Pain and pleasure

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I woke up the next morning noticing that Danny wasen't in bed anymore. I slowly got up....and walked down the stairs. When i was midway down... I got a contractions. "OcHhh" i moaned in pain, before i sat down so i didnt fell.

"Honey, you're awake?" I could hear Danny yell from the kitchen. "Ohh" i made a sound because of the pain. "Babe??" He yelled once more. I tried to breath to get through the pain. "Danny can you come here?" I asked with a calm voice even through it was hurting like hell. Danny slowly came around the corner and saw me sitting in the stairs with a hard grip around the railings. "Are you okay??" He asked in desperation while he ran up to me. He put his hands on my waist, and he looked concerned at me. "Yeah....." I said when i suddently felt another contraction coming. "OHHHH" I moaned while i grabbed Danny's hand and squeezed it hard. When it was over I breathed a sigh of relief and looked over at Danny while i giggled. "... Eh..... Now you're laughing?? After all that pain!... Haha...... Jesus woman!!" He laughed, while he was rubbing his hand. I looked up at him while i started laughing. "I'm sorry darling, i didnt mean to hurt you!!" I teased him. "Haha, very funny!!" He laughed.

"Come her, Jessie!" He said with a soft voice while he held around me, and helped me down the stairs. "Its okay Danny, i can walk down the stairs on my own!!" I laughed. "No, no we don't take any chanses!" He said giving me a seductive smile, while he had a safe grip around my waist.

Danny directed me towards the sofa.... and i sat down, while Danny kept standing........I looked up at him "Danny you don't need to be afraid of me.... You can sit in the sofa!!" I laughed while Danny slowly jumped into the sofa and started kissing my neck. "You never know.... Pregnant women can be crazy!!!" He laughed while he kept kissing my neck.

Danny slowly got up from the sofa and walked over to the kitchen Island. "I'll make you some breakfast babydoll!" He said with a smile on his face. "Do you want pancakes?" He asked while he was grabbing a bottle of milk from the refrigerator. I slowly got up from the sofa and walked up behind him, and made a quick touch on his ass, without saying a word. He moved around so he was facing me. "Do you want pancakes?" He asked happy, while i could see he was suprised by my action. I could feel a desiree in my body.... And i wanted Danny.... I wanted Danny inside of me.......... I moved closer to him, and wispered "No..... I want you!" In his ear. His face brightened up, before he grabbed my waist and lifted me up onto the kitchen island. I held my armes around his neck, before i softly kissed him, and rubbed him between his legs, as i could feel him growing. "Are you sure??" Danny asked with his low sexy voice. "Yes I'm sure!!!......Stop talking and fuck me!!" I said annoyed while i kissed him over and over again.

Danny pulled down my underwear, and ripped off his pants and boxers. He quickly tore of my sweater, exposing my breasts. "Ohh.... Just as i like it!! No bra!!!" He smirked while he took a god look at me, and it looked like his eyes were on fire. "I have never seen such enourmus breasts in my LIFE!!!..... I'm a lucky guy!!" He laughed. I grabbed his shirt, and i pulled him close to me. "Can you shut up..... I cant wait any longer.... I'm ready for you!!" I said before i kissed him hard and passionately.

Danny laughed and grabbed me by the waist, and spread my legs wider, and he slowly slippes into me. "OH GOD DANNY!" I moaned. I grabbed his head and i buried it in my chest. "Ohhhh YES Jessie!!!" He moaned. I could feel his eagerness, he had been waiting for that a long time. Danny went faster, while his mouth found its way to my nipples.... And he started sucking on them. "G.... GOD DANNY.... Ahhh!! I moaned i plessure.

I threw my head back, while i let Danny come deeper. I tighten around his hard one..... Before i realised myself on him.

Danny slowly pulled out..... And led his head rest on my belly, while i was still lying on the table. "YOU ARE AMAZING JESSIE!!! Do you know that??!!" He said trying to catch his breath. "....shit... Tha.... That... Was great!!!" I said with excitement.

We quickly got dressed again.... and cleaned up the kitchen before we made breakfast. While we were eating Danny couldnt stop smiling. "What is it?" I smiled at him. He gave me a seductive look before he jumped out of his chair and moved towards me, and wraped his armes around me from behind. "I can't believe we just did that....... in the kitchen!!" He said with an excited smile on his face.....before he kissed me from the neck and up to the cheek. I just smiled at him. It made me really happy seeing him like that. "You don't know how long i have been waiting for that babydoll.... Just seeing you makes me hard....... And i have waited for weeks!!" He laughed. I turned my body around in the kitchen chair before i gave him a soft kiss, and wispered in his ear "Well baby.. Don't get used to it!!" With a sexy voice. "Ohh, babydoll don't tease me... You're just turning me on!!" He responded with a sexy smile. "...Danny I'm not kidding" i smiled while i got down from the chair, and slowly walked out from the kitchen, while i yelled "Thanks for the breakfast dear" with a superior and seductive voice.

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