this wasn't my fault-tw

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(part two of 'no way in hell this is on you')

Age: 13-14(idk)

mamma: scarlett Johansson 
step-dad: colin Jost

dad: ryan reynolds(not goslin author you stupid ass)
step-mom: blake lively

(Disclaimer, I do not know Ryan and Blake's fourth girl's name so you gotta live with It)

TW: panic attack. Mentions of 'abuse' in the form of choke, self harm.


Mom softly squeezed my hand as we walked into the school. The only reason i'm going here today is to get my things out of my locker. I catched a glimpse of Mr. terrence or well his brother, symmetrical twin. I felt my chest tightening as i ran to the bathroom. 

my cheeks turned wet as tears streamed down them in an uncontrollable speed.

I coughed as I choked on my tears and mom's loud knocks sounded on the stall I was in.

"No no no no"

It was on repeat. That night, I couldn't get it out of my head.
That night, his voice, his words, his touch.

The way he choked me and blindfolded me.
The way he called me his little doll.
The way he kissed me when I begged him to stop.

"Y/n, honey, I know you're scared, i know sweetheart. But he isn't here I promise."
My hand moved to my throat to softly trace where his hands had been.

I saw mom sitting down on the other side and reach in her hand so I could take it if I wanted.

"I know this won't help shit, but just know that I love you and you can always talk to me okay? Hm?"

My breathing slowed down as I grabbed mom's hand.

"What you've been through it's not fair. At all and it's not your fault, it will never be your fault."

I sniffled and unlocked the door.
I coughed again as I opened the door and hid my face in the crook of her neck.

She softly kissed my head and rubbed my back softly.
We stayed like this for a while until I had calmed down.

"Ready to go grab your stuff? Or do you just want to go home?"

I just nodded and stood up.
Mom laughed and stood up with me and grabbed my hand.

We quickly got my things out of my locker and then went back home.

I grabbed my backpack but threw it out. Mom had found a letter written by Mr Terrence in that bag.

I used to love that bag.

My door opened and dad came in. Blake was standing behind him with my youngest sister in her arms.

She came when the trial began.

"You ready to go chicken wing?"

I giggled lightly and grabbed some of the pictures of my friends, rose and Cosmo and of mom and Colin.

I had everything else in Canada.
I softly nodded and followed them out.

Mom stopped me before I could leave the house.
"I love you my sweet precious girl"

She softly kissed my head and hugged me tightly.
Once she let go I was hugged by rose and Cosmo.

I feel bad for leaving them but it's probably what's best plus I'll be here for Christmas so it won't be too bad.

(Time skip cause quite frankly I have no idea how to write an airplane scene or like a super emotional scene. Hihi 🤭 it's like a week later or smth)

I quickly hid my blade as my door opened. I looked at Blake in fear as her eyes diverted to my arms and wrists.

She immediately stopped James from running into my room and walked in closing the door behind her.

She went to my bathroom and got a med kit. Why couldn't she have said something? What if she's disappointed!

She sat down on the bed in front of me starting to clean them.
"Blake I-"

She looked up at me with teary eyes.

"It's okay"

Her voice was soft like cotton candy and sweet like it too.
I bit my lip as she used the anti bacterial wipes.

"Sorry I know it stings"

Once she had cleaned my wrists, she put bandages on it and kissed both my arms.

I frowned a bit as Blake grabbed my hands.
"Honey, I don't blame you for anything. Okay?"

I wipe my face. Blake's soft hands cupped my face.
"We're going to talk to your dad about it okay and maybe your mom"

I shake my head and wipe my face but she just kissed my head and hugged me.

"We have to tal-"

"Hey honey. Your mom called and told me something"

He looked down at my arms and then back into my eyes.
"Give me the blades please."

I grab the blades and hand them over.

(Time skip cuz idk what other to do:-)-{----[ )

I grabbed my diary and pondered on what to write. My therapist asked me to keep a diary until Christmas.

She has helped me a lot to get myself to accept that it wasn't my fault and that Mr Terrence was to blame, always.

{Dear diary.
Today I thought a lot about cutting.  I have felt a lot of guilt recently, about the incident. I guess I've been feeling disgusting lately. I still feel his touch on my body and still hear his words in my ears.

I don't know how to talk to my dad about it. He's so busy with my siblings and so is Blake.

Mom isn't in Canada, she's in Manhattan. Cause that's where she lives.

I however met Taylor swift yesterday. Again. I met her once when I was little, I was maybe like 9. She's apparently a good friend of Blake's.

She was really nice and respectful.
Even if I told and when I told her that I wasn't really comfortable with hugs anymore. She asked me before hugging me or touching me or shaking my hand.

I however got a picture with her. I haven't heard much of her music, maybe I should start?

I think that was all.

Love y/n.

Ps: I am starting an online school next week. I'm excited but also worried. I know it won't be the same snd I will be here at home all the time but that's okay}

Dad came in.
"Hey Taylor and the little ones are making a karaoke. Wanna join?"

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now