Where have you been?

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I looked over at the clock "shit only 06.30 in the morning!!" I whispered to myself. I hadnt slept much that night, i had been lying stearing out in the dark room...I carefull pulled myself out of bed... Trying not to wake Danny... And pulled a sweater over my head... and some black mommy jeans.

When i came downstair i carefully sat down in on of the steps, to put on my shoes... But soon i figured out that that was going to be hard.... The last few weeks Danny was the one putting on my shoes... because my belly was in the way. After some minuts i managed to put them on... And i walked out the door to go for a morning stroll. I through it was better doing that... Rather than laying in bed and feel sorry for myself. I was so sick of being pregnant... And i couldnt think of anything else than getting to hold my little babygirl for the first time.

After i had been walking for a while..... I carefully started to jog.... Because i had heard that it could help to initiate birth......... After running for a couple of minuts my hips started to hurt... And i started getting tiny chrampes. The chrampes didnt go away... So i sat down at the sidewalk. Suddently i got a really stronge contractions. "Ahhhh" i Moaned in pain........ While i was rubbing the side of my belly.

When the contraction was over i tried to fint my phone... Because my stroll took a little longer than expected... and Danny would probably wonder where i was........"Shit!!" I said to myself... When i figured out i had forgotten my phone.

I looked down at my watch, and it showed 9 o'clock. I'm i walking that slow i was thinking to myself.... When i started walking a little faster, eventhough my whole body was hurting.

When i walked up our driveway i saw that all the lights were on. And my body slowly started to feel a little different. I felt ready to give birth.... I felt that there were no more room for our little girl.

I slowly walked up the stairs... With a hard grip around the railings..... The chrampes started to get more painfull.... They were sticking into my side. "Jesus.." I wispered i pain just as i opend the door.

When i came inside i slowly turned around and shut the door behind me. When i turned around i saw Danny sitting in the stairs, with his head in his hands. He slowly looked up at me, and he looked really concerned at me. Oh i knew exactly what was coming next, i was thinking to myself... Without even saying a word to Danny. I didnt wanted to be the one starting the conversation... Because then he would probably only yell at me.

I gave him a quick smile... Before i slowly walked into the kitchen..... When i walked i could here Danny's steps behind me... So i slowly turned around. "No hello, hehh?!" He said with a concered voice. "Hello?" I responded a little angry.... Because i started to get strong contractions. "Where the hell have you been Jessica??" He asked angry while he was rasing his voice. I gave him an angry look before i answerd ".. Just.. Out for a walk...... I couldnt sleep!" I said while i took a bottle of water from the fridge, and drank it. He came closer to me.. And put his hands on my hips. "Jessica!!!..... You don't know how sceared i have been!!!..... I almost called the police!!" He said concered, while i could see anger in his eyes. "I tried to call you..... Like 10 times...!" He continued. I slowly looked down at the floor.... Before i looked up at him again. "I'm sorry Danny!..... I just... forgot my phone..... And i don't need to tell you wherever i go!!" I said while i pushed his hands away from my hips, and walked away from him. He grabbed my arm, and turned me around so i was facing him. "...Danny don't!" I wispered tired. "Jessica.... Don't you understand???!! I thought something had happend to you!!" He screamed angry. I looked hard at him "WELL NOTHING HAPPEND!" I screamed back. "Holy shit woman.... You are 9 mounths pregnant in two days..... You can't just walk around alone like that!!" He screamed even more angry at me. I walked closer to him and looked angry into his eyes "I'm sorry...okay!! I should have told you i left... I was going to call you.... But i just needed to get out of the house!!" I said frustrated. I walked even closer and looked up at him "But I'm a big girl... And i don't need to ask you permission to go anywhere...............I don't sleep at night.... So i decided i wanted to walk .... Just walk for a while." I continued angry. "Well i want to know were you go... Thats my baby to you know!!" He said looking angry. "And you can give birth any minutt Jessica!" He said angry while he carefully rubbed my belly. I quickly slaped his hand away... And gave him an angry look. "...don't touch me!!" I whispered, because i suddently got a strong contraction. I slowly turned around and bent down so i could rest my body on the kitchen island. He walked up behind me....... And just stood there.

"...Jessic...." He started but i cut him of. "Shut up Danny!!" I screamed while i was breathing heavely. "OHHHH HAAA" I moaned in pain. I could feel Danny's hands on my back, and he carefully stroke them all over my back. "This is exactly what i mean...Jessie.... What if you got one like that outside alone!!" He said with a sad and concered voice. I didnt responded..... Because the contraction was much stronger than usuall... and it was the second one that morning.

I turned around so i was facing him....."Well i got a contraction like that when i was walking earlier!!" I wispered so he mabey wouldent hear what i said. His eyes got widen "JESSICA!!!..... Contraction like that??" He said coming closer to me, and carefully placed his hands on my belly. First i looked down at him holding his hands on my belly, i was really going to miss that i was thinking tomyself..... Before i looked up. "... Yeah..... Really stronge contractions........ I think "this" can be it......!" I said smiling up at him. He quickly got a concered smile on his face "you think this can be..... It? This is not the Braxton things??" He said concered but a little excited. "... Yeah..... I feel ready..... You know.... My body feels different than for a couple of days ago...the contractions is much more painfull now!!.". "Then we have to go to the hospital!!" Danny said concered while he came closer to me, and wraped his arm around my shoulders and tried to get me out of the kitchen. I carefully pushed him away from me...."....no...no, we have to wait until its closer between the contractions!!" I said smiling up at him with a tired look on my face. He looked suprised at me "are you sure?" He said with a stressed voice??". "Yes.... Honey i am!" I smiled at him.

I carefully moved away from the table... and away from Danny. "What are doing?" Danny asked concered. I turned around and smiled at him "just a shower baby!" I said with a laugh. He moved closer to me....."I'm going with you....in case something happens!!" He said concerned. "Hahh, no you're not!!" I said getting a little frustrated, while i turned around and walked towards the bathroom. "...... But then yell if you get another contractions.... Or something happens!" Danny said with a concered expression on his face. I just quickly turned around and raist my eyebrows and struck out my armes and said "calm down Danny!" With a low and even more frustrated voice.

When i got out of the shower.... I pulled on my morninggown, and i slowly opend the door while i tied the gown. Just as i looked up i saw Danny sitting in our bedroom on a chair he had placed almost right infront of the bathroom door. "HAH..... GOD DAMN IT DANNY!!!!" I yelled suprised while i almost fell. He jumped out of the chair... and supported me so i didnt fell. "HOLY shit you sceared me!!!" I screamed while my heart was pounding hard. "Shuuu.... I'm sorry baby!" Danny said with a soft voice before he tried to give me a kiss. I quickly pushed him away, looking angry at him. "Can you leave me alone...... I'm so god damn tired of you... Treating me like a 5 year old!!!!" I said angry while i tried to catch my breath. "I'm sorry baby..... I just want everything to be okay...!". "And you are actually behaving like a 5 year old..sometimes....." Danny wispered while he turned away. I grabbed his arm and looked into his eyes.... "What did you say!" I asked with an angry voice. "Nothing honey!" He answerd........ I just felt the hormones going crazy in my body.... And i wanted to kill Danny....... I didnt knew what to do about myself..... I hadnt slept in weeks and i was so tired of being pregnant, and it made me short on Danny.

In a quick movement i pushed Danny hard into the wall, while i hit his chest. "You don't FUCKING know how FUCKING hard it is!!" I screamed while i started to cry and his his chest even harder. Danny grabbed my armes and pulled me infor a hug, and he held tight around me. "I know honey.... I'm sorry......... You are doing great... And our little girl is going to be her soon!!" He said before he kissed my head.

Danny squeezed me tighter.... And suddently i felt something happening. I pushed Danny away from me. "What is it now??" He said angry. I looked up at him with big eyes before i looked down at the floor under me. Danny followed my eyes... And we both saw a lot of water on the floor. "My water just broke!" I said suprised....

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