This is our life now

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2 days later:

"..Okay are you ready to go home?" Danny asked with a soft voice, while I was holding Louisa in my arms. I just looked up at him with a cute little smile and nodded before I tried to stand up. But Danny quickly grabbed my one free arm, and helped me up, before he walked out of the room to get a wheelchair, and came quickly back. "Danny I don't need that!!" I said with a little laugh. Danny got a little smile on his mouth, before he rolled the wheelchair all close to me... "Come on baby... you just gave birth!!" Danny said with a soft voice, while he helped me sit down in the chair..... "Ochh....!" I made a sound, just when I sat down... I wasn't completely aware of the fact that I was that sore... Danny looked at me with big eyes.. "What is it honey?" He asked with a concerned voice.. I just looked up at him with an innocent look... "...I'm just a little sore....haha you know!!" I said with a little laugh, before I looked down at Louisa who was fast asleep in my arms. "Ohh, Danny look at her.... isn't she beautiful!!" I said with tears in my eyes. Danny moved closer to me, so he was standing behind me and Louisa, and he carefully looked down at her. "She is the most beautiful girl in the world..... just as her mother....!" He said while he placed his hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up at him with a shy little smile, before I placed the hand I wasn't using to hold Louisa on top of his.. ...

When we came out to the car, I handed Louisa over to Danny, and he carefully placed her in her grey car seat... while I walked over to the other side of the car, and got in with her...

While Danny started to drive, I couldn't take my eyes of the baby... She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I placed my thumb in her hand, and she quickly held tight around it, while she opened her eyes and looked at me with her big blue/brown eyes... "Hi little girl... are you awake?" I said with a baby voice, while I was cuddling with her hands... I could see that Danny was looking in the mirror, and then at the road again, with a big grin on his face. "Is everything going okay back there?" Danny suddenly asked with a soft voice, while he was looking in the mirror. I gave him a tiny smile, before I looked down at Louisa again, making sure she was okay, but she was only staring at me with big eyes... "It's going great honey!!" I said with a soft voice.

I placed a soft kiss on Louisa's hand, before I pulled slightly away, which made her make small noises.... "Ohh, are you talking huh sweet little girl... are you talking to your Mommy?" I said with a cute voice, while I could see Danny smile to me through the mirror... "....Ohh... Danny she is so cute I can't even believe it!!" I said with tears in my eyes once again... "She is... we make cute babies don't we!?" Danny said with a little giggle, while he made an u-swing, and pulled into the driveway... "We sure do Danny!" I said with a little smile...

Danny slowly opened the door for me, and I took his hand while he carefully supported me out.... I walked over to the other side so I could take out Louisa, but Danny quickly opened the door and looked at me with a big smile..."I can take her honey.... !!" He said with a soft voice... I just nodded before I grabbed hard around the railings, and started walking up the stairs... but I had to stop midways, and Danny managed to walk up to me... "You okay baby?" He asked with a concerned voice.. I just smiled at him while I was breathing heavier... "Yes.. hah...yes.... you should believe I was still pregnant!!" I said with a little giggle... "hahah, you just gave birth some days ago Jessie...!" Danny said while he carefully took my arm, and helped me up, while he was holding the baby who was now sleeping in the care seat.

When we got inside, I slowly sat down on the couch, leaning my head against the back of the sofa before I took a deep breath. But before I was able to get comfortable Louisa started to cry. I just gave Danny a cute little smile, before Danny took her up and handed her over to me. "Thank you!..... Hi, my little baby girl!!... Are you hungry .....huh?" I said with a baby voice, while I slowly pulled out my boob, and Louisa started eating like if she had never eaten before. "Oh this little girl is hungry!!" I said again while I carefully stroke her head. Danny sat down beside me, and I could see that he was looking at me, so I slowly turned my head around and I saw a big smile on his mouth. "What is honey?" I asked with a soft voice, before I slowly looked down at Louisa with love in my eyes.... Danny moved a little closer to me, and carefully placed his arm around my shoulders.... "I just can't get over how perfect you are!!..... !!" Danny said with a seductive voice. I quickly looked up at him with big eyes... ".....No Danny!" I said with a low voice. Danny just held tight around me, before he looked down at our beautiful daughter "Yes you are Jessie.... and you pushed the most beautiful human being out of you..... You are the mother of our daughter!!! And I can never thank you enough for that!!!" Danny said with tears in his eyes. I looked at Danny with a surprised expression on my face... ".... Danny.... Why are you crying?" I said while I whipped Louisa's mouth, before I held her close to my chest, while I was patting her back, trying to make her burp. After a couple of minutts she burped, and I placed her back in her white and pink bassinet.

I slowly walked over to Danny again, and I carefully placed my arms around his neck, and sat down on his lap. I moved my hands to his face, and looked straight into his eyes, before I whipped away his tears. In a slow movement Danny placed his hands on my hips and pulled my body closer to him, before he placed his head on my chest and hugged me tight, and tried to hide the fact that he was crying. "...Oh...Danny !!" I said with a soft voice while I let my hands run through his hair. He slowly pulled away and looked at me with red eyes, before he started to giggle "It's just that I'm so proud of you!! And I love you so much!!!! You and our little girl" He said with a happy voice. I just looked at him with teary eyes as well. Danny had really become a better version of himself.

"Hahah, and It's kind of crazy that I'm the one crying.... Haha, you are the one that just gave birth!!" He said with a little laugh. I just looked at him with passionate eyes.... "I love you so much Danny!!!" I said before I placed a soft kiss on his lips............... and soon after we could hear Louisa cry. I just smiled at Danny before I rested my whole weight on Danny, and slowly pulled myself away from him, carefully so I wasn't hurting myself since I was still sore. Danny saw that I was a bit uncomfortable, so he placed his hands on my hips when I moved away from him, trying to support me as good as possible... Before I moved over to the baby...

"..... Where you all alone sweet little girl! You rather be with You're Mommy and Danny??" I said with a soft voice, while I carefully took her up from her bassinet, and rested her close to my chest. Danny stood up and held his hands on my back, so he could support me down into the sofa again. "Hi princess!!" Danny said with a baby voice, while he placed one of his fingers in her hand. Louisa quickly opened her eyes, and looked at Danny with big eyes... "Ohh, do you want over to your Danny?" I said with an adorable voice, before I looked up at Danny. Danny straightened up, before I carefully placed her in his arms. Danny gently held around her, while Louisa was resting her cheek on his chest, and Danny held under her little butt with his big hand. I sat up sideway, and I just looked at them while I rested my head in my hand, and pulled my legs up under me "Well I guess this is our life now....!" I said with a soft voice . Danny gently looked over at me "Yeah, and I couldn't  be dreaming about anything else!" He said while he carefully stroked his hand down her back. "Me neither!" I responded while I moved closer to Danny, and placed my head on his shoulder and just looked at our beautiful daughter.

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