
4.3K 55 21

Age: 14

Mamma:Natasha romanoff

⚠️tw: eating disorder, skipping meals fainting⚠️


"Good morning detka it's time for school!" I opened my eyes to see mamas pretty face which had a smile.

"good morning beauty!" She chuckled, she went out to give me some privacy and I went on going through my wardrobe to find clothes.
I found some baggy pants but I couldn't find my hoodie so I took my baggy pj shirt on and went downstairs.

"Anyone seen my hoodie I can't seem to find it??" I looked up from the floor to see them all confused.

"Why do you need a hoodie it's like a 100 degrees outside!" Aunt Wanda Looked just as confused as the rest.

"I just really need it please anyone?" I made my puppy eyes knowing they couldn't keep it together if they knew where it was.

"Ughh fine it's in my wardrobe!" Mamma said, giving completely in for my puppy eyes.

"Thank you Mama, love you!"I said storming off. I quickly found my hoodie in her room and grabbed it.
I changed into the hoodie and put the pj shirt in my room next to mamas.

I got downstairs fully clothed, hair brushed, teeth brushed, hairstyle check, backpack and all except for lunch.

"Ready for breakfast hun??" I shook my head.

"Sorry I promised mj that we could meet up early and discuss our presentation for science!" I acted guilty and grabbed a water bottle and an apple.

"See ya!" I yelled running out to the elevator, I quickly got down to first level and stormed out and to the school.
I met Mj as I was walking around.

"Hey loser what's up?" I asked and we got to the library where we sat down.
"Not much you??" I shrugged.
"Nothing except lying for my mamma which you are also a part of now!"I said to her.

"Great that is just great I have to lie to your scary ass mother!" I laughed at her statement.
Ned and Peter came, Ned smiled and Peter came over to me with a brown lunch bag.

"Y/n this is your breakfast and lunch your mom asked me to bring it!" I grabbed it and was about to throw it out.

"What no you can't do that, your mom always packs like yummy stuff like mini pizza's and waffles with you, give me that!" Mj exclaimed and grabbed my lunch bag.

"Oh well aslong as I don't have to eat it it's alright!" I shrugged and we went to the gym for out P.E lesson.
Our teacher had grown tired of us I guess cause we could do what we wanted.

I lid up like a little child when we were allowed to do pull ups on the new bars and we were also allowed to box.

"I bet I could beat yo ass Pete!" I said excited like a little child.
"Yeah sure whatever kiddo!" He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"I'm not a kid and I'm stronger than all of you combined!" I scoffed and walked away to the pull up bars.

I  started to do pull ups when I heard.
"You really do think you're as cool as your mom doesn't you, well I hate to break it to you but you're not!" I let go of the bar and turned around to face the noise.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now