You lied to me!

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A week later:

The phone rang in the living room. "Danny can you answerd that??" I yelled. But i didnt heard anything from him. "Ohh" i moaned angry. I walked slowly down the stairs... And i grabbed the phone and answerd. "Hello!!" I said stressed. "Hii, its Sarah!!" She said with a concerned voice. "Ohh hello Sarah.... I'm sorry i didnt mean so bark at you... I just don't know were the hell Danny is!!" I said embarrassed while i was looking around me "Hah, don't think about it!" She laughed.... Before i suddently could here Sarahs voice becoming more serious. "...ehh.... Jessica..??". "Mhhhm??" I responded knowing that something was wrong. "... Have you been online this morning??" she said while her voice started to tremble. "Sarah what do you mean?? Is something wrong??" I said while i raised my voice. "...... Eh....... You..... Know.... Tha....that.... Danny was out with.... with.....Olga yesterday!!??" Sarah said with a low voice. My heart sunk when i heard those words... And i could feel my eyes being filled with tears. ".....what?? But...but.... He said he was going out for a business meeting ....!!" I said trying not to believe what Sarah just said. ".... I'm sorry Jessie.... I just saw a picture of them hugging... Outside her car...." She said with a sad voice. "But I'm sure he has a good explanation!" Sarah quickly followed up. I didnt said anything for a while..... I just kept stairing into the livingroom. "...jessie... Are you there??" Sarah asked concerned. I could feel tears coming down my cheek, and i quickly wiped them away... Before i answerd her. ".... He lied to me....!!...... Do.... Do... You think he che.... cheated on me??" With a low uncertain voice. "Jessica.... I'm sure he didnt... I just wanted to tell you...... But its better if you go talk to him....!!" She said convincingly . I just hang up the phone... and my emotions took over.... I started crying... And breathing heavely. All different kinds of thought started getting throug my mind. What if he doesent love me anymore.... and if he cheated on me.... I don't believe i can ever forgive him for that. The more i started thinking about it, the more i cried.

Some minuts later Danny came in the door. I looked over at him while i was whiping away my tears, so he didnt noticed i had been crying. "Where the hell have you been??" I asked him angry. He looked suprised at me... "i have just been out for a run!! He answerd while he wiped away sweath from his forehead, with a towel he found in the bathroom. "And you didnt consider telling me??" I said with an angry voice. "I'm sorry honey... I didnt wanted to wake you" he said... while i tried to get up from the sofa. He slowly walked towards me and stretched out his arms trying to help me up. "DONT!!" I yelled while i gave him a hard look. "Honey i said i was sorry!" He said with a sad voice. "Let me help you... Its not good stressing like that!" He said while he tried to grab my arm. "I SAID DONT" i yelled at him, while i pushed his armes away.

I eventuelly managed to get up from the sofa... And i walked over to the kitchen, and i leaned over the table breathing heavely, i got exhausted because i used so much energy getting up. "Honey...! You have to let me help you... The doctor said you had to relax and take it easy!!" Danny said concerned while he walked up behind me, and rubbed my back. "I'm hahhh I'm okay!! see!" I said breathless while i turned around........

I just kept looking into his eyes for a while.... Before i gave him a bitchy smile. "What is it Jessica.... What have i ever done to you??" He said while he started to get angry. "WHAT HAVE YOU EVER DONE TO ME!!! Mhhhh lett me think.... Well some weeks ago you pushed me against the wall.... and then you slaped me!......... You slaped a pregnant women.......Do you want me to continue?" I screamed angry. "Jessica don't bring that up again.....!!!" He screamed back. "Or what??? You're gonna hit me?" I asked with a low voice while i shaked my head. He slowly sat down in the chair beside him and put his head in his hands, and breathed heavely. I moved closer to him, and started stroking his body from behind! I took my armes around his neck, and touched his chest in sircular motions. I pulled myself even closer..... And wraped my armes around him while i slowly bit his ear.... i wanted it to be painful. "Ahh.... Fuck... Jessica!!!" He screamed angry while he carefully pushed me away. "Oh... Just a gentle push this time!!??" I asked with a light voice while i walked away from him. He jumped out of the chair... And just as i turned around to face him again.... He lifted me up in his armes...and had a hard grip around my body. "LET ME DOWN YOURE FUCKING IDIOT!!" I screamed suprised and angry.

Danny carried me upstairs without saying a word. I kicked around... But i quickly became tired... "...Danny... Hah... Hah... Please let.... Me down...??!" I said while i breathed heavely. He carefully sat me down in a chair in our bedroom.... And sat down on his knees infront of me, and put his hands on the armrests.... "Jessica whats going on??" He asked angry. I looked at him like he was an idiot. "You know what you have done!!" I wispered trying not to cry. "I don't know, Jessica!!! He screamed frustrated. I turned my head around... So i didnt needed to look at him. "Jessica look at me!!" He said angry. I didnt looked at him, i kept stearing into the room. He grabbed my head and made me look at him. I fought back and i clawed his armes. I quickly understood that i had no chance... I felt powerless...especially when i was pregnant.

I started crying... and Danny quickly let go of me and pulled me up from the chair... And into his armes. He huged me tight. I started sobbing... and i was breathing heavely. "Danny... You lied to me!!" I cried with a low voice before i pushed him away from me. I looked straight into his eyes. "... You told me you were going out for a business meeting yesterday.......but obviusly you didnt........... You went with Olga instead!!...." I cried. "Shit...!" He wispered to himself while his eyes went down to the floor. ".... There are pictures of you everywhere....." I murmured while i wiped the tears away from my face. "Jessica its not like you think!!!!" He said concered. "Not like i think???..... Did you cheated on me??!!....." I cryed. "OF COURSE NOT!!!!!...... I LOVE YOU JESSICA!!..... ONLY YOU!!!!" He screamed really loud while he grabbed my armes....... "I don't understand.... Danny.... What were you doing with her??" I sobbed. He looked deeped into my eyes. "I'm so sorry i didnt told you... But we just had to go through some papers about the house we shared.... Because she owed me some money!!!" He said with a soft voice. I looked relieved at him..... Before i got serious again. "But... But why did you lied to me?? Why didnt you just told me??" I said while i sat down and looked up at him. ".... I just didnt wanted you too stress.... I through you alreaddy had enough on you're mind with the pregnacy and all......" He said with a sad expression on his face. "Oh..... Danny i appreciate that... But you cant keep on lying to me all the time...... I cant handle it!!!" I said while i cried. "I know.... And it was wrong!!!...... I'm really sorry!!!" He said while he bent down and kissed me passionately on my cheek. I sligly pulled away.... "Oh honey..... I know you want more!!!" He said seductive before he placed a hard wet kiss on my lips. I giggled at him before i said "but promise me... that we always can be honoust with eachother!!!" "I promise you!!!" He said while he pulled away from me and shaked my hand, while he was laughing. "You're idiot..." I laughed while i hit his chest.

"I love you babydoll... and I'm so greatfull for you still being with me... Eventhough I'm a complite idiot sometimes!!" He said giving me a soft smile, while he placed his hands on my belly. "I love you too baby..... Eventhough you surtently can be a complite idiot sometimes.... Every day actually..." I giggled before i pulled him close to me, and gave him a soft kiss.

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