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"Oh i cant believe we're having a little baby girl" i said while i was standing on my toes wraping my armes around Danny's neck.... And giving him a soft passionate kiss. " i cant believe it either.... I hope she gets your god looks though" Danny smiled pulling me close to him. I started blushing, before i said "Oh, Danny" with a cute voice. "You are the most beautiful women in the world Jess, do you know that?" He said holding me tight. "Stop it Danny, I'm not" i smiled a little embarrassed at him. "YES YOU ARE" Danny said buring his face in my neck, while he was kissing me. I just giggled at him...."Your incredible! Do you know that??" I wispered in his ear. "I have started to think i am, since I'm with you.... The most beautiful women that have ever exsisted..... How did i get so lucky?? He smiled before he lifted me up, and carefully throwed me down onto the bed. "Stop it Danny" i giggled. "You don't wanna play today" he said with a sexy voice. "I don't know!" I teased him. He pulled me close and started kissing me passionately. "Oh, i think you want.... You have wanted to play a lot lately!" He said with a sly smile. I giggled at him before i said "well this pregnacy makes me want you even more!" with a sexy seductive voice.

It was raining outside, and all day we were cuddeling inside watching tv. Suddently the doorbell range. "I get it" i said getting up from the sofa. Danny slowly pulled me back into the sofa and gave me a soft kiss. "Just sit here and relaxe honey, i got it....... You are pregnant..... You shouldnt even need to lift a finger!! He smiled at me. Danny opend the door, and he could see a familier face standing outside the door. "HAYY, can i please come in?? Sarah said all wet in her hair. "Well hello there Sarah?" Danny smiled letting her in. "Who is it danny" i asked while i was walking across the corner, and i got to see Sarah. "OH MY GOD, SARAH!!!!!" I screamed walking fast towards her giving her a hug. She bent down and took her hands on my belly. "Oh how cute is your belly Jessie!! You look amazing!!" She said really excited. "Thank you" i smiled still amazed by her being there. "What are you doing i New Orleanse?" I asked really curious. "I wanted to visit you guys.... I havent seen you since the last day of Freak show!!!" She said with a big smile on her face. "I'm so happy you are here!!!" I said giving her another hug.

We ate dinner, and we talked for a while before i thought it was a good idea to tell Sarah that we were expecting a babygirl. She was after all one of my best friends. "Sarah?" I said with a quit voice. Before i looked over at Danny, who gave me a nod. "Yeah??" She said getting a little curious. "We went to the doctor a couple of days a go...... And we are having a girl!" I said while Danny pulled me close to him. "OH MY GOD!!! A baby girl!!!! Thats amazing. Congratulations you two!!!" She screamed out of happiness. "I cant wait to spoil her.... and she is going to be so beautiful!" she said with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you" Danny and i said while we were laughing.

When Sarah left, it didnt take longe before we went to bed. My whole body were hurting because of the pregnancy... And i was just really tired. I had almost fallen asleep when Danny got into the bed, and moved closer to me, and wraped his armes around me. He slowly kissed me goodnight, before he rubbed my pregnant belly saying "goodnight to you too little princess!!". I gave him a little smile before i said "I love you Danny!". "I love you more babydoll" he said holding me tight giving me soft kiss...

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