Having a baby with the love of my life

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For the next couple of days... I didnt heard anything from Danny... I didnt even saw him on set.. So i decided to send him a text message.

"I need to talk to you!! It's important!" I wrote to him. He didnt aswerd... And after 10 minuts he still hadnt aswerd. Oh god, what is his problem i was thinking to myself. Is he angry at me? He was the one calling me an alcoholic!!?...... I just sat there for some minuts thinking about Danny... And how much i have missed him.

"PLING" I could hear from the phone. I picked it up, and i started reading the message.

"Ok, at your place?" It stood. "Yes, you can come over to my trailer? I wrote back. He didnt answerd... and i thought that he mabey had changed his mind... Before he suddently were standing in the door leaning against the doorframe. "OH GOD" i screamed because i didnt heard him coming. "Haha, sorry i didnt mean to scare you" he said while he was laughing. "Heh, its okay" i said giving him a little smile.

"Danny... There ... Is.. someth..." He cut me of, by moving towards me and placing his hands on my cheeks... And leaning over for a kiss. i kissed him back..... And he sat down on my lap... So i was sitting in between his legs. And he continued kissing me hard and passionate. I wanted to stop.. And tell him the news... But i didnt wanted him to get angry... Because i didnt knew what he was going to think about it. And after all i had really missed him.. And i just wanted to feel his skin against mine. "Oh.. God.. I have missed you so much Danny" i said to him while i was kissing him. "I have missed you even more baby" he said while he started to kiss my neck... He moved lower and lower and suddently he was sitting with his knees on the floor and his face on its way between my legs. "No, no stop" i was laughing while i tried to push his head away. "WHAT IS IT KNOW, JESSICA" he screamed kind of angry. I was i shock.. I didnt thought he we going to scream at me alreaddy. "I am sorry Jess... Its just that i cant wait any longer, you are driving me mad. You are so perfect and i need you... I need you now!!!" He screamed moving towards my boops with his hand... He undid tre buttons on my shirt.. And ripped of my bra.. And started playing with my boops. "missed me?" I said whit a sexy voice while i stroked his hand.. And pushed him away again. This time he followed my directions, and he sat down in the chair beside me. "So you don't want sex....? What do you want then" he said looking down at the floor. Did he just asked me that? I was thinking. What an idiot... I got really angry at him. "Everything is just about sex for you isnt it?" I said angry. "No no, i didnt mean that Jessica. I am sorry!! Forgive me please? Is just that i have missed you so much" it was a long pause before he continuated "i cant live without you Jessica!!! And i'm so sorry that i screamed at you the last time" he said with a sad expression on his face while he moved up from the chair and moved closer to me, rubbing his hands on my knees. "I'm sorry to!!........... I have just been a little emotional lately" i said without really thinking about what i said. "Emotional?... Why.. Has something bad happend?........ ?" He asked looking really afraid. Shit... Now i had to tell him i was thinking. He moved even closer now... And he pulled me up from the chair... And wraped his hands around me. He huged me tight... And it really started to get painful because of my sore boops. "Ochsh" i maid a sound. "What" he said while moving away from me, still holding his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him. "Nothing bad has happend" i said smiling. "So what is Jessica?" He asked really concerned. Because he still didnt understood what was going on. "Danny!...." I said with a shaky voice. "Please just tell me whats going on Jessie" he said looking really afraid. "I'm.... I'm..... Pregnant Danny" i said looking up at him, while i started to cry, because i was so afraid of his reaction.

"PREGANT?" He smiled. "Yes" i said while i was still crying. "Me and you..... "He pointed down on my stomach. "YES, OF COURSE YOU ARE THE FATHER DANNY?" I screamed at him. I didnt even got the oportunity i say it all before he pulled me closer and huged me tight. "You are not angry?" i cried while i looked up at him. He moved some of my hair away from my face. "Angry? This is the best thing that could ever happend to me Jessica!!!...... Having a baby with the love of my life" he said while he started to cry aswell. "OH Danny!.." I said while i squeezed him even tighter... And i gave him a soft kiss.

Danny bent down, so he was sitting on his knees. He moved his hands towards my waist, and he pushed the materiale of my shirt with at the buttons up to expose my little babybum, and he kissed my stomach. I ran my hands through his beautiful hair...and let them stay there. "I love you Danny" i said looking down at him. "I love you more, Jessica.............I love you and our little baby that are growing inside you right know!!" He said looking up at me with a wide smile on his face.

He stood up... And gave me a passionate kiss, before he picked me up... And carried me to the bedroom.

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