my sunshine

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Age: 17

Mamma: Natasha romanoff
Dad: Bruce banner.


When i was five, i would peek my head through the little opening in the vents that i crawled through with my uncle Clint. Mamma would get mad at Clint for taking me to the vents.

She would yell so the whole tower could hear her.
I would cry so loud that my dad thought i was hurt.

When he realised that I wasn't hurt, just scared,  he would put me in his arms and gently rock me.

He would sing 'you're my sunshine' and stroke my hair. While i would calm down and fall asleep.

That trick worked until i was twelve
I would always fall asleep to him, singing my sunshine.

"Y/n what you thinking about love?"
I snapped my head towards Natasha.
"Nothing much," i said and hugged her.

"Is daddy alright?" I asked. He's been distant the last couple of days. After y/n got hurt on a mission, he's been down in his room in the basement.

"Yeah, he's eating and getting better. It's not your fault, you know that, right?" I nodded and gave her a light forehead kiss.

"Can I see him?" She nodded and followed me down to the basement.
I saw my dad in the room.
It sent a wave of shock through my body.

"Dad?" Suddenly, Bruce got angry and turned green.
He threw me across the room, making me hit the wall.

My body gracefully and flawlessly fell to the ground.
Natasha ran inside and grabbed her daughter out of there.

But I had other plans, i rushed into my dad's room, only to once again be thrown into a wall.
But he picked me up, the other guy reconised me.

Or at least, i thought. I was thrown exceptionally hard into the same wall.

I gently got up and looked the other guy into his eyes.
I reached out my hand and stood still.

He kneeled down and placed his hand in mine.
I gently approached the other guy.
When I was close enough, I gently put my hand on his neck as I couldn't reach his face.

He lifted me up so I could reach his face.
I grabbed his nose like he always did to me.

"You're my sunshine, my only sunshine," I began singing.
"You make me happy when skies are grey." I smiled and out my hand on his cheek instead.

"You'll never know, dear, just how much I love you." I fell to the ground as he transformed again.
I walked up to dad and put my forehead against his.

"So please don't take my sunshine," we sang together
I took a deep breath.
"Away," I gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you, darling," He said and squeezed me.
"Dad, you are dreaming, its all an illusion. I'm not alive, i died in that mission, didn't i?" I whispered.

"How does your mom do it?" I wiped his face with the sleeve of my shirt.
"She's mom, she will say 'I can do it' with a full face of tears." I smiled and chuckled.

"I'm sorry, dad, I have to go." I got sucked away by some kind of light energy.


I woke up, natasha still sleeping. She was sleeping in y/n's old T-shirt.
Y/n looked so much like her mom when she was alive.

I gently stroked her cheek.
Gently singing, "You're my sunshine," as I spooned her.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now