are... A little girl!" Danny answerd while he gave me a soft kiss. "Hey you to, get a room!" Sarah screamed while she was laughing. "Well we kind of did!!" I laughed while i looked down at my belly........when i suddently could feel a sticking pain coming. "So have you picked out any names yet?" Angela asked. I didnt heard what she said....i just focused on staying calm, because of the pain building up. "No, not yet!!" Danny said suprised that i didnt anwerd........."Excuse me a moment!" I said with a tired voice while i pulled myself up from the chair and went out of the livingroom. While i stood up i catched a glimpt of Danny's eyes, and i could see that he understood that something was wrong. When i came out to the hallway i rested my body on a table there, while i could here people starting talking about me.. "Is she okay??? She doesent look good!" Ryan said concerned. I could her Danny wispering "she is probably just going to the bathroom.... The baby is playing on her bladder....!" While he slowly stood up from his chair. I cut him of. While i walked towards the doorframe and leaned against it.....and looked at Danny pretending like everything was fine. "Danny can you come here for a second??" I breathed heavely, as i could see that people started getting concered. Danny walked fast towards me. He grabbed me around my waist and directed me out to the hallway again. "Contraction?" He said concerned holding his armes around my waist....so we were facing eachother. " NO I JUST WANTED TO SEE YOU.......... !!" I said sarcastic, while i got another contraction. "OHHHH" I moaned in pain while i wraped my armes around Danny's neck, and pushed my head hard into his chest. He carefully rubbed my back. "Just breath baby... Is over soon!" He said gentle. "OH GOD DANNY..... Ahhhhh!" I moaned really loud.... Sarah and Kathy came running into the hallway, seeing me in pain....leaning all my weight over at Danny while he was rubbing my back. "OH my god are you having the baby??" Sarah asked excited. "No!!" I screamed in pain. "OH my god!! What is happening?? Shall i call the ambulance??" Sarah asked afraid of what was going on.....while she started entering the number on her phone. "No.... Its just Braxton contractions.... Her body is getting ready to give birth!!" Danny said while he kissed my forehead. "Ahh.... Oh...... God.... Ahh" I said while i straightened out... because the contraction was over. I gave Danny a hard look "... And Danny its not JUST Braxton contractions!!! Its FUCKING painfull!!!!" I said frustrated. "I'm sorry baby..." He started but he stoped talking when i walked away from him...

I slowly walked into the livingroom again.... with Danny on my side suporting me, because i was still a little shaky. When i looked up everyone was stearing at me. "What?" I said embarrassed. "Are you okay??" Angela asked while she stood up from the sofa and gently rubbed my big belly. "...Oh..... Yeah.... I'm just fine...... Just a little warmup before birth" i smiled while i sat down again.

After a while the i could feel another contraction....I grabbed Danny's hand and squeezed it hard, while i started getting really warm. "What was that for honey?" Danny asked smirking. "The god damn contractions... Idiot!" I wispered back.

Everybody else was talking and having fun.... When i just needed to go home. I pulled Danny close to me and wispered in his ear "... Can we please go home....i cant do this anymore..... !!?" With a tired voice. He looked over at me with sympathetic eyes. "Of course baby!!!" He stood up from the chair....and helped me up from mine. "I think we're heading home.... Thank you Sarah.... Dinner was amazing!" Danny said while i rested my head on his chest... And he pulled me tight. I broke away from the hug. "Yes thank you Sarah.... And it was really nice to see you all again!!" I said while i rested all my weight on Danny because i was so tired. "Oh it was lovly that you guys made it..... And Jess... Call me if anything happens!!!" Sarah said while she gave me a hug and put her hand on my belly. "I will!" I smiled while Danny helped me putting on my jacket. "Bye everybody" i said with a tired voice while we walked out the door. "Bye!!!!!! Drive carefully!!" Everybody screamed after us....

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