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For the next two days we were filming alot, and i didnt really had time to see Danny at all... I just spoked to him when we ran into eachother on set. When Sarah and i was finish shoting some of the signing scenes... I suddently saw Danny standing in the back of the tent smiling, and giving me a little wink. I slowly walked towards him, because i didnt wanted anyone to get suspicious. When i got closer he wispered "well, hello there beautiful", so know one could hear him. I just laught at him.

We walked out of the tent, and when we got outside i saw Danny's car parked. I quickly looked up at him, and then at the car. "Are you leaving?" I asked him, without looking at him... Because that would probably made me cry. Some days ago i hated him, and now i love him... And i cant imagine 6 weeks without him. "I am babe!!....I just wanted to say goodbye to you first!" He said with a sad voice. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears, and i didnt care if we were out i public anymore... I just turned towards him, and huged him hard and passionately. He pulled me closer to him, and i could feel his warm skin towards mine, and that made me cry even more because i knew i was going to miss that. "Jessica, please don't cry!..... seeing you like this make me cry too" he said laughing and wipping away a tear from his face and then mine. I was leaning all my weight against Danny when we were hugging, and i was resting my head against his chest. We just stood there for a while, and i loved every second of it. Having his stronge arms wrapped around my body, and listening to his heartbeat. "I have to go Jessica" he suddently interupted, looking down at me with a sad face. I pulled him even closer this time. "Don't go Danny... Not jet!" I said with a calm and quite voice so he almost didnt heard what i said. "I love you Jessica!!! I have never had such stronge feelings for anyone before" he said pulling me tighter. "I love you too Danny" i said while i was looking up at him. He slowly moved his lips towards mine and gave me a soft kiss. Jesus i am going to miss that i was thinking to myself.....His soft lips. I moved away from him and said "Well i think this is goodbye then..." With a said exprecion on my face. "Goodbye for now... But we will see eachother in 6 weeks... and i know its a long time.... but its going to be great when i am back again... Here with you. And we are going to have alot of fun.... If you know what i mean" he said with his sexy voice. I just smiled at him, and started walking towards the tent....

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me back at him and bent me down giving me a hard 10 second kiss. "Oh" i said suprised smiling at him. ............."I think you have to go now Danny.... If don't go now you are going to miss the flight" i smiled at him giving him a little wink before i turned around and headed back to the tent.

As i walked inside of the tent someone grabbed me, and pulled me into a corner behind some old sirkus things. "JESUS CHRIST" I screamed looking up. "Its just me" Sarah said looking suprised at me. "What the Fuck were you thinking Sarah!??... I thought i was going to have a heart attack" i said trying to catch my breath. "So what was going on outside?" Sarah asked giving a smile telling me she knew exactly what i did outside. Shit i was thinking to myself... "I only smoked a sigarette" i said pretending that i didnt knew what she was talking about. "BULLSHITT" she screamed. "thats not bullshitt" i said getting a little angry while i started bluching. "I saw you and Danny Jessica, i saw him having his tongue down your throat". "Shyss Sarah" i wispered holding my hand in front of her mouth. "Don't you dare telling anybody!!" I said giving her a sight that could kill. I took my hand away from her face, and took a couple of steps back. "Are you a couple or what?...i mean three days ago you hated him!!??...and now you are kissing and hugging, and crying in his arms" She asked really excited and concerned. I didnt really knew what to say. "Well i guess we kind of are" i answerd bluching even more. "OMG I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU JESSICA!!" Sarah screamed jumping up and down, and then pulled me in for a hug. "But don't tell anyone... I don't really know what we are jet... I dont really know if we are a couple" i said giving her a confused smile. "Oh, no no no, don't even think about it Jess" Sarah said. "You don't know how happy i am, you two make the best couple... You look so great together!!" Sarah said even more excited. "Hahah, thank you darling" i said giving her another hug.

The days went by, and i was thinking about Danny all the time. I tried to think about how it felt having his strong arms around me when we were sleeping.... And how it felt when we were kissing. And thinking about him just made me smile all the time.

He called me almost every day.. But the last time he cald me he had been away for 4 weeks, and then he told me that he probably didnt get the oportunity to call me again, because the last to weeks of shoting they were going spend in some mountains in France. It made me miss him even more, and i couldnt think about anything else than the day that he was coming home....

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