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I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. The smell of bacon hit me in the face, and it made me really nauchouse. I walked into the kitchen with a angry expression on my face. "God morgining babydoll!" Danny said coming towards me and trying to give me a kiss. "Eeahhch.... get away from me" i said with a low voice while i pushed him in the chest. He looked suprised at me! "Honey, whats wrong?". I didnt responded.... I just sat down in the sofa..... I let my head fall.....back closed my eyes...... And breathed heavely. "Earth to Jessica!!" He said rasing his voice. "Why do you have to be so annoying?? I wispered angry. He walked over to me, and bent down so he was sitting on his knees in front of me. "Jessica, please talk to me?? I know its hard being pregnant..... But we barely.... And you are always mad at me!!" He said with a sad face. I lifted my head and gave him a hard look. "YOU DONT KNOW HOW HARD IT IS DANNY!!!! I barely sleep, there is no room for my lungs... So its hard to breath...... I have to pee all the time... My legs are hurting.... By back is hurting........ And your daughter constantly kicks my kidneys so it feel like i get an electro shock every fift minut!" I said angry, while i was almost wispering because i was so tired. "Jessie.... I'm sorry i really am... I could wish i was the one going through all this!". "BUT YOURE NOT..... THATS ME!!!" I screamed.

Danny slowly sat down besides me in the sofa, and took his left arm around my shoulders. "Danny please don't toutch me!" I said trying to get away from him. "This is what i mean Jessica!" He screamed angry at me. I just turned my head the other side... So i didnt needed to look at him. "I don't even get to toutch you anymore... And we havent had sex in weeks..............!" He said frustrated. I turned my head and looked over at him while my eyes were filled with tears. "I'm sorry Danny.... I can't control it........ Even the tought of getting something inside me right now... Makes me wanna cry!!" I said with a really low voice. "And i totaly understand that Jessica, but can i atleast get to give you a kiss now and then........ ??" He asked looking really sad. I smiled at him before i said "of course Danny..... I'm sorry...!!" With a cute little voice. He smiled back at me. "Don't be sorry Jess..... Your body is going through a lot of changes... Its okay being a little crazy!!" He said while he was laughing. I gave him a little smile. "OH is that a little smile...??" He said pulling me close to him, and kissed me hard.

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