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I woke up by Louisa's crying. So I slowly went out of bed, and moved over to her bassinet. "God morning my little angel!" I said with a soft voice, while I carefully picked her up, and held her close to my body while Danny was fast asleep. "Mhhm are you hungry!" I whispered in her ear, while I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.....

I fed her, and I placed her down in her a little bed we had in the living room, before I sat down on the couch and started to read a Zola novel.

After a couple of hours, I could hear Danny rummaging upstairs, and it didn't take long before I could hear his heavy steps in the stairs..... He slowly came around the corner, and I looked up from my book, and our eyes met. I gave him a little smile, before my eyes wandered down again. "Morning baby!" Danny said with a soft voice, while he moved closer to me, and slowly sat down beside me. "Good morning!" I said with a low voice, without looking up at him again.......In a quick movement, he placed his arm around my shoulders, which almost made me lose my book. "Danny!!" I said irritated while I carefully tried to push him away, still having my eyes glued to the book. Danny quickly pulled his arm away from me, before he bent forward and placed his head in his big hands. "I guess we should talk..... About last night!" Danny said with a deep voice, before he gave me a look. I slowly looked up, before I looked down again while I murmured "Mhmm!". Danny stared at me for a while, without saying anything. "Can you at least put the book away, and look at me.... So we can talk?!" Danny suddenly said with a soft but frustrated voice. I didn't looked up at him, because for the first time in a long time he really annoyed the shit out of me. I really didn't liked the fact that for the last week, he hadn't been home one night. Well he always came home really late, so I had already put the baby to sleep, and I was almost sleeping aswell. And all this just made us fight more.....

In a quick moment Danny grabbed the book out of my hands, and threw it across the room. My body jumped when he grabbed it with force out of my hand, and I looked at him with anger in my eyes. I quickly stood up from the couch and started to walk away, before Danny grabbed hard around my wrist, and pulled me back. I felt more and more anger building up inside of me, and my emotions started to take over, and before I knew it..... tears came down my cheeks. "Let go of me Danny!" I whispered while I looked at him with angry eyes, before I whipped my tears away with my other hand. "Jessica, I don't know what I have done wrong!" Danny said with a soft voice, while he carefully pulled me down on to his lap. I wrapped my arms around my own body, while I looked away from Danny. "......I told you last night...... I need help around here Danny!..... I mean..... I want you to stay home with me, so we can take care of our daughter together!.... she is only three weeks old" I whispered, while a tear came down my cheek. Danny carefully wrapped his arms around my body, and looked at me with concerned eyes "....I'm sorry Jessie..... Why couldn't you just tell me that.... instead of  blocking me out?" Danny said with a soft voice. I took a deep breath before I looked deep into his eyes. I slowly placed my hand on his cheek before I said ".....I know.... I'm sorry..... It's just I'm tired.....!" I said while tears came down my cheeks again, and I placed a soft kiss on Danny's lips, while I was sobbing. "....Jessie.... Calm down...... I'm really sorry!!!" Danny said with a soft voice. I pulled away and looked at him with teary eyes "..... I don't like being home alone at night.... And especially not when we have a little baby!!" I said while I hugged him tight. Danny slowly pulled away, and placed both of his hands on my cheeks. "....Jessie I'm so sorry. If I had known that I wouldn't be working that late..... I hate that you feel this way.....!" Danny said with a deep voice, before he kissed my forehead.

We cuddled up on the couch, without saying anything for a while. We just liked being in each other's arms. Feeling each other's skin against one another.... I was laying on top of Danny, resting my head on his muscular chest, while he held tight around me. Suddenly the baby started to cry, and I quickly jumped up. But in a quick movement Danny pulled me back down with a little smile, and slowly went over to her bassinet, and picked her up. ".....Come over here!?" I said to Danny with a soft voice, while I laid over on my side, making more room for Danny to lay beside me. Danny slowly laid down, and he placed Louisa on her stomach on top of his chest. I slowly moved my body all close to Danny, and rested my head on his chest too, while I looked over at Louisa. I loved it so much. Just being the three of us.

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