run little girl, faster-tw

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Age: 12

Mamma: Natasha Romanoff


"Fuck Y/n!" I yelled. I dragged my feet faster and faster, to catch up to y/n. Something kept her from shooting me.

She was oblivious to the fact that I was her mother, yet she wouldn't shoot me.

Maybe I have to try in a harsh way?  Maybe I should use the words they taught me.

"Where are you going?" I asked y/n who stopped and looked at me.
"You haven't done the ceremony therefore you have no place in the world"

My breath hitched in my throat as she pushed down her pants to her bikini line, revealing a scar. She went through graduation already.

"I have a place in the world Natalia" her eyes were blank.

I moved towards her and shook my head lightly, I cupped her face.
"You stupid girl, you have no place in the world, no matter how hard you try, you'll never have a place in the world. That's what they make us, we'll never be anything but their servants"

I could see in her expression, that she wanted to tear up, but she knew she would be punished by dreykov.

"Please sweetheart, please remember me" I softly begged, tearing up myself.

I kissed her forehead.
"You have to remember me, you have to"

"You're Natalia Alinovna Romanova" I froze upon hearing my birth name.
"Your identity needs to be destroyed, you need to vanish off of this earth"

I shook my head, what would even be the point? What was the point of fighting back if she didn't know me?

"Then shoot me" I said and took a step back from her.
She raised her gun and pointed it at my head.

"Come on! Pull the trigger!" I raised my voice. Y/n stared into my eyes as her hand shook, she couldn't, she couldn't do it.

"One shot to the head and it's all over"

She lowered the gun.

"Tell me who I am" she begged with teary eyes.

I carefully grabbed the gun from her hand and threw it at the ground.
Then I softly placed my hands on her cheeks again.

"You are Y/n Django Francis Romanoff." Her eyes stared into mine.
"You're my daughter, and if this what you want, if you want to live in that torture-"

My breath hitched in my throat.

"Then that's your choice, but please, please, don't choose that" I said.
I heard a soft, small whimper so I softly kissed her forehead.

"I don't want to"

The one sentence I really wanted to hear.
"But I can't escape"

I wrapped my arms around her and whispered into her ear.

"Yes you can, you don't ever have to live in the red room again, I promise"
My shirt turned wet on my shoulder.

My pretty little girl is finally back, back to her mamma.

"I will keep you safe, I promise, even if I have to make it my life mission"
I softly whispered as I caressed her back softly.

"Y/n Django Francis Romanoff?" I nodded as she said her name.
"How old- how old am I?"

I could feel my heart shatter. She didn't even know her own name?

I was pulled out of my thoughts as some glass shattered and some red powder flew into the air, landing on y/n's face.

Her body stiffened as she pulled away.

"Mom?" I smiled and nodded.
She immediately wrapped her arms around me and sobbed.

"Shh it's okay, it's okay, mamma's here" I spoke and sat down with her.
I noticed some familiar blonde hair and a familiar face.

"I found aunt Yelena" I smiled and kissed her cheeks over and over again.
I laughed slightly as I cried.

"Are you okay baby? You're okay right детка?"

Y/n nodded so I stood up and rushed over to Yelena, hugging her.
"I'm sorry Yelena, I'm so so sorry" she hugged me back, tight.

"You have a daughter" she said and I nodded.
"I have a wonderful daughter and she has a wonderful aunt"

Yelena just stared at me as I put my hands against her jaw and gently stroked her cheek with my thumb.

Her small frown turned into a soft smile and her hands found my braid.

"You're still a braider I see" I let out a laugh and softly nodded.
She took off the elastic and undid my braid.

"You're still annoying I see"

She shook her head and ran her hands through my hair.
"You're prettier with your hair down"

Y/n ran over to us Wanda wrapped her arms around both of us. I laughed.

"I agree with Yelena" she softly whispered into the hug.


A/n: I'm sorry if this wasn't what you expected, but it was the best u could do

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now