you're on your own(pt2)

987 38 19

Age: 17-18

Mom: Elizabeth Olsen
Dad: Robbie Arnett


I sat in the living room in grandma's house. I had stopped crying now and I was just waiting on my boyfriend, Oliver.

Dad sat next to me, his hand on my belly, it was a bit annoying but at least he supported my decision.

Oliver and his mom came into the house, he did have his own car, own apartment and he did have a driver's licence but I guess his mom wanted to show me she supported me or something.

He's not rich rich, but he's definitely not a regular college student either.

"I couldn't stop her I swear"

I giggled and stood up to hug his mom, who squeezed me to death.
"You're moving in with my son he has no choice"

I giggled and looked at Oliver who just nodded happily.
Dad hugged me and kissed my head.

"You're too big already, so old, stop growing up"

He chuckled and squeezed me.
It felt like those cartoon hugs where the eyes pop out and the head turns bright red.

"I got a new apartment and it has an extra Ron that we can make into nursery and children's room"

He grinned at his accomplishment and kissed me.
He then grabbed my hand and led me to the car.

Dad followed behind us with his mum in his car.
We quickly got to his new apartment and my jaw fell to the floor.

"That is huge, how did you pay for it"

"Well my mum gave a bit, my grandparents each gave a bit and I saved up since we started dating"

He showed me inside, opened each door, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a kitchen and living room that was together in the same room.

"Oliver this is huge"

He grinned and nodded.
He opened a room and showed that he had already set up a couple things for a nursery.

There was a dresser with a changing table, and next to it was another dresser where inside the drawers there were labels with diapers, wipes, etc.

"Ollie, you bought so much already"

I wiped the small happy tears from my cheeks.
He softly hugged me and kissed my head.

"We need to fill the room up a bit more before the little one comes, but yeah, and the dressers can always be changed out or re-painted"

I laughed while my hand was covering my mouth.
Dad and Oliver's mom, Melissa, came up.

He stared at me in shock and I nodded, I hugged him tightly while Oliver talked with his ma.

"If you want me to I'll be happy to get an apartment nearby and help you with my grandbaby"


I mumbled and dad nodded, I hugged him tightly and he kissed my head.

"Thank you, thank you a lot"

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now