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Shadow growls as he took shelter in a cave on Angel Island. He completely forgot about how bad the storms get on the floating island. He wanted to come visit the guardian but now finds himself shivering wet in the cold cave. He remembers his phone and pulls it out of his jacket only to discover his battery just died. "Fucking hell..." he grumbles. Hours past and the rain has yet to lighten up. "At this rate I'll never get out of this cave...." He thought a bit more dry but still cold. His ears perked hearing someone coming from behind and jumps up. "Shadz?" It was knuckles with a flash light. "Thank Chaos..." shadow smirked. "How did you find me?" "Well these caves are connected and when Rouge called asking if you made it to the island I started looking for ya knowing you taken shelter in one of the caves. Come on let's get you something warm to eat and dryer clothes." The echidna smiled. Shadow blushes at that smile and nods following him to a cave that lead to the echidna's house. "I see you made some upgrades" shadow said after they ran from the cave to the porch. "Yep pretty nice right" knuckles smiled and they enter the house. Shadow feels the rush of warm air making his body shiver for a few seconds before warming up. "Hey go on and take a shower in the guest room. It's the first door to your left. I get you some clothes." "Thanks knux" shadow said and hops into the shower. Knuckles walks into the guest room a couple of minutes later and placed some dry clothes for shadow and grabs the semi wet clothes to put into the washer. When shadow gets out and dries off he puts the clothes on and catches Knuckles's evergreen and lavender scent. "Chaos that scent~" he thought smiling but shakes it off. He couldn't think about knuckles that way knowing he's with sonic. "Lucky blue ass faker....." he growled to himself. Shadow walks to the living room where knuckles had just set down a hot mug of coffee. "Hey made you some coffee black with two Splenda right?" He asked and Shadow smiled nodding. "Yeah thanks" he said and sat down sipping on the hot beverage. "So I was thinking since the storm isn't going to let up for a day or two you mind staying the night?" Knuckles asked. "I don't think sonic would like his boyfriend having another guy with him in his home" shadow said taking another sip. "Actually ummm ex-boyfriend..." knuckles said and Shadow spits out his coffee then slams the mug. "ILL KILL THAT FAKER FOR BREAKING YOUR HEART!"
"Well sha—"
"Shadow I dump him!" Knuckles shouted and shadow froze.

"Say what now?"

He said now blushing a dark red and knuckles chuckled. "I dumped him because I didn't really love him as anything more than a friend. Hell we didn't even bother having sex. He agreed we were better off as friends so yeah no one is hurt by that and besides we haven't dated long so I'm definitely not hurt" the echidna said.
Shadow was now even more embarrassed and his heart was racing. "So you think my heart is pure and my eyes are enchanting Hm?" Knuckles smiled and sips on his tea as the ebony hedgehog slowly sinks into the couch. "Y-yes..." Shadow admits and finishes his coffee. "So mind telling me what else you think about me?~" knuckles flirts setting down his mug then shadows mug as he leaned closer. Shadow gulps seeing knuckles close to him and his heart was pounding so fast it might jump out of his chest. "Well?~" Knuckles smiled seductively getting on shadows lap. He felt the hedgehog getting hard and smiled. "Shadow you packing another gun?~" he asked the already flustered hedgehog. "Fuck it!" Shadow yanks the long red fur and shoves his tongue into the guard's mouth. The wet muscles play and wrestle for control but find to be evenly match. Shadow longed for this and wasn't going to let him go. He breaks the kiss and a string of drool connects their lips as they stared in each others eyes. "Wanna continue this in my bed?~" knuckles smiled. Shadow smiled and lifted him up pinning him to the wall and suck on his neck making him moan. "I'll take that as a yes~" the echidna purred. "You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment my Angel~" shadow said as he continued to kiss the red ones neck.

"Now Im going to make you mine and mine alone~"

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