what happened to my little baby girl- part 2

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Age: 19

Mamma: Scarlett Johansson
Step-dad: Colin

Roses age: 12
Cosmo's age: 5


"Hey, Rose, cosmo! Want some snacks for the movie?" I yelled from the kitchen.

Rose came into the kitchen.
"Momma, when is y/n coming home? We're watching her favorite movie, " That's sweet of them.

I picked up my phone.
"She should be home now?" I said mostly to myself. "Go put on another movie or just watch it through, I'll find something out about y/n and bring in some popcorn and a bag of chips or something alright?" I asked and kind of demanded.

"Okay ma, love you," she said and went to the movie room.
I grabbed my phone and realized y/n hadn't called even though it's 22:45, nearly eleven.

I called her phone but it went to voice-mail.
I put it aside for a minute and made popcorn.
I put popcorn and chips on a plate along with a bunch of other candies.

I grabbed the giant platter and went into the movie room.
I placed the platter on the little table.
It wasn't really a movie room, more of a cozy place with a really big screen.

"Hey, momma, scoot in," Rose asked.
I shook my head.
"No, I'm sorry, I'm just really tired," I said and turned around again.

I left and went out into the kitchen.
Colin was quickly out and turned me around and pulled me into him.

"Did anything happen to y/n?" He asked, caring. I shrugged. I couldn't speak. I felt silent.

A knock was placed on the door, and I quickly was there and opened the front door.

I saw Alex, her boyfriend, but no y/n.
He was in tears. Y/n's closest friend, Lauren wad there in tears as well.

"No, please," I said. I put my hand over my nose and mouth.
"Can we come in?" Lauren asked.
I nodded and put my face in my hands for a brief second.
I moved and they went inside.

I closed the front door and locked it.
They sat down at the dinner table.
I say down as well.

"Colin, please go and watch the movies with the kids." He nodded and placed a kiss on my cheek before he left.

"We don't know where y/n is," Lauren said. "We found her bag but no sign of, of y/n," Alex said, helping out Lauren.

"We called the police and explained the situation, but they wouldn't take us seriously," he also said. He had tears streaming down his face.
Lauren hugged him and let him cry on her shoulder.

"Do you guys want to spend the night? We can go down together on the police station and file a missing person's report tomorrow morning, then?" I asked. I felt a knot forming in my stomach.

"That would be nice," Alex said, wiping his face. Lauren nodded and smiled.
"A beer while we're at it?" I asked and got up to the fridge.

"No, thank you, I don't need to get more drunk." I giggled and grabbed some grapes.

"We're gonna crash in y/n's room." I nodded, and they left for her room.
I ended up falling asleep at the kitchen table, and my guess is that Colin lifted me to our room cause i woke up in a soft bed.

I even woke up in a soft pair of pajama pants and a soft t-shirt.
After a few seconds, I realized it was y/n's t-shirt.

Her favorite t-shirt, the one her uncle brought her, Milo Greene, with all signed autographs.
She loved the t-shirt, not because she was a fan of the band, because she liked the music, but because she loved her uncle.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now