I'm not ready..!

348 22 9

When I had been down town and bought the nipple cream..... I went over to my doctor, because we needed to sort out everything about the birth control, before I finally could be active again. So I picked up the pills, before I drove back home...

I pulled up the driveway, and when I stopped the car, I just rested my hands on the wheel, while I looked at the house. I was so tired...... But at the same time I couldn't wait to see my little baby girl again. I had only been away from her for a couple of hours, and still I missed her more than anything....

I didn't really understood what was going on between Danny and I, but it had been some hard weeks not being able to be intimate, even though, we cuddled and held around each other... we still missed something... ..... By nature, we needed each other.... A lot....

I just sat in the car thinking for a while, not really wanting to get inside. But I knew that I had too, because Danny had probably seen the car.....I slowly looked down at my arm, and over at my watch, and it was already 8 0'clock, and it had started to get darker, and all the lights outside in the garden was turned on...... I took a deep breath, before I opened the door, and walked out.

".....Baby?...." I said with a low voice, trying not to wake the baby if she was sleeping, while I got inside. But Danny didn't responded. I slowly walked around the first floor, but Danny and Louisa wasn't there. "Honey?" I whispered, feeling bad about how cold I had been towards Danny earlier that day, had he left? Where could he be? I was thinking to myself...

I went upstairs, and I still didn't heard a sound. I could feel a lump building up in my stomach, and I started to breath heavier..... What if something had happened? I was thinking while I was getting more and more nervous.... Suddenly I heard a soft sound, from Louisa's bedroom. My body jumped, before I quickly turned around and walked into her room....... I placed my hand on my chest, and I couldn't do anything else than to smile, when my eyes caught what was making the sounds......

Danny was fast asleep in a pink chair located beside Louisa's bed, with the baby in his arm. He held his arms tight around her, and his cheek was close to her head.... I wasn't able to move from the doorway, I could only stare at my beautiful family. Seeing Danny like that made my heart melt...

I slowly walked over to them, and carefully moved Danny's arms away from Louisa, and carefully lifted her up in my arms, before I kissed her head.... Danny quickly woke up, and he looked around with big eyes. "Calm down honey.... It's just me!" I said with a little smile, before I placed the baby down in the bed, and tucked her in her baby blanket, and placed her little toy bunny close to her face.

When I had placed her down, I stretched out my back, and I looked down at her, before I suddenly felt Danny's hands around my waist, and he slowly pulled my back close to him, and he started kissing my neck. ".....Hi, sleepy!" I said with a whisper, while I carefully rested my head back on Danny's big shoulder. ".....I just rested my eyes.... I wasn't sleeping!" Danny said with a little laugh, which made me laugh too.

I slowly turned around facing him, and I felt guilty about our little fight earlier....it wasn't worth fighting about..... Fighting about work, and leaving the baby.... Of course non of us want to be away from her the whole weekand.... ".....I'm sorry about earlier......!" I said with a low voice, while my eyes wandered down to the floor. Danny pushed his body close to mine again, while he said "...Me too baby!" Before he placed his hand under my chin, and made me look up at him, before he placed a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Did you bought the nipple cream?" Danny laughed while I held my arms around his neck....I looked up at him with a little smile, before I playfully hit his arm. "In fact I did!" I said with a soft voice, while Danny was laughing "It's not funny..... It hurts alot!!" I continued with a little pout. Danny looked down at me, and hugged me tight ".... I know princess.... I'm sorry I'm just joking with you!!" Danny said before he placed a kiss on my head.

In a quick movement, Danny lifted me up in his arms, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Danny kissed me again, before he started placing kisses down my jaw, and further down my neck. I slowly moved my body, giving him more access, before I hugged him tight. "...I need you baby!" Danny suddenly whispered in my ear, before he stared walking towards our bedroom with me in his arms........

He carefully threw me down into the bed, with a sexy expression on his face. Danny slowly pulled of his shirt, and went on all fours, and started crawling on top of me..... When he was right over me, he stopped, and he looked down at me with a smirk, before he lowered his body, pushing me further down. He let his hands run through my hair, before he slowly placed his hands on my cheeks, and kissed me with his soft lips... He quickly pushed his tongue inside my mouth, and I allowed him to, by opening my mouth further, and letting my tongue dance with his. "....Mhhhh..... I moaned.

"...Honey....!" Danny moaned before he placed his left hand between my legs, and carefully started stroking me. "Ahhh.... Danny!" I grunted, while I slightly bit his earlobe..... And before I knew it, I could feel Danny's fingers playing around my entrance. I quickly pushed his hand away, while I was breathing heavy, and Danny looked at me with disappointed eyes. I placed my arm around his neck, and I looked up at him with embarrassed eyes ".....You know I can't.....!" I said with low voice..... Danny kissed my cheek before he slightly pulled away, and looked down at me "....But it has gone 5 weeks....... There's no difference if we do it now... Or if we wait a week!" Danny said trying to seduce me. I let out a little laugh....."Honey..... I'm sorry, but I'm just....I'm not ready... Not yet!" I whispered..... Danny smiled down at me ".... Okay honey....Okay.... I'm sorry!" He said with a low voice..... I carefully placed my palm against his cheek "...It's okay!.... Mabey LA will be fun anyway" I said with a seductive voice, which made Danny smile from ear to ear....

Danny slowly moved away, and laid down beside me. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. It looked like he was thinking because he had a weird expression on his face.....I laid over on my side, so I was facing him, and I let out a little giggle when I saw the smile that got formed on his face "...What are you thinking about?" I asked with a soft voice, while I carefully stroked my hand over his stomach. Danny placed his hands behind his head, and his smile grew bigger, while he still kept his eyes closed. ".....I'm thinking..... I'm thinking about what we are going to do in LA..... me being inside of you...... Touching you....tasting you....... Making love to you.....feeling every inch of your god damn beautiful body....... " Danny said with a sexy voice, before he opened his eyes and looked over at me. I just looked back at him with big eyes, before I started laughing "Well aren't you eager?" I said with a cute voice, before I moved my body all close to Danny, and rested my head on his chest, and Danny moved his arm under me, and held tight around my body. "...... I can't wait either honey!" I said while I pattered his chest. "It will be great not having such a huge belly, so that I can actually enjoy making love....and having you inside of me...!" I said with a soft seductive voice, while I took his hand and brought it up to my face and placed kisses all over his big hand.

Danny carefully pulled me closer, even though it wasn't quit possible, because we held so tight around each other....He then placed a soft kiss on my head, while he stroked his hand up and down. "I love you so much Jessie! Do you know that?" He said with a sleepy voice...I squeezed my head close to his chest, so I could hear his heartbeat, while I made circular motions with my fingers on his stomach "I know that Danny.... And I love you too honey!" I said with a soft voice, before both of us eventually fell asleep, even though the clock was only showing 9.....


I'm really sorry I haven't updated any of my stories for a while, I have been really busy..... But I"ll try to update all of them very soon!!

And I haven't forgot about the suggestions I got from some of you after the last chapter😏😏😏😏

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