monsters under the bed

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age: 3

mamma: Natasha romanoff

plot: Y/n finds monsters under her bed


"Mamma Mamma" I looked at the little red head crawling up into my bed.
"Hey детка what's up are you thirsty?" I heard muffled sniffles and looked over at my little precious angle crying.

"Hey hey Shh Shh what's wrong?" She made grabby fingers so I placed the book on my bed side table and took her up in my arms.
"Did you have a bad dream hun?" She shook her little head.

"Scary monster" she said crying.
"Was there a scary monster?" She nodded "bed" ahh monsters under the bed the good old monsters under the bed.

"Was there a scary monster under the bed?" She nodded so I stood up with her hiding in the crook of my neck.
We got to the kitchen where I grabbed a spray bottle with water that was labeled no monster spray.

"Do you want to make them go away?" She nooded so I placed her down. We walked into her room and I gave her the spray bottle.

"Spray on those monsters hunny!" She sprayed under the bed.
After a little while I tugged her in, when she felt asleep i stood up and closed her nigth light. I tip toed into my own room and went to bed. I heard her little snores making me calm down and fall asleep.

I woke up to the feeling off my shirt being pulled up. I rubbed my eyes and saw my precious little angel trying to get to my breasts. I grabbed the little body that was crawling around in my bed and took it off my own body.

"What's wrong princess?" I sat up and pulled my shirt back down.
"Monster scary" she started to cry again so i pulled her onto my lap.

"Is the monster bothering you again?" she nodded and wiped her  little face. "me sleep here" i chuckled lightly "you want to sleep in here with mamma?" she nodded trying to get my shirt up again.

"no we don't do that anymore, you're a big girl, big girls don't do that" she let go but put her head on the part of my belly that was showing after she pulled it up.

"mamma mwe twired" i laughed and laid down. "then go to sleep darling" i slowly stroked my finger along her nose  until she felt asleep, my own little trick to make her fall asleep.


requests are open!!! love you all

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now