Fathers' Day

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Once more let's bring something back from the old books. This one will be from the prince and the stablehand.

Today is Friday and I was looking forward to this weekend. Why? Because it was fathers day and it'll be our first one as fathers. Emilia is a year old now ever since we adopted her after knuckles sister and brother in law passed away. I saw my husband still asleep and heard Emilia waking up on the baby monitor. I turned the volume down and quietly got out of bed. I walked across the hall and there was our little girl standing up smiling. "Hey princess" I smiled and picked her up. I changed her diaper and got her dressed before heading down into the kitchen to make breakfast. "What should we make daddy for breakfast?" I asked her as I walked around the kitchen. Her eyes looked at the cereal boxes and I chuckled. "Ok cereal it is" I said and she clapped her little hands. I put her in her high chair and grabbed her favorite breakfast cereal. She plays with her cereal on the little tray making me smile. I laid out the bowls for me and knuckles before brewing up coffee which will wake him up soon. I also grabbed a card that I had bought from a secret compartment to sign it. I had one from Emilia I let her pick out. For a year old baby she's pretty smart. Yet she hasn't said her first words yet. "Good morning" I jumped and turn seeing Knuckles behind me. "Morning happy Father's Day" I smiled and we kissed. He walks over to Emilia who was screaming in joy seeing him making him laugh. "I didn't forget about you baby girl" he smiled and kissed her little head making her giggle. "So what's for breakfast?" He asked sitting down next to her high chair. "Emilia pointed to cereal so cereal" I said and he smiled. "Sounds good to me" he smiled at her. She grabbed one of her Cheerios and feeds some to knuckles who pretends to eat it since it was in her little fist. She really had became the best part of our lives. I poured our coffee into our mugs as knuckles gets the milk out. We enjoyed our meal, talked and laughed. Knuckles cleans up while I gave Emilia her bottle. "Ok baby girl drink up" I smiled. "Papa Shadz" she said and we froze. "Did she just..." knuckles began to say. "Papa Shadz...daddy" she said and we smiled.


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