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Y/n age: 13
Mamma: Natasha romanoff

⚠️transgender shouldn't be a trigger warning, so there isn't anyone ig, idk⚠️

Plot" y/n finds out the She is transgender and wants to be a boy!


"And where are you going?" I stopped dead in my tracks by the sound of my Mamma's voice.

"I uhh I was going out to the park for a walk, otherwise to the lake nearby you know the one with the ducklings!"I lied, and I know Mama now either could chose to not care where I was going, really, or care where I was going.

"First of all, you better get your lying right if you're gonna lie to me. Second of all, do you need money when you're at the mall?" I rolled my eyes and let out a little laugh. Mamma brought me in for a hug.

"I love you, my own perfect little daughter," I stiffened up. The word daughter, I just don't like it too much.

"Love you to ma, I think I got the money under control bye!" I said, parting from her and rushing out the door.

I walked around town until I found the hair salon. I checked the time and my appointment was starting in 10.
I walked to the front desk.

"Hi, what could I help with today?" I looked at the cool guy behind the counter.
"I like your hair it's amazing, oh, and your beard!" I said happily.

"Thank you, I am also really glad for my beard cause I didn't always grow beard naturally, I started growing it when I started on hormones!" He said happily, matching my energy.

Pp wish I had a beard like you and the same cool hair!" I said, smiling.
"Anyways, I have an appointment booked for y/n romanoff!" I said, he typed something in his computer.

"Ahh, Natasha romanoffs, perfect son, right yeah!" I smiled hearing the word son leave his mouth.

"Yeah, the others are busy right now, so I will take you to sit in that chair over there!" He pointed to an empty chair.
I walked over there and placed my butt in the chair.

He came over to me and put something around me, covering me from my hair.

"So what do you want, I mean, I could imagine you with some sort of shortish medium hair kind of, you know?" I smiled at him, his fingers ruffling through my hair, trying to show me the length.

"Yeah, you can do it, I like the idea of it!"I said with a smile plastered into my face.
He nodded and began cutting my hair.

"So, do you use a binder yet, or are you preparing for surgery?" It was almost like he knew I wanted to be a boy.

"I don't have a binder," I said, my tone low as a whisperer.
"Oh, then you are preparing for surgery?" He said, ruffling in my new cut hair.

I kind of looked like a boy now.
I shook my head.
"Anyone got makeup remover?" He got handed some makeup remover and cotton pads before he wiped it off of my face.

"So what do you use to bind then?" He asked. I took off the thing he put on me and lifted up my shirt to reveal plastic wrap.

"Dear boy, you can't use plastic wrap. It's not good for you!" He ruffled my hair.

"How much for the haircut?" I asked.
"You know what? It's on me this time, " He said.

"The manager is okay with it, i promise!"
He pointed to his sign where there stood
'Manager' I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you, it really means a lot for me," I whispered into the hug.
He hugged me back.

"Bye y/n," He said. I smiled and walked out. I saw a woman struggling with her bags. I went over to her and took a bag from her.

"Ah, thank you, and may I say you're a very handsome boy, you look just like my grandson!" I couldn't help but smile at her statement.

"Thank you!" After quite a walk, we were at her apartment. I helped her with the bags.

"Here's a 20. I don't have much, but I have this!" She handed me a 20 dollar bill.

"Oh  no, don't worry about it, you save it to when you need it, it was enough to help you, I got to go though bye!"

"Thank you and bye," I left and rushed home. I bumped into someone and quickly took my hood up.

"Oh hi mamma, what's up?" I chuckled nervous. Mamma reached out her hand to take down my hood.
I ducked away from her reach, but my hood fell down.

"I'm so sorry мама I'm so so sorry!" I said with tears starting to form in my eyes.  Мама "wrapped her arms around me.

"You look so pretty my own precious angel." Mama put her chin on my shoulder as we stood there hugging.

"Мама I want to be a boy!" I stated out of the sudden.

"Thank you for telling me, my own son!"  She said I smiled and hugged her tighter.

"Can I have a binder, Mama?" She smiled and ruffled my new cut hair.

"Well, yes, I can also get you hormones to you, and if you want, I'll even get you signed up for a gender reassignment operation!" I parted from Mama.

"Really?" She smiled "of cause anything for my son that I love with my whole heart. " I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"But you have to do one thing though." I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Tell the others that I now have a brave son, and they have an awesome nephew!" I chuckled and nodded.
I took on my hood again and went into the living room where I saw everyone gather for movies.

"Hey guys, y/n has a confession to make!"  All eyes went on me, I slowly took my hood down, revealing my new cut hair.

"My beautiful son here got his haircut, isn't that right?" I nooded.

"I got a nephew!" Uncle Tony asked.
"Yeah, you don't have a niece anymore. You got a nephew now!" They smiled, and Uncle Bucky went and hugged me tight.

Even with no dad, I still got the best family in the world.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now