I love you

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"RYAN I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT SCENE AGAIN.... ACTUALLY I AN NOT GOING TO DO ANY SEX SCENES WITH DANNY AGAIN!!" I screamed at Ryan. "Calm down Jess... Its okey, i have cut those scenes" he said trying to calm me down.


Four hours later:

When i was done shoting for the day, i went down to my trailer.. and decided that i wanted to stay there for the night.. Because i had alreaddy been drinking a little to much, to calm my nervs after what happend on the set earlier that day. I poered another glass of vodka, when i suddently could her someone knocking on my door. Jesus i was thinking... I didnt really wanted to open the door because the alkohol had alreaddy gotten to my head... But I stood up from the sofa, and put the glas down on the table, before i went and opend the door. I started getting a little dissy, so while i opend the door i leaned against the doorframe to hold my balance...

"Hmm Hey" i could hear a deep voice, and i could see a person out in the dark, but i couldnt really see who it was....obviusly i was alreaddy to drunk to know. "Are you Okey?" The man said again...... After a while i recognized the voice... "Ehh, its you!!... What are you doing here?" I said angry when i saw who was standing right infront of my door. "Can i come in" Danny said kind of embarrassed.... I just stood staring at him for some seconds before i decided to let him in..... i just walked inside and i could hear him slowly walk after me. I sat down in a chair in the left corner in my trailer... and i gave him a sight that he could sit down in the sofa, a few meters away from me. I didnt say anything, i just took another sip from my vodka.. While i was watching how nervous he was.. and It kind of made me feel good.

"Jessica?" Danny said with a calm voice. "Hmm" i answerd him while i took another sip from my drink. "I'm really sorry! It was beyond wrong what i did to you!! Its just that ..... Tha..t i love you Jessica! When i see you, i just wanna kiss you and hold around you.. And..." I cut him of "Well eventhough you want me it doesent give you the rights to just do wathever you want with me whenever you want.... and you did it infront of the camera, with everybody there.... EVERYBODY WAS THERE DANNY!!" I said with anger in my voice. "I know Jess! And i am really sorry! I lost control, you were so sexy! You are always so sexy! I couldnt control myself, I'm really sorry!" He said with a sad expression on his face. "You have alreaddy said that" i said to him while i didnt even looked at him. I started getting really drunk now, and i didnt really knew what i was doing. So I continued "well its okey Danny.. ........ and i kind of ...liked it..." i said with a soft sexy voice. His eyes became wideopen, and he gave out a little smile. "I know you kind of liked it" he said with his deep sexy voice. He started moving towards me, and was now standing in front of me. I stood up from the chair, but i fell back down..... "You have had a little to much to drink tonight havent you babydoll?" He laught and took my armes and helped me up from the chair..... While we bouth laught. He looked deep into my eyes......"I love you Jessica" he suddently said, without heisitation. I was a little suprised by what he just said, but i was sober enough to understand what was happening "Well i loved you too.....but you have to understand that its hard for me to forget what you did to me!" I said while my eyes started to fill with tears. "I know Jessica, and you have all reasons to be... but i just wanna use the rest of my life to make it up to you!......i want to make you happy" he said coming even closer, so close that i could feel his hot breath. I was really touched by what he just said... And i knew that deep inside i still loved him too.

I moved closer to him, and our lips almost touched now. He took his hands around me, and moved them down to my waist and pulled me closer to him, pressing himself against me.We made eye contact, and our lips met for a soft kiss. He pressed his lips against me...... He suddently broke it of and said "Jess.... I don't want to take advantage of you!.." And paused for a second. "I meen you are little drunk baby doll, and i don't want you to do anything you don't really want to do". I just passionately looked at him without even saying a word. And i ran my hands through his hair and pulled him closer again for a hard passionate kiss..... I pulled away slightly and said "I want this Danny!.... And i want it now!" while i was pretending to be angry... He just smiled and continued kissing me..

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