stomach bug

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Age: 4

Mamma: scarlett johansson.


I went down to prepare y/n's lunch. She was going to kindergarten today. They grow up too damn fast. I can't believe it.

I packed an easy lunch for her, Mac and cheese, then I cut up some strawberries and some apples and a kiwi. I added little cartoon eye edible stickers onto them to make it a little edit more fun.

I put in a little cosmic brownie cause she loves those.

I heard some cries from  y/n's room and put the lid on the lunch box before rushing into her room.

I crouched down in front of her bed.
"Hi baby, what's wrong?" I asked and gently stroked the hair out of her forehead. She didn't feel warm.

"I threw up," she pointed to the pool off vomit on her sheets.
"Oh sweetheart, it's a sick day today, huh? Want to stay home with Mamma?" She nodded and cried some more.

"Mamma, my stomach hurts," she said, grabbing around her stomach.
I grabbed her duvet in a way so the vomit wouldn't run out. Then, I took it out and emptied the excess fluid into the toilet.

After that, I put them into the wash.
Y/n walked out of her room and into the living room.

I put on some wild Kratts.
I crouched down in front of her.
"Would you like some breakfast, honey?" She nodded and wiped her face.

"What would you like?" I asked, stroking her hair.
"Pancakes or cereal?" I asked to make it easier for her.

"Pancakes," she said, very focused on the TV. I giggled and left into the kitchen.

I quickly made some pancake batter with the pancake mix we had.
Then I made a few pancakes. One for her and two for me, then I made some for if she was snack hungry for Pancakes.

She never ate more than two, but often she could only eat one, especially if she was sick.
I poured her a cup of apple juice to keep her sugars and fluids up.

I placed it all on our little coffee table before egging to grab her a bucket if she was going to throw up again.

"Cuddles?" She asked as I sat down.
"Of cause, come here, sweetheart," she crawled into my lap.
I grabbed her plate of pancakes and handed her it along with some of our plastic cutlery.

"Thank you, mamma," she said and began slowly eating.
She was still cuddled up to me.

I hated when y/n was sick, not because I hated missing work, I rather enjoy it from time to time.

But because when she's sick, she's really sick. She will sleep for hours. Sometimes, she will sleep so much that I've had to shake her awake cause I quite honestly think she has died.

And her cries when she's sick is heart-wrenching.

After a while, she had stopped eating, though she was halfway through.
"Hey y/n?" I asked, but she moved and somewhat cuddled more up to me.

She was signaling that she was asleep, so I gently put her on the couch and put a blanket over her.

I turned down the volume on the TV and watched wild kratts while I ate some pancakes.

When I finished, I started cleaning a little and sanitizing everywhere.
Cause if you don't, you'll never lose the stomach bug.

So, I just started spraying sanitizer on every surface.
Just as I had finished spraying off the kitchen table.
I heard y/n cry from the living room, so I went inside.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now