She is here!

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"OHHH AHHHHH!!!!" I moaned. While i almost couldnt breath because of the pain. "Jessica are you sure you don't want an epidural?!" Danny asked concered. "Ahh, hahhh, yes...... I want to do it all natural!!" I said while i was breathing heavely. Danny carefully kissed my forehead, before the doctor came in the door, to check if i was anymore dilated. I opened my legs, and the doctor did what she needed to do!"Yes, just as i thought!! You're 8 cm, so you're almost there now Ms.Lange!" The doctor said smiling up at me. "OH thank god! Finaly something is happening!!" I said relieved. I looked up at Danny giving him a big smile. "I'm so proud of you babydoll!!!" Danny said with a soft voice while he wiped away the sweath from my forehead...

"Danny you have to call our families and Sarah, Kathy and Ryan and tell them I'm in labor!!" I said with a tired and exhausted voice. Danny quickly took up his phone, and called all of them.... and eventhough i was in a lot of pain... i could hear Sarahs screaming of happiness.

The doctor also put a doppler on my stomach to listen to the heartbeat as i had the next contraction. "Ho... Ho..... Ahhhh!!!" I screamed in pain. "Everything sounds good with the baby..... So i'll be back in a few minuts... And then i'll check you again, if you are more dilated!!" The doctor said while she walked out of the room.

I let my head back in the pillow while i closed my eyes. "Ahhhh...... get out of there!!" I screamed while i rubbed my stomach. "You're almost there now Jessica!!" Danny said while he grabbed my hand and looked straight into my eyes. I squeezed Danny's hand when another contraction was coming. "Oh Danny you're FUCKING son of a bitch!!" I screamed while i closed my eyes in pain. "I'm sorry honey!!" He said looking really nervouse. "Ahhhh, it hurt so fucking much!!!!". "Get her out of me, get her out..... Get her out, please Danny, please get her out....... Do something!!!" I cried desperat. Danny started to get tears in his eyes, and i could see that he was complitly helpless. "I'm sorry Jessie, there's nothing i can do!!" He said with a shaky voice just as the contraction was over. I tried to catch my breath, and i looked over at Danny. I quickly noticed that he was crying.... But he was hiding it from me. "....Danny....?" I said with a concered and nervouse voice. Danny looked up at me, while i could see that his eyes wear red and swollen. "...honey....what is....?" I cried while he cut me off. He stood up from the chair and huged me tight while i was still laying in bed...and pressed his head against my breast. I wraped my armes around him. ".... I'm sorry.... honey.... But its just so hard seeing you like this..... And there's nothing i can do...!!" He cried. "Oh, Danny!!.... Thats sweet of you!!... And you're not doing nothing..... Just you holding my hand, means the world to me!!" I smiled to him before he gave me a soft kiss. "I love you Jessica!!" He said while he squeezed my hand. "I love you to honey!!" Just as i said that another contraction was coming. "Fuuuuuck!!" I screamed. "Ahhhh..... It never ends!!" I moaned in pain.

My doctor quickly came into the room, and once again she checked if i was anymore dilated.... I had after all been in labor for 11 hours. "What am i?" I asked with a tired voice. "9 cm...... so something will happen soon!" She said just as i got another contraction. "Ahhh!" I screamed. Danny squeezed my hand tight. "Just breath baby.... Your doing great!!" He said with a soft but stressfull voice.

I felt that i had no more energi left in my body, i felt week. "Ohhh, god i cant do this anymore!!....give me something!!!..... I need an epidural or something!!!" I screamed in pain. "Its to late for that Ms.Lage....... You're soon ready to push!!" She said while she measured my bloodpressure. I turned over to Danny, and he came closer. "...da...Danny..... When we are done her.... Reminde me of that I'm never ever in my life going to have sex again!!!!" I said while i was breathing heavely.

"Ohh, gosh!!!!" I moaned in pain when i got another contraction. "I cant do this anymore.... I really cant!!" I cried in pain. "Yes, you can Jessie...... You have never been so're so close to finaly meet your daughter!!" Danny said while he carefully stroke my forehead. " I.. cant... Danny!!" I cried while i was nodding my head..............Just as i said that i felt a pressure down there. My eyes got widen, and i looked over at the docor "OH MY GOD..... I NEED TO PUSH!!!" I said afraid of what was coming next. "Go ahead and do whats feels natural for you!!" She answerd coming closer to me.

I pulled my legs up, and Danny was standing close to me.... still holding my hand......When a new contraction came I took a deep breath and pushed.... My head was pushed down against my breast......"AAHHHHH FUCKK!" I screamed while i pushed. When the contraction was over i laid my head back on the pillow, and the docor checked the babys heartbeat, and it still sounded great!!".

I breathed heavely.... While Danny took the hair away from my face, and placed in behind my ears. "You're doing great Jessie... Keep going!!!" He said with excitement.

........a new contraction came.....and I needed to push again, and i took a deep breath while i squeezed Danny's hand really hard. "OH, DANNY YOURE FUCKING BASTARD!!" I screamed while i was pushing. "You're doing great Jessica!........ I can see the head!" The doctor said. "Ahhhhhhh!!" I screamed before the contraction was over.

"If you push really hard on the next contraction i think that would be it, Jessica!!" The doctor said. " Babygirl will be here??" I asked with a tired voice, while i had my eyes closed. After some seconds a new contraction came. "Ahhh!" I moaned in pain before i took a deep breath giving one final hard push. "She is coming baby, she is coming!!" Danny said in excitement, but with a very nervouse face. "Jessica look down, and if you want you can grab her!!" The doctor said. I looked down and I slowly reached down between my legs, and pulled my baby out...... And brought her up to my chest. "Oh my gosh....."i said with a soft breathfull voice while I looked at my baby, and carefully rubbed her back, and she started to cry. "She is perfect honey.... She is so beautiful!!!" Danny said with tears inn his eyes. He slowly gave me a soft kiss. "I cant believe she is here Danny.... Our little girl is finaly here!!" I said with s tired and excited voice, while i started to cry. "I cant believe it either, baby. You're so amazing.... You are the stronges women i know!!!" He said tearful.

Danny cut the umbilical cord, and the doctors cleaned our little baby. They packed her in, in a pink baby blanket... and they quickly handed her over to me again. ".... I cant believe how beautiful she is Danny!!" I said with a cute voice, while i was looking down at our baby. "Just as beautiful as you honey!!" Danny said with a soft voice.

Suddently our little girl started to cry. So i carefully brought up my boop, and she quickly started sucking on my nipple. It was a little painfull at the befinning, but it eventuelly went over. I almost couldnt take my eyes of our beautiful girl..... I had never seen anything as beautiful as her. While i was breastfeeding her, i looked up at Danny who sat stearing at me... With big eyes. "What is is honey?" I laughed. ".........Its just that it comes so natural for you, Jessica!!..... I mean you have been a mother for 30 minuts.... And you know exactly what to do!!!" He said with a soft voice while he was looking at the baby. "... Oh Danny...!" I smiled.

When she was finish eating..... I started to get really tired... And i looked over at Danny. "...Danny come here?" I said with a tired voice while I lifted our little baby over in his armes, so he could hold her. His eyes god widen, and i could tell he was really nervous. "....i ....just ..... hold her like this.....?" He asked looking down at that precious little child fast asleep. "...yes.... just like that!!" I anwerd with a soft and tired voice. "...its crazy isnt it Jess, that this is our baby!...... We have made her!" He said with a cute little smile. "Mhh, it is...... I would never believe this would happend if you told me this a year ago!!" I laughed. Danny just laughed at me, before he looked down at our little baby.

"I'm so proud of you Jessica, you were beyond amazing today!!!" Danny said while he was holding our daughter and carefully handed her over to me. "...heyy.... babygirl....!" I said with a babyvoice while he handed her to me, and i carefully kissed her head. "...thank you Danny... I couldnt have done it without you!!!" I said tearful.......

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