only mine!

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Age: 2

Mommy: Elizabeth olsen
Dad: Robbie arnett

"Mama, Mama." I turned to see y/n waddling over to me with her older brother, jayden, in her hand.

"Yeah, what's up, baby?" I asked, crouching down.
I took off the yellow gloves and put them on the counter.

"Me marry Jayden," she said, jumping up and down.
"You're gonna marry Jayden?!" She nodded with the hugest smile she's ever had.

"Jayden has a wife, little one. He likes another girl," I said.
"No! JAYDEN ONLY MINE!" She cried and clinged onto his leg.

I looked up at jayden with a smirk.
"You're gonna be her husband whether you like it or not," I giggled.

"Well, who's a better bride than my little sister?" He picked her up and gently threw her up in the air, catching her again.

"Stop doing that. It gives me a heart attack," I said as I stood up.

Jayden is adorable with y/n, though he's 22 and working, having a successful business and a wife, he loves his little sister to death.

In the start, I only wanted jayden cause the pregnancy with him, I broke my back delivering him, and i was only 17 when i got him. But I got a little drunk with a guy, and I ended up in his bed that you can imagine the rest.

Robbie pays child support cause he wanted to. He wanted to be a part of her life.

Y/n doesn't go on the weekends, even though I was clear that I thought she should.

He comes to visit often though, and we're a lot closer.
"Well, you can't have a wedding without cake, and a pretty dress now, can't we?" I chuckled and tickled her stomach.

"And jayden, you better change into a suit," I said and gave him a little side hug.

"Hey, I should help pick out cake," He said. I giggled and put y/n down.
I grabbed my car keys.

"Come, are you ready?" I asked her, and she nodded.
"Come along," I said to jayden.

"Can you drive Jay?" He nodded, so I tossed him my keys.
I picked up my phone and texted Robbie to ask if he would come, cause it would mean a lot to y/n.
He gladly came.

"Emmy," I said excitedly and hugged her, Emmy or Amelia was Jaydens wife.
"Can I come help pick out the dress for the special dress?" Y/n came in and wanted to be picked up by her.

"Yeah, tag along. Come on," I giggled, and she carried y/n to the car.
We quickly got to the cake store.

"Hi, could we order a cake, I know it's last minute, but just a small cake that's decorated," I asked.

"Yeah, what's the event?" she asked.
"My daughter wants to get married to her big brother, so we're making a pretend marriage, and no wedding without cake, right?" I giggled.

"You're absolutely rigth, such a great memory to get," she said with a smile.
"So one layer and I will make it look like a dream," she giggled slightly.

"Can I maybe get a picture of your daughter and your son? I'm going to make the little figurines on the cake of cause you don't have to pay, I got the idea I'll pay, " she said.

"No, no, don't worry, it's alright, I wanna make it special for her," I smiled.
"Alright, what flavor?" She asked.

"Velvet, velvet!" Y/n squeked loudly.
"You okay with that, Jay?" I asked, turning around to him.

"Yeah, I love red velvet," he said and picked y/n up.
"That's the siblings, oh they're adorable," she said.

"Well, 60 dollars would be total, minus 10 for the figurines that would be, 50 dollars, and it's your lucky day, we have no request for custom cakes so it should be done in the next hour" she said with a smile.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now