The costumes doesn't fit!

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Some weeks later: (Jessica are now 15 weeks pregnant... And they haven't told anybody yet).

"Danny we have to keep it a secret as long as we can. I don't want people to think that we are togather just because you got me pregnant" i said with a sad expression on my face. "Jessica you can't think like that!...... We love eachother and thats the only thing that are important.... And we have a precious child on the way" Danny said really serious. "But we can tell people about or little one when you are ready" he said while he gave me a hug and then a little kiss. "I love you Danny" i said pulling him closer to me. "Oh..... I love you more babydoll!!" He smiled before he kissed my forehead.

I took a white sweather out of my closet, and pulled it over my head. I wasen't thinking about the fact that i had gotten alot bigger... Ecpecially around my stomach. So i just acted like normal... and kept getting ready before shoting. Suddently Danny started to laugh. I looked up at him, giving him a sight that told him i wanted to kill him. "WHAT" I screamed anoid. Danny quickly stoped laughing when he understood that it made me angry. "its ...... Its just.... that if you want to keep the pregnancy a secret a little longer you can't wear that sweather" he said really neourves... But then after a couple of seconds it turned over to a laugh again. I just looked angry at him. He stood up from the sofa and moved towards me with a big smile on his face, and he leaned his hands on my stomach. "You're little belly is getting bigger honey" he smiled. "And to be honest you look really pregnant in that sweather" he continued while he tried to give me a kiss. I pushed him away and went into the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. "Oh, god!!!!!!!!!" I said really suprised. "Sweetie...." I broke him of. "I look really fat!!!" I said with a angry expression on my face. "No, babydoll, you look pregnant.... The only part of you that have gotten bigger is your stomach.... And thats not so weird is it" he smiled at me while he was rubbing my belly. "You look amazing Jessie!!!!" He said before he gave me a soft kiss. "Thank you, honey" i smiled back at him.

I changed sweather. And we headed of to the set. When we arrived at set, i went straight to the makeup room and got my makeup done. After a while i had to get my costume on. I was going to weare some beige highwaist jease... And i didnt even payed attention to my growing belly. When i was pulling on the pants, i quickly understood that there were no chance that they would ever fit me. Shit, how is this possible i was thinking to myself. Suddently Sarah came in... and she kept standing in the doorframe watching me while i tried to fit into the jeans. "OH MY GOD, JESSICA.... You can really see that there is a baby inside your belly" she screamed with excitement. "Hysshh... Be quite!!!" I screamed back. "Whats going on?" She asked concerned. "I DONT GET THE FUCKING PANTS TO FIT!!!" I screamed at her. "Oh, shit!.... What are you going to do?" She asked. "GO WITHOUT ANY OF COURSE!!" I snaped at her. I quickly understood that i was a total bitch. "SARAH, i am sorry... Its just you know... I can't control my emotions anymore... Iam sorry!!!". "Haha, its okay Jessie... You are pregnant!!! You are alowed to be a real bitch for 9 mounths." She laught. I just laught at her.

I really didnt knew what to do, so Sarah went over to the mens dressingroom, and said to Danny that there was an emergency........Danny slammed the door open, and ran over to me. "What... What is it?" He screamed almost without breath. "Calm down big boy" i laught at him. "Its just that the costume doesn't fit me!!" I said with a sad expression on my face. "OH, SHIT JESSICA YOU JUST SCEARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" He said pulling me tight. "Oh, I'm sorry, Danny.... I didnt ment to.." He cut me off. "Don't think about it baby... I just love you and the baby so much" he said with tears in his eyes. "Oh honey" i said while i started to cry. We huged for a while before i had to push him away....

"Danny, we have to tell Ryan.... Because the costume doesent fit me!!! I said with a concerned expression on my face. "Tell him honey... Its really starting to show.... and i think its a good idea to tell them now!!" He said before he gave me a passionate kiss.

I took the pants on, but i could not snap them because by belly had gotten to big. I walked out in the sirkus tent... And i yelled at Ryan. "Ryan can i talk to you?" I yelled kind of embarrassed because there were so many people there. He turned around and started walking towards me with a big smile on his face. "Hahh, you should probably buttonig the pants" he said while he was laughing. "Mhmm... I cant!" I smiled back at him. "What... Are they broken?? Hey can the costume designers come over here?? We need help with Jessicas costume?!!!!" He screamed. "No no, shuuuu, no!!!" I tried to get him quite. "So what is it!" He said concerned. "They don't fit me" i almost whispered. "Eh, oh.... I'm sorry i am sure its just a measuring misake" he said getting a little nervous. "No its not" i smiled at him. He just looked weird at me............"I....... I'm.... I'm....... Pregnant Ryan!" I said in a really low voice. He got a wide smile on his face... And he slowly looked down on my belly. "You are pregnant?" He wispered in a really cute voice. "Yes" i smiled back at him. "OH MY GOD!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!" He screamed before he huged me tight. "Ochhh......please, don't squeeze me so tight Ryan.... My boops are really sore!!" I said with a little painful laugh. "Oh, I'm so sorry!!!" He said while he directed me towards the sitting area.

We sat in the canteen and suddently Danny showed up. "Well, Congratulations Daddy!" Ryan said before he got up and gave Danny a quick hug. "Well thank you" Danny responded before he moved closer to me and gave me a soft kiss. "So how fare are you?" Ryan asked really excited. "I'm 15 weeks pregnant" i said while i was looking up at Danny. Danny started rubbing my back... Before he took a cigarette up from his pocket and lit the cigarette. I gave him a sight... But Danny didnt understood why i was looking at him that way. He just kept smoking that cigarette. "I have to go you guys... And i am so happy for you..... and can you come down to the costume room later today Jessica... We have to make some changes" he said while smiling like a crazy. "Of course... Thank you" i said trying to smile eventhough the smoke was really making me nauchouse. "GOD DAMN IT DANNY!!! IF YOU ARE GOING TO SMOKE CAN YOU GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME...... IT REALLY MAKES ME NAUCHOUSE!!!!!" I screamed at him. I could see that he was suprised by my behavior. "Oh, I'm sorry Jess.... I didnt know!!" He said while looking a little afraid. I just gave him an angry look. He quit smoking and he moved the ashtray to a table that was located at the other side of the room. When he came back he asked me if i wanted to go to the dressingroom so i could relaxe a little.

We walked into the the dressingroom... And when we got inside Danny slammed the door... And moved closer to me... And pulled me closer to him... So i could feel his skin towards my body. He stared kissing me.... And it made me really nauchouse because i could still smell the smoke. I pushed him away from me. "JESUS DANNY, YOU STILL SMELL LIKE A FUCKING ASHTRAY!!!!" I screamed angry at him. "Shit I'm sorry Jessie!!" He said with a sad expression on his face. Oh I'm a total bitch i was thinking to myself... Danny is so kind to me... And I'm still treating him like catpiss. "I'm sorry Danny!!!!!!!!'....... I didnt ment to!!!! Forgive me...... I'm really sorry!..... I'm such a bitch..... But i can't control myself" said while i started to cry. Danny pulled me closer again, and huged me tight. "Its okay babydoll, your body are going through major changes its absolutley normal to be VERY hormonal!" He said kissing my cheek. "Thank you, danny" i cried..........."Danny..?...." I wispered. "Yeah baby". He answerd with a calm voice. "Can you please let go of me??..... The smell of smoke really makes me nauchouse!! And i think i have to throw up... If you don't let go of me!..." I said with a sad voice. "Oh of course honey" he said laughing. "I'm sorry Danny.... But its just..." He cut me off. "Don't think about it honey... Its my fault i shouldnt be smoking around a pregnant woman". He smiled. "I think I'm going to take a shower" he smiled before he headed of to the mens dressingroom. "That sounds great" i smiled at him... While he laught at me... Giving me a little wink.

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