Halloween Bang (lemon and Hard lemon)

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Music blaring, bar filled with men and women in costumes getting a drink you trying to hook up, others dancing under orange, purple and green lights. Typical Halloween bar night for the grownups while teens and children trick or treat. Knuckles leans on the bar sipping on Lena's Halloween bar special watching his friends make fools of themselves dancing drunkenly. "What are you dressed up as Knux?" Lena ask looking at Knuckles's black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, blue jeans, and black boots. "I'm a psycho they look like everyone else" Knuckles joked. "Not really dressed up are ya?" "Not this year Le" Knuckles said and finished his drink. "Want another?" "If ya don't mind please" "coming right up handsome" she smiled. Knuckles turns and leans on the bar looking at all the different bottles of alcohol. Out of the corner of his eye he sees two women looking at him. One was a teal cheetah dressed up like Jessica rabbit and her friend a tan cat in a sexy nurse costume. "Please don't come over here please please don't" Knuckles thought as Lena sets his drink down. "Hey there handsome~" the cheetah said seductively. "Damn it!" Knuckles thought sipping his drink. "Sooo handsome you wanna join me and my friend for a little 3way~" said the cat tracing her nail down his sleeve. "No" he said. "Awwww come on big boy~" they purred. "He said no ladies beat it" a sharp male voice said making the women stick their noses up and walk away. "You ok Knux?" Knuckles smiles recognizing the voice and looks over his shoulder to see shadow. "Yeah of course if you hadn't shown I probably would've left." "Heh and risk them following you home yeah no" he smiled and sat next to him. "So what brings you out tonight?" "Well Luigi texted saying you were here and I know you weren't gonna be out dancing like everyone else so I thought I join ya" Shadow said and orders the same drink. "You really didn't have to man" Knuckles said as Lena give shadow his drink. "Well still besides its Halloween anything can happen tonight~" he winks taking a sip making Knuckles blush. "Besides how could you go out without your boyfriend?" He finished. "Shut up Shadz...." "Awwww look how you are blushing"

Knuckles pins shadow to the cool brick wall outside the bar pressing his lips on his. They shove there tongues in each other's mouths playing and fighting for dominance. Shadow moans between their rough kissing. Knuckles releases shadows wrist glides his hands down shadows body as shadow wraps his arms around Knuckles's neck. Knuckles pinches shadows tail making the ebony hedgehog moan. "Fuck knux I hate when you do that~" he huffed blushing a deep red. "Awww you're so cute when you blush~" Knuckles whispered in his ear. "Shut up Knux~" Shadow replied feeling the echidna lick and nibble his neck. "Wanna head back to your apartment?~" Knuckles asked his hot breath against shadows neck making him shiver. "Oh hell yes~"
Both males bursts through shadows bedroom door in his apartment kissing wildly. Knuckles pushes shadow off and they remove their shirts kissing wildly some more unbuttoning each other's jeans. Knuckles lift shadow by his ass and tosses him on the bed. Knuckles wasted no time and grabs the back of shadows neck pulling him in for a deep kiss as he thrust inside of him. Shadows moans vibrating their tongues. Knuckles grips shadows thigh thrusting deeper while still holding the back of shadows neck tongue dominating the other. Shadow becomes submissive for once in a while enjoy feeling his boyfriend's member inside of him and hitting the bunches of nerves repeatedly. Yet he forgotten that tonight was a full moon and hopes it stays hidden behind the clouds. Knuckles slams deep and came inside the ebony hedgehog making him break the kiss and gasp for air as a trail of saliva connects their lips. "Damn what made you so controlling?~" shadow asked as Knuckles lays next to him. "You teased me too much" he grins. "Cute knuck-" Shadow notices the moon coming out. "SHIT!" "Well I'll see you tomorrow knux I had fun" /Shadow said getting up and tossing Knuckles clothes. "The hell?!" "Look im busy I need sleep ok?" Shadow said smiling trying to stay under control. Knuckles looks hurt that he was being rushed out as he threw on his clothes. The moon light comes out and Shadow knew it was too late. "AGH!" He yelped in pain. "Shadz? What's going on?!" Knuckles runs to shadow who pushes him away. "Get out leave you're not safe!" Shadow groan and falls to the floor. Knuckles watches in horror as his boyfriends body grows a bit bigger, nails sharpened, teeth grow to a point, and fur grows. Shadow had turned into a werehog and let's out a howl. "S-Shadz....." Knuckles muttered. The large beast sees Knuckles and slowly approaches him. Knuckles backs up the closer he got and falls back into the bed and was pinned down staring into hungry eyes. "S-Shadz! P-please d-don't eat me!" Knuckles's pleaded looking away. He felt shadow sniff him up and down and heard a certain growl. In a blink of an eye his clothes were shredded off and felt something large rubbing against his entrance. He managed to see a large throbbing red cock and his heart started racing as he about to be raped by shadow? His answer came quickly as the large cock enters him making him yell in pain. Shadow pounds the wolf cock faster in his mate ignoring the painful moans and tears coming from the echidna. Knuckles try's to stop moaning hoping it'll make him stop but it felt good and shadow was hitting his sweet spots fast and roughly. "Fuck! Why am I enjoying this?! And since when was shadow a werehog?! Fuck he's tearing me up!!!" Knuckles thought as he felt the big tongue lick his chest and neck. Knuckles didnt feel pain anymore now that his body adjusted to the size. Yet he was helpless as he laid there with his wrist pinned by large paws and legs pinned by shadows knees. Knuckles slips a pleasant moan making the ears flick and he pulled out. He tosses the red echidna on his stomach and slams back holding his hands behind his back with one paw and his hip with the other. Knuckles's eyes roll back and let's out harsh gasps and fucks as Shadow goes faster. He's in lustful bliss from being scared to enjoying this side of shadow. He felt his member throbbing inside and knew he was close. Shadow slams deep as he feels the hot seamen fill up his mate who moans and passes out when he pulls his member out. Shadow collapsed on the floor and the two fall into deep sleep.

The next morning shadow wakes up rubbing his head and sees shredded clothes on the floor and the foot of the bed. "Oh no please please tell me I didn't....." shadow slowly looks over the foot of the bed seeing Knuckles passed out and naked with dried cum around his ass and under him. "SHIT I FUCKING RAPED HIM!!!" Shadow felt guilt and cried silently thinking Knuckles is going to dump him for violating him and call the animal control to take him away. He felt a hand on his back and turns seeing purple eyes and red fur dangling off the foot of the bed. "K-Knuckles! I-I'm s-so sor-" he felt the echidnas lips and his cheek. "So when we're you gonna tell me about you being a werehog?" He smiled. "Y-your n-not mad?" "I was scared at first but it was still you and I oddly enjoyed the roughness and go to see a real wild side of you~" he winked. "Really?" "Yeah so maybe we can do that again on the next full moon~" "well then how about I show you how I can be wild without the full moon~ shadow smiled crawling on the bed and kisses him.

"Oh you know I would like to~"

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