Why not do it again?

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When we sat in the car, none of us said anything for a while. The only thing I could think about was my little baby girl. What if she didn't wanted to eat from a bottle, she had never done that before. All this questions popped up in my head, and before I knew it tears slowly started to run down my face.

I could see that Danny was looking at me, and then over at the road again. In a quick movement he placed his hand on my tight and looked at me with concerned eyes "...Baby what's wrong?" He asked with a low voice. I quickly wiped the tears away from my face, and I kept looking out the window, trying to hide the tears. But it was just all too much, and without being able to control it, I started sobbing. Danny looked at me with big eyes, before he pulled over. "Jessica why are you crying?" he asked with a soft but concerned voice... I slowly turned around and looked at him with teary eyes "....I miss her already!" I said with a low voice, while tears came down my cheeks. Danny got a little smile on his mouth, before he carefully rubbed my tight. "I think you're still full of those pregnancy hormones!" Danny said with a little laugh, which made me smile a little too. "It's okay honey, it's your first time away from her!... But there is nothing to worry about... okay?!" Danny said with a soft voice, while he bent over and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I wiped the tears away, before I got a little smile on my mouth "...You must think I'm crazy!!" I said with a little laugh. Danny laughed too "No, I don't.... it just shows how much you love her, and what great mother you are!" He said with a gentle voice. "I.....I.... just never though I could love anybody as much as I love her......!" I said with love in my voice. Danny just looked at me with passion in his eyes "Me neither.... and I love how you are glowing when you are speaking about her, or when you are with her!" Danny said with a smile, before he gently wiped my tears away with his thumb.

We eventually got to the restaurant, and a waiter escorted us inside. "Ladies first!" Danny said with a sexy voice, while he pulled out a chair, and let me sit down first. "Thank you!" I said with a soft voice. "Welcome, here is the Menu, and just take your time, and I'll be back soon!" A young waiter said while he came over with the menu. Both Danny and I thanked him, before he quickly came back and we ordered. Both of us order the Italian dish Braciola, and Danny a glass of red vine and I just water.

"Are you sure you don't want a glass of vine?" Danny asked. I just looked up at him with a little smile "Yes, I'm sure... I don't wanna pump when I get home!" I said with a soft voice.

We eventually got or food, and it was delicious. We talked about our little girl, because I couldn't stop thinking about her. We also talked about work and how much out lives had changed the last months, before both of us were finished eating. Both of us just looked at each other with passion in our eyes, before I carefully moved my leg up Danny's thigh, which made him jump slightly. "...Jessica?" he asked with a soft voice, while I continued stoking my leg up his thigh. "....Do you remember what I asked you about when you were in labor?" he asked with a little smile. I stopped stroking his leg, and I looked down onto my lap, and started thinking, before I quickly remembered it, and looked up at him with a cute smile on my mouth "You asked me to marry you!" I said with a high pitched voice. "....Yeah, and I didn't had a ring or anything... you know it just happened!!" Danny said with a little smile. I quickly reached over the table, and placed my hand on top of his "I don't need a ring Danny... all I need is you and Louisa!!" I said with a soft voice, before he took my hand back again. "I know... I know.... and I know it wasn't the most romantic occasion!" Danny said with a smirk. "Haha, well it's something I'm going to remember for the rest of my life at least. It's something we can tell our grandchildren.... That you asked me just when I got a contraction!" I said while I was laughing. Danny just smiled nervous at me, but still with passion in his eyes, before he slowly stood up. I took a deep breath and looked at him with big eyes.... "....Danny?" I asked with an unsecure voice, before Danny quickly sat down on his knee in front of me. People around us started to turn around, looking at us. "Jessica I know I have done this before.... but I though what the hell? Why not do it again... A woman like you deserve to be asked twice....!" Danny said with a little laugh.  "I love you so much! And I can't imagine my life without you, or the little girl you have given me! I love you more than jazz babydoll!" Danny said with tears in his eyes, while he laughed at the end. I just laughed too, while a single tear came down my face. Danny reached down in his pocked, and he slowly brought back a black box. In a slow movement he opened it... and it was a beautiful diamond ring inside. I gasped when I saw it, and I just looked at Danny with love in my eyes. Danny took a deep breath before he continued "Will you make me the happiest man that have ever lived?... and marrie me?......Will you be my wife?" He asked with a soft voice. I wiped my tears away, unable to speak, so I just nodded, while I covered my mouth with one of my hands. Danny stood up, and I slowly stood up too. And with shaky hands Danny carefully took my hand and placed the beautiful ring on my finger. I gasped when I saw it on my finger. Before Danny wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight, with my head close to his chest. I slowly pulled away and looked up at him with tears in my eyes "Of course I will marry you!" I said with a soft voice, before Danny grabbed my head and kissed me passionately. People around us started clapping. And I carefully looked around me in embarrassment, because of all the attention. And I couldn't do anything else than to laugh, so Danny and I smiled at each other......I slowly looked down at the ring, and it was so beautiful "Oh my god... it's beautiful Danny!!" I said with tears in my eyes...

"I can't believe you just did that!" I said with a soft voice, while we walked down the French Quarter. Danny carefully grabbed my hand "Well... I'm full of surprises!" He said with a little smirk. "Do you like the ring?" Danny asked kind of nervous. I looked up at him with soft eyes "I love it!! It's absolutly perfect!" I said with tears in my eyes, while I looked down at my finger. Danny took my hand, and looked down at the ring too "It belonged to my grandmother!" He said with a little smile. I tilted my head to the side and looked up at him with more tears in my eyes "Ohh, Danny!" I said with a soft voice. Danny kissed ny cheek, before he said "She is very important to me! Eventhough she is not alive anymore!........ She thought me everything I know about love!!!......... And it means alot to me that you will carry her ring, and ....and that our daughter have her name!" He said while he had his arm around me. "That means alot to me too Danny!" I said with a soft voice, while I stroked my hand over his back.

We kept walking, and both of us became quite for a while, before I slowly turned around and looked at Danny. "What is it baby?" He asked while he placed both of his hands on my hips, and looked at me with passion in his eyes. "I just love you so much!.... that's all!" I said with a soft voice. Danny just smiled down at me "I love you too baby!" He said before he pushed my body close to him, and grabbed my head before he placed a hard passionate kiss on my lips. We broke apart, and Danny just hugged me tight, before he started kissing my neck, which made me laugh. "Danny?" I asked with a giggle, while he was biting at my earlobe. "Yeah....babydoll!?" He answered, while he pulled away and looked at me with loving eyes "Can we go home?.... I wanna go home to my baby!" I said with a cute little smile. Danny placed a soft kiss on my lips again, before he wrapped his arm around my shoulders "Of course honey!" He said while we walked back to our car...

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