
2K 44 6

Age: 20

Mamma: Natasha romanoff

(Prob a little sad)


"Y/N!" I screamed as she hit the ground, and a horse hoof landed in her head.
"No no no no no!" I said loudly to myself.

I ran over to the entrance and caught her bewildered horse.
"Calm it, Debs," I said and patted her.
She quickly calmed down.

"I can take her," Stella said, grabbing her.
"Thank you, stells," I said and walked over to y/n.
She was quickly carried into an ambulance.

"Please, Mrs. Romanoff, she's gonna be in a lot of pain if she even wakes up on the way, and it's far from likely" like
An EMT worker said.

"I don't care. I want to go with my daughter," I said stern, they sighed and let me go sit in the passenger seat.
They definitely tried to keep me away cause if she woke up, she would be screaming in pain.

But sadly, she didn't wake up.
We got to the hospital, and I got placed in some room while y/n was being taken a CT.

When she came back, she was still unconscious.
"Mrs. Romanoff, I want to say that y/n might not be able to remember anything  if she wakes up and we fear to the amount of pressure from the horse hoof, the memory loss might be permant. We are not certain yet, but you need to know. " I nodded and grabbed y/n's hand.

The doctor left, and stella came in.
I stood up and walked over to her.
"How, are you feeling love?" I asked, removing her hair from her face.

"I'm good, just worried about y/n," she sighed.
I wrapped my arms around her and  kissed her forehead.

I sat down next to Stella.
"I have to warn you stells, she might not remember us when she wakes up," I said, making stella cry a little.

"Don't worry, love, she might remember you again, but if she doesn't, her heart will," I said and toom her hand.

"Will she never get her memory back?" Stella asked.
"Well, the doctors didn't know yet, but I know she will," I whispered and let Stella cry a little.

"How's Debs?" I asked. I'm trying to get off topic.

"She's fine, Mark got her home, and she was a lot calmer after a while," she said.
Mark was the best.
And seeing the pictures of Stella riding on her dad's shoulder as a chomd is the cutest.

I looked at y/n laying in bed.
But I noticed her leg move but one couldn't.

"Hey, hey, are you alright?" I asked. Shooting up from my chair and over to her other side.

"Where am I?"She asked.
"You're in the hospital, dear," I said, and she nodded.

Then she looked at Stella, and eyes full of love showed.
"You look pretty," she whispered.

"Thank you, love," her said widened.
I smiled and left them.

"Hey, nurse, patient y/n romanoff is awake," I said with a smile and went inside again.

Y/n was touching Stella's face, holding her hand on her cheek.

"Hello, I am doctor Jackson," she said and walked over to y/n.
"Can you tell me your name?" The doctor said.

Y/n looked around.
"I don't remember," she said.

"Alright, do you remember what happened?" Jackson asked.
Y/n shocked her head.

"Alright, you fell off your horse, and your horse accidentally hit your head.
You were unconscious for a couple hours, so we're glad you're finally awake. " Jackson smiled.

"Why can't I remember anything?" Y/n asked. Bless her soul.

"Well, due to your head concession, your brain has been in a traumatic episode, and it often makes you forget for a little time. So you will be able to remember some time again. " Jackson smiled.

"Thank you," y/n said, and Jackson left again.

"Your name is y/n Romanoff, you're 20 years old, you love horses, pasta bolgonaise, your mom and your girlfriend," Stella said.

Stella placed a kiss on y/n's lips.
Y/n's eyes widened.
"I love you," y/n mumbled.
"Thank you, baby," Stella answered.

"My heart remembers you, but my head doesn't." y/n frowned.

"My name is Stella, I'm your girlfriend. We used to go out on snack dates where we grabbed random snacks and saw a movie, remember?" Stella said.

"Who's she?" Y/n referred to me.

"That's your mom, Natasha. She loves you very much and was very worried about you," Stella said.

Y/n had a guilty look on her face, but it was very goof  disguised for many.

"Hey honey, it's not your fault you can't remember us, we still love you a lot," I said and grabbed her hand.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now