Are we going to tell everybody?

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"Look at you... you are glowing" Danny said with his sexy voice. "Rather growing" i laught. "Haha, baby... You look amazing!! I cant wait until you get really pregnant with a big stomach". He said bending down kissing my stomach. "Aw.. Arent you cute". He stood up and pulled me closer to him.. And gave me a soft kiss.

I started thinking about how we were going to tell everybody about the baby, but then i came to think about me and Danny. We handnt even told anybody except Sarah about us. I became really quite.. And i was lost in my thaughts. Danny went in and out of the bathroom, getting ready... And suddently he grabbed my shoulders and looked deeped into my eyes, and interupted my thaughts. "What is it, Jessie" he asked with a soft voice. I couldnt keep my eyes on him ....So i just stared into the ground. "Mhmm... its just... You know... .. What are we going to tell everybody" i said with a confused expression on my face. "We havent even told anybody about us, and now all of a sudden we are expecting a child" i said while i was pushing him away from me, while i stood up from the chair and moved towards the bathroom.

He followed me closely, and i could see in the mirror that he was really concerned. "Well... You don't know how hard it has been for me.. Not telling anybody about my hot girlfriend" he said while he was looking at me in the mirror giving me a little smile. "....girlfriend?...." I smiled back at him. He came closer to me.. And he wraped his armes around my waist... While we were standing infront of the huge mirror in the bathroom. We looked at eachothers reflections in the mirror.... While we were smiling. "Yeah, girlfriend!? Aren't you my girlfriend?" He said before he started kissing my neck. "Do you want me to be?" I giggled. He looked over at me in the mirror again. "More than anything babydoll" he said with a huge smile on his face. "Mhmm... Then i guess thats what i am... Danny Hustons girlfriend" i said with a cute little voice. He quickly turned me around and gave me hard wet passionate kiss. "OHH, What was that for?" I laught. "For being my girlfriend!" He smiled, giving me another kiss. "But really Danny! What are we going to do?" I asked him again. He pulled me tighter, and gave me a hug. While we were hugging he said "Can't we just tell everybody that we are togather??..... And when we feel for it we can tell everybody about our little baby". He smiled at me while he pulled away from the hug and placed his hands on my stomach. "That sounds like a plane?" I answerd puting my hands over his...


Later that day Danny and i went up to the set... To shot some scenes. After a couple of hours we were done.... And Danny gave me a look that ment that we mabey could tell everybody about us... Since for a chance everybody was actually there.

Danny didnt really wanted to make an he just walked fast across the room.. And pulled me hard against him... And than gave me a long soft kiss. He bent me down, and he wraped his armes around me and kissed me again. I was a little suprised by his action... But i kissed him back... And let my hand pass through his black silver hair.

"Wohhh...... WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING" Kathy and Evan was screaming. I just smiled at them....People started clapping and Emma and Angela started yelling "FAXMAN, FAXMAN, FAXMAN". We broke of the kiss... And Ryan moved towards us. "Mhmm... Ehh.... What did just happend???........... Are you.... Are you a couple?" He asked really excited. I looked up at Danny and he gave me a nod. "Yes, we are" I said before i gave Danny another kiss. "OH MY GOD, i am so excited for you guys!!! Ryan screamed. "Thank you" we both said. "They have been sniking around having wild sex everywhere... And i mean everywhere" Sarah screamed kind of drunk. "SARAH" I screamed at her in embarrassment . Everybody started laughing..... and Danny suddently said "Well, thats true" just to tease me. I hit his chest, and said "Be quite Danny" while i was blushing. I didnt had time to get angry at Danny... Before Kathy said "Oh Congratulations" while she gave me a hug. "I'm so happy for you!!!"

When we came back to my trailer... Danny pulled me by the waist and gave me a soft kiss. "See, that was easy" he said with excitement in his eyes. "Yeah, it was". I smiled back at him. "So do you want to do something fun tonight?" He said while he searched my body with his eyes, and than looked down on his hard one. "Oh, excited alreaddy??" I winked at him. He didnt responded.... He just moved slowly towards me. He placed his hands on my hips, and then moved them down and squeezed my ass.... He pushed me upwards by my ass... And then threw me down into the bed. He quickly followed after and craweld on top of me. Danny was pressing his body against mine... And i could feel tention building up in my stomach. He slowly started kissing my neck.. And then moved down to in between my boops. "Oh, your boops are so big right now!!" He smiled in excitement. "And i love it!!!" He continuated. He moved up to my face again, and pressed his lips against mine. I ran my hands through his hair. Suddently i started tigging his hair.... And i could feel his excitement. "OH, FUCK JESSICA!!!" He moaned. Danny started undressing me... And suddently he made a little laugh. "What?" I asked concerned. "You're not wearing any underwear" he said with a large smile. I just giggled back at him... While i helped taking of his shirt and pants.

Danny puts his hardone into me, making both of us moan. After a while Danny rolled off of me... So he was lying besides me. He pulled himselfe really close to me, and then he wraped his stronge armes around me. "I love you more than life Jessica" he said looking straight into my eyes. "I love you too Danny" i said before i gave his sweet lips a soft kiss.

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