You are too much sometimes

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"Jessica!!!.... Baby!!" Danny said while he carefully rubbed my arm. I just turned the other way. "Honey, wake up, I think Louisa is hungry!" Danny said with a soft voice, while he turned me around. I slowly looked up, and looked at him with tired eyes, before I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. "Ohhh..... Give her to me!?" I said with a groggy voice, before Danny walked over to the bassinet and picked her up. "Hi sweetie! Are you hungry?" I said with a baby voice, because I was so happy to see her, even though it was four o'clock in the morning, when Danny gently placed her in my arms. Danny sat in the bed beside me and just watched me, when I pulled out my boob, and carefully placed my nipple in her mouth, and she started sucking immediately. "Well it was certainly time for some food!" Danny said with a little smile referring to her eagerness. I just gave him a little smile, before I looked down at Louisa, and she placed her tiny hand on the side of my boob. "Oh, Danny.... Look at her!" I said with a cute voice, while I looked at him, and then down at Louisa. Danny moved a little closer, and carefully placed a kiss on Louisa's head.

"I can't believe how much I love doing this Danny..... Even to feed her in the middle of the night.... I just love it!!" I said while I looked down at the baby. "Me to honey... well maybe not breastfeeding her, but all the other things!" Danny said with a little laugh, making me laugh too. When she was done eating, I handed her over to Danny, and he burped her. Before he carefully placed her back in her little bed.

I was laying in the bed, with my eyes wide opened, while Danny carefully laid down in the bed beside me. He spooned up behind me, which made me moan slightly. He slowly started to kiss my neck, and in a quick movement he turned me around so I was facing him. Danny quickly moved his body all close to mine, and placed a hard passionate kiss on my lips. "Mhhm... Danny!" I moaned into his mouth. Before I could feel that he slowly tried to remove my panties. I quickly pushed him away from me, and gave him a death stare "What are you doing?" I asked with an almost angry voice. He just looked at me with a confused expression. "I.....I.. just wanted to feel you.... come one..... I'm not going to go deep!!" He said with a soft voice. I hit his chest hard, before I tried to move away from him. But he just pulled me back, and I looked at him with an annoyed little smile "...You know we can't do that Danny! I just gave birth!!" I said with an irritated voice, before I laid down on my back again, taking a deep breath. Danny was just laying on his side looking at me "...Well You're right baby.... I'm sorry I didn't meant to push you...... It's just you're so beautiful!!" He said with a soft voice. I gave him a little smile "Thank you baby!" I said with a tired voice before Danny moved all close to me, and we fell asleep...

The next morning:
I woke up by Louisa's crying, and when I stood up from the bed, it was milk all over my shirt. "Shit!" I murmured to myself, before I saw that Danny was looking at me with a huge smile, that turned over to laugh "...It's not funny!" I said with a high-pitched voice, before I started to laugh too. I walked over to the baby, and carefully lifted her up "Morning my little angel!" I said with a soft voice, before I kissed her cheek. She kept crying when I held her, which made it feel like my breasts were going to explode. "I know, I're hungry... !" I said while I took out by boob, and started feeding her..."Oh, that was better wasn't it!" I said with a soft voice when she started to eat. I looked over at Danny who was staring at my breasts with big eyes "World to Danny!!! Hello..... !" I said trying to get contact with him. He quickly shook his head, and got an embarrassed laugher. "Are you 14 years old?" I said with sly smile, before I looked down at Louisa again. Danny just laughed before he leaned against the doorframe "I'm just in love!" He said with a soft voice. I quickly looked up at him with a big grin "In my breasts?" I teased whit a laugh. Danny just laughed before I carefully placed Louisa down in her bassinet, and walked over to the closet, to get her clothes.

Suddenly Danny came from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist, and pushed me down in the bed. And quickly crawled on top of me. "Danny what are you doing?" I laughed, before he quickly ripped up the buttons on my shirt, exposing my huge milk full breasts. "To answer your question, yes I'm in love with your boobs!!" He said with a sexy smile, before he pushed his face down between by breast and started kissing me all over my chest... "Danny...... hahh!" I started before Danny slightly bit my nipple. "Danny stop it... stop it please!!" I said while I was laughing, and tried to push him away from me. "They are so delicious..... you are delicious... all of you!!" Danny said while he started to kiss up my jawline, and all over my face. And then placed a hard kiss on my lips. "Danny, stop it... I have to change her diaper...the baby...!!" I said with a little frustrated voice, while I managed to push Danny off of me.

I was breathing heavy, before I was able to catch my breath, and the same was Danny. I looked over at him with a little smile "You are too much sometimes... do you know that!?" I said while I slowly picked up Louisa, and placed her on the changing table in the bathroom. Danny walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my neck while I was changing the baby. "Danny.....!" I said with a soft voice before Louisa started to kick her arms and legs all around. "Ohh, you don't want your Daddy to do that to your Mommy either? Huh??? Is Daddy being a little annoying?" I said with a baby voice, which made Louisa move even more. "I'm sorry Lou... but your dad can't get enough of your beautiful Mom!!" Danny said kissing Jessica one more time. "Okay, it okay... knock it off!!" I said with a tired voice, while I elbowed him in the ribs, which made him back off, and walked back into the bedroom....

I changed Louisa's diaper, and put on a pink little dress. Before I handed her over to Danny, who was avoiding eye contact. I placed my palm on his cheek, and I just laughed at him, which made him laugh too. "Was I to rough? Huh?" I laughed, while I gently placed a kiss on his cheek, and started to walk away. But Danny quickly used the arm he wasn't holding Louisa with to pull me back by the wrist "Another one!!" He said with a sexy smile. I just giggled before I slowly placed a soft kiss on his wet lips...

I slowly walked into the bathroom again, and put on black jeans and a black top. I did my makeup, and I looked at myself in the mirror. "God... look at that belly...I look so fat!" I was thinking to myself, when I saw my reflection. "Danny!!!" I said with a soft voice, making him stand up from the chair, with the baby in his arms, and he walked over to me. "What baby?" he asked while he rocked Louisa in his arms. "Do you think I'm fat?" I said with a sad voice, while I looked down at my body. Danny's eyes expanded, and he walked closer to me. "Jessie you are not fat... you are perfect!!!" Danny said with love in his voice. "You are saying that just because you are my husband.... see my jeans almost doesn't fit me....!" I said with a sad voice, while I sat down on the toilet. Danny bent down in front of me "Listen honey.... I'm being honest with you!! You look amazing..... !" he said with a soft voice. "And after all just 8 days ago, you had this little one inside of you!" Danny said trying to place the baby in front of my belly, which made me laugh. "See...? don't say that about yourself Jessie!!!" Danny said while he stood up, and pulled me up with him, while he was still holding the baby. "Thank you!" I said with a soft voice, before I placed a kiss on his lips.

We stood like that for a while with the baby between us, just enjoying the moment... "I love you Jessica!" Danny said before he kissed me again. I looked up at him with teary eyes "I love you too!... You and my little girl!" I said with love in my voice, while I looked down at Louisa who was sleeping in Danny's arms.

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